Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 253 Unexpected Disaster

"As for Qin Qing, not to mention, there are countless admirers in the sect. The late-stage foundation-building monk next to her named Kang Wenxuan is one of Qin Qing's many suitors. This person not only has an exaggerated talent for cultivation, but also He also possesses dual-grade spiritual roots. I heard that he failed to build a foundation in the heavenly way many times and spent three top-grade foundation-building pills. The last time he was a little eager for quick success and quick success damaged his foundation, so he had no choice but to choose the ground-building method."

"The most important thing is that this person is the biological son of the headmaster of Taiji Sect. The headmaster of Taiji Sect usually loves him very much, and Qin Qing is a close disciple of the headmaster of Taiji Sect. The two of them can be said to be childhood sweethearts. I heard that He is also the one who has the best chance of capturing Qin Qing’s heart.”

"Not to mention anything else, the headmaster of Taiji Sect has tried his best to train Qin Qing, and even has the idea of ​​​​making her the next generation of righteous helmsmen in the future. Even if Qin Qing has no intention of all the male monks in the sect, he will never agree to Qin Qing being used by other sects. The monk abducted him."

"So Junior Brother Ye...although beauty is good, it is the easiest to attract hatred. In the next competition, Junior Brother will probably be taken care of, but don't worry, Senior Sister will do her best to protect you."

Ye Lin looked a little weird when he heard this, and even Song Lingtian also looked a little weird.

It's hard to tell that Senior Sister Han Lingyue, who looks cold on the outside, has such a gossipy heart hidden inside. Maybe all girls have a little bit of gossip.

Ye Lin smiled bitterly and said: "Senior Sister Han is just joking. It is an unreasonable disaster. Both Miss Shangguan and Miss Qin Qing do not have such a complicated relationship with Junior Brother. They are just ordinary, pure and friendly friends of the opposite sex with a little friendship. "

Han Lingyue was thoughtful after hearing this.

"Then senior sister has a question for you. Why can't so many male monks form ordinary, pure and friendly opposite-sex friendships with Shangguan Wei and Qin Qing?"

"And no matter how you look at it, becoming ordinary friends is a necessary step to becoming the person you love. Even if Junior Brother Ye has no intention of doing so now, it is still a quite terrifying threat to the suitors of the two fairies."

"Junior Brother Ye may not understand that when a man pursues a woman, he will be wary of or even hostile to every ordinary friend of the opposite sex around her!" Han Lingyue chuckled twice.

Ye Lin was slightly stunned, and was immediately speechless by Han Lingyue. At the same time, he felt a headache about the current situation.

Ye Lin thinks that in order to avoid all kinds of jealousy troubles, he is vigilant enough and never goes out to flirt with women. He has a very pure relationship with all the beautiful monks except his senior sisters, and he has never taken advantage of them. .

But he didn't expect that even being ordinary friends with the peerless fairy would attract the hostility of so many male monks.

"It seems that many times, men are really more sensitive than women. Damn it, I can't go out, I can't make a friend, I can't say a word, I can only continue to strengthen my own strength, and I can stop the soldiers. Water comes and earth covers, if anyone looks unhappy with me, I will beat him to death!"

Although Ye Lin is stubborn, he is not timid when facing some inevitable troubles.

You can't stay mute or blind all your life just because you don't want to cause troubles that you have and don't have. Then what's the point of cultivating an immortal? You still need to have the necessary social relationships.

After hearing this, Song Lingtian glanced at Han Lingyue in surprise. He didn't expect that Han Lingyue had such a strong insight into human nature. There were many subtleties that he usually ignored.

Han Lingyue looked at Ye Lin with some pity. She believed that Ye Lin would never have an easy time in the next competition. She could still help in the team battle, but in the individual battle, Ye Lin could only ask for more. Blessed.

According to the rules of the competition, Ye Lin must fight one of the participating monks from Taicang Sect and Taiji Sect in the individual battle, and there is a high probability that he will draw lots to draw the person who is hostile to him.


At this moment, a melodious, loud, and penetrating bell suddenly sounded from Qianyuan Peak. All the monks who were still talking to each other looked towards the sky above Tai Chi Square.

"The time has come. Please be quiet for a moment and allow me to say a few words about this battle for territory!"

A loud, majestic voice fell from the sky.

Immediately, I saw a Jinghong fly out of the clouds, and soon arrived at the highest position in the VIP area, the most luxurious throne. Then Jinghong transformed into a man wearing a golden Tai Chi robe, with slightly white temples. He is a tall, middle-aged monk with a whisk in his hand, an immortal spirit and a strong sense of self.

All the monks under the pill formation bowed and saluted.

"I've met the headmaster."

"I have met Master Haoyuan."

This Zhenren Haoyuan is the leader of the contemporary Righteous Path Alliance and the Supreme Master of the Tai Chi Sect. His cultivation has reached the Great Perfection stage of the Alchemy Formation, and he is one step away from the Nascent Soul.

The monks above the pill formation bowed their hands to Master Haoyuan.

Master Haoyuan smiled, slightly cupped his hands in all directions, and glanced at all the monks.

"It is my Taiji Sect's great fortune that all fellow Taoists can come to Tai Chi Sect to watch this battle for territory. I, on behalf of Tai Chi Sect, welcome every fellow Taoist to come."

"The battle for territory has been going on for a long time. It not only determines the mortal territories of the three sects, but also determines the places in the Dragon-Seeking Secret Realm. Its importance is self-evident."

"In the following competition, I will watch the game with all the fellow Taoists. At the same time, the headmaster of Taixuan Sect, fellow Taoist Xuandao, and the headmaster of Taicang Sect, fellow Taoist Cangming, will also watch the game together to supervise me. In order to ensure the fairness of this competition, I would like to invite two fellow Taoists.”

As soon as Master Haoyuan finished speaking, two more stunning figures flew down from the clouds at a very fast speed, transforming into a middle-aged cultivator with slightly white temples, wearing a Taixuan Sect robe, and a middle-aged female cultivator with waist-length black hair, a veil on her face, and wearing a Taicang Sect robe.

Tens of thousands of people hurriedly saluted again.

"Meet Master Xuanyi."

"Meet Master Cangming."

Although Ye Lin had long known that the head of the Taicang Sect was a female cultivator, it was the first time he saw Master Cangming in person, and he couldn't help but look at her curiously.

Because Master Cangming was wearing a veil, it was hard to tell whether she looked old, but her black hair was like a waterfall and her figure was graceful. From these features, she looked like a woman in her thirties in the mortal world, but this woman exuded a faint pressure, which made people dare not raise any offensive thoughts.

Master Xuanyi and Master Cangming also bowed to the crowd, and then sat down on a seat slightly lower than Master Haoyuan's throne.

Master Hao Yuan said loudly: "Now that the three sects' masters have gathered, we can start the territory drawing ceremony according to the competition process. Fellow Taoists, please witness the creation of the contested area together!"

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