Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 252 Tai Chi Plaza

While thinking, Ye Lin walked to the door of Wang Hufa's cave.

He thought he had arrived relatively early, but when he arrived, he saw Song Lingtian and Han Lingyue waiting at the door of the cave.

Han Lingyue still found some topics to chat with Song Lingtian. Song Lingtian did not seem to have any bad feelings towards Han Lingyue, a fairy with excellent qualifications, good looks and good strength. It seemed that the atmosphere was not awkward.

Han Lingyue did not know that she had been ruthlessly "betrayed" by Song Lingtian, whom she deliberately tried to please. Today, she was forced to change from the main position to Ye Lin's auxiliary position.

Seeing Ye Lin coming, the two smiled at Ye Lin, and Ye Lin smiled back.

Just at this time, the door of the cave opened, and Wang Hufa, who had white hair and beard and a fairy-like appearance, dressed more solemnly than ever before, slowly walked out of the cave.

He stroked his beard and smiled at the three people.

"Let's go too. Maybe the other two sects' participating teams have already arrived at Qianyuan Peak."

As he said that, Wang Hufa waved his sleeves, and a brush quickly grew to three feet long.

"Come up."

The four figures flashed, and they landed steadily on the brush.

It can be clearly felt that this brush is a very precious and top-grade spiritual weapon. It is estimated that it is only one step away from transforming into a magic weapon.

Of course, if you want to break through this step, there are thousands of difficulties and dangers, just like a cultivator who has reached the great perfection of foundation building breaking through the Danjie realm.

After the four people stood firm, the huge brush immediately turned into a white stream of light, carrying Ye Lin and others into the sky, at an incredibly fast speed. Ye Lin only felt the whistling wind in his ears. After a moment, it had already flown over the Tai Chi Square of Qianyuan Peak, and the speed slowly dropped.

Ye Lin looked down and saw that the Taiji Square was about a thousand feet long and wide, with a fighting platform in the middle that was more than a hundred feet long and wide. The fighting platform was made of black iron ore, which was extremely tough and gray-black in color.

This Taiji Square was not as flat as he imagined, but a basin shape, with high surroundings and low center, which was the most conducive structure for spectators to watch the game.

There were several areas around the square.

They were Taixuanmen District, Taijimen District, Taicangmen District, Sanxiu Sect District, Fanchen District, and VIP District. Each different area was managed by Taijimen disciples, and different credentials were required to sit down and watch the game.

Among them, the Taijimen District was the largest, accounting for half of the total viewing area.

Although it was not yet Sishi, Taiji Square was already crowded with people, as dense as ants, standing in different viewing areas. Ye Lin had also participated in the rookie disciple exchange competition, but its scale was completely incomparable to the battle for territory.

Wang Hufa led Ye Lin and the other two to slowly land in the preparation area of ​​Taixuan Sect. Behind the preparation area of ​​Taixuan Sect was the viewing area of ​​Taixuan Sect.

Seeing Ye Lin and the other two arrive, many of the monks from Taixuan Sect who were watching the game exclaimed excitedly, and many of them showed fanaticism, obviously very excited.

In other viewing areas, there was a lot of booing, and many people began to discuss in a low voice.

"Tai Xuan Sect has really reached the end of its rope. It actually sent two disciples who had just established their foundation to participate in the competition. Even though Song Lingtian has established his foundation in the Heavenly Dao and Ye Lin was once known as the best in Qi training, the participating cultivators from other sects are all gifted children with much higher cultivation than them. It seems that Tai Xuan Sect will be at the bottom of the list again in this competition, and will give away another state."

"Apart from anything else, Song Lingtian is really handsome, with impeccable temperament and appearance. That iceberg beauty fairy is also very good, an excellent beauty. As for Ye Lin, why does he look ordinary, which is very different from the rumors."

"I heard that this person failed to succeed in the Heavenly Dao foundation many times, so he had to settle for the second best and chose the Earthly Dao foundation. In my opinion, he is likely to be just a flash in the pan, and no one will remember him in a few decades."


Ye Lin did not pay attention to the discussions around him, but looked at the other two preparation areas not far away with some curiosity.

On his left was the preparation area of ​​Taicang Sect, and on his right was the preparation area of ​​Taiji Sect.

At this time, there were four people standing in both preparation areas, one of whom was a late Jindan cultivator, and the other three were foundation-building cultivators, obviously the leaders of this competition and the three participating cultivators.

When Ye Lin looked at the preparation area of ​​Taicang Sect, he happened to see the three participating cultivators of Taicang Sect looking in their direction. Among them, Shangguan Wei smiled at him, and the other two were two young male cultivators, with great momentum, showing him a rather provocative look.

Ye Lin looked at the preparation area of ​​Taiji Sect again, and saw that the participating cultivators of Taiji Sect were also looking at them.

Ye Lin was not surprised by this, after all, they would be opponents next, and they would definitely not miss this opportunity to observe each other.

Ye Lin saw a familiar figure in a green long skirt at first sight, it was Qin Qing standing tall.

After Qin Qing established her foundation in the Heavenly Dao, her temperament did not seem to have changed. She still looked gentle and kind, but if you carefully sensed her, you could feel that her magical power was unfathomable and she was definitely not a weak woman who was easy to bully.

As their eyes met, Qin Qing smiled at Ye Lin kindly.

Although the two of them were about to fight for the sect's territory, from a personal perspective, Ye Lin and Qin Qing had fought together many times and could be considered friends.

The participating cultivators standing next to Qin Qing were a man and a woman.

Among them, the handsome male monk who had reached the late stage of foundation building seemed to see Qin Qing and Ye Lin smile at each other, frowned slightly, and cast an unkind look at Ye Lin. As for the female monk, His eyes were extremely sharp, as if he wanted to penetrate Ye Lin's body and see him thoroughly.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, looked calm. No matter whether these opponents were kind or malicious towards him, he always had a smile on his face. He seemed to be harmless and easy to bully.

Han Lingyue beside her saw Shangguan Wei and Qin Qing, two peerless fairies, smiling kindly at Ye Lin, and her curiosity suddenly aroused. She specifically whispered: "I can't believe that Junior Brother Ye is so popular with women. However, this It’s not necessarily a good thing.”

"Shangguan Wei is usually aloof and aloof. Her fellow disciples can't even say a few words to her. Even if the two male cultivators have no love for Shangguan Wei, it is very important for Shangguan Wei to be close to Junior Brother Ye, a member of the outside sect. It is a consensus among the three sects that it will harm their face. After all, the wealth does not go to outsiders. Although the three sects seem to be very friendly, there are very few high-level monks who marry and become Taoist couples. "

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