Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1187: The Pressure of the Ancestral Dragon

Feeling the tremendous pressure brought by Ye Lin's side, some of the Yinjiao Palace integration stage monks directly proposed to retreat. Even if they were defeated in this battle, the risk for them was not as great as continuing to hold on.

But how could the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace agree, he said angrily.

"Bold, you actually dare to murder this holy son!"

Once he retreats, he will be the main person responsible for this defeat. As long as he loses his position as the Holy Son, I don't know how many former enemies will beat him up. His end may be worse than death.

The Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace cannot retreat no matter what.

The monk in Confucian shirt said coldly: "At this time of internal strife, do you think our enemy is not strong enough? Why not burn the source of your soul and fight to the death? If there is no hope of defeating the enemy, we will retreat directly and accept defeat. ”

The Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace's heart sank and he became more and more panicked.

"What will you do with the Holy Son when you retreat?"

The monk in Confucian shirt said: "At that time, we can only wrong His Royal Highness the Holy Son. We will capture you and hand you over to the temple, and we can still make amends!"

When the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace saw the other twenty-two people showing stern looks, he was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

"You, if you rebel, you will all plot to kill this Holy Son!"

Another bald, muscular mid-level monk sneered.

"The Holy Son who wins the battle is the Holy Son. The one who loses the battle is just a useless scapegoat!"

The middle-stage sea serpent fusion monk with a graceful figure and a forked tongue smiled kindly.

"Don't be afraid, Your Majesty the Holy Son. Things haven't reached that point yet. If we burn the source of the soul together and kill the enemy, all problems will disappear!"

"Wang Changsheng himself and his two Taoist companions are all people with great secrets and great opportunities. If we capture them, it will be a great achievement. It is ten times greater than the achievement of conquering the little Meirenbei clan!"

The Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace was forced to calm down, but his hands and feet were still cold and his body was trembling slightly.

"Take it, take it, in the next battle, this Holy Son will definitely use all his trump cards!"

Seeing that the others nodded in agreement with the next battle plan, the Holy Son of Yinjiao Palace gritted his teeth and issued the order.

"Everyone burns their origins and unlocks the secret method!"

Twenty-three people made their secrets at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!

Balls of blazing crimson flames erupted from their bodies, and everyone's aura surged. For a moment, all the approaching magic attacks turned into nothingness, top-grade Taoist weapons exploded one after another, and low-grade treasures buzzed and trembled.

Feeling that the pressure was suddenly reduced, the twenty-three people no longer tried to destroy the formation at their feet. Instead, they turned into twenty-three rays of flame and rushed towards Ye Lin at extremely fast speeds.

Along the way, even Xiaobai's Star Chasing Sword was beaten back by the three fused monks, unable to exert its powerful power.

Seeing this scene, Queen Meirenbei and Elder Meirenbei's faces changed slightly, but they calmed down when they saw that Ye Lin was not panicked at all.

Since Ye Lin had made a plan, he must have considered early that the enemy would activate all the secret techniques and unleash unimaginable strength.

He should, maybe have a way to deal with it.

"How about we burn our roots and fight with them!"

Ye Lin just shook his head.

"Even if we burn the source, we can't defeat them head-on!"

The light black flying boat that was still slow under its feet suddenly burst out with dazzling light again, carrying a boatload of people and shooting out, trying to distance itself from the pursuers.

Ye Lin's long-range attack ability is indeed pretty good, but if he is approached by these more than 20 fusion-stage monks, he is afraid that he will be seriously damaged in just one breath.

These are three mid-level monks holding low-grade treasures. As long as they are hit by the attack, no one on Ye Lin's side can resist it.

As the flying boat transformed by Xiao Lan began to accelerate, most of the twenty-three early-stage integration monks were pulled away from each other. Only three mid-stage integration monks were chasing after them, and they were getting closer and closer.

Ye Lin ordered.

"Next, we just need to join forces to block the approach of these three people. We have a boatload of people to stop the three of them. Even if they burn life energy like crazy, it will be more than enough!"

It turned out that Ye Lin used Xiao Lan to accelerate and pull, directly dividing the enemy formation into two sections. The front section was composed of three mid-stage integration monks, and the ones behind were naturally twenty early-stage integration monks.

Boom boom boom!

Everyone launched an attack again, and seemingly endless spells began to block the approach of these three people. The three mid-level monks who burned the origin of their souls like crazy were also extremely powerful. They each used their magical powers, and a series of explosions were heard in the starry sky. Various offensive spells were shattered before they even got within a thousand feet.

Seeing that Ye Lin's party had little effect on the three people, and the three of them still quickly closed the distance, Ye Lin chuckled.

"Now that my opponent is starting to fight hard, he can only show more of his cards!"

I saw him making a secret with one hand, and a dazzling golden light suddenly shone all over his body.

Ho ho ho!

A huge golden dragon ten thousand feet long appeared behind Ye Lin, and the terrifying aura of the ancestral dragon burst out. All the water demons felt that at this moment, their magic power was stagnant and not functioning smoothly.

The water monsters in the world are led by the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan in the world worship the Ancestral Dragon!

The dragon's pressure alone can suppress the water demon of ordinary blood, and Ye Lin is close to the ancestral dragon in a solid state. The ancestral dragon's body is also wrapped in purple-red lightning, and the lightning releases the aura of heavenly tribulation.

Its breath suppressing ability is countless times more powerful than that of a real dragon.

Since the Silver Dragon Palace monks have recognized Nangong Lingyue's true identity, Ye Lin no longer needs to hide the Ancestral Dragon Transformation, after all, he had used this move in the Haoze Sea.

In the horrified eyes of all the water monsters on both sides.

A blue-red light flashed, and the huge Ancestral Dragon's claws grasped the wind and fire feather fan that had grown countless times larger, and swung it fiercely at the three people!


The explosion sounded like a continuous bombardment of thunder, and the boundless and terrifying fire tornado swept out, covering 10,000 miles and 100,000 miles in the blink of an eye...

It enveloped the three fusion-stage monks of the Silver Dragon Palace who were chasing them and the 19 fusion-stage monks behind them, and the three people in the front were at the core of the fire tornado.

If there was no suppression of the Ancestral Dragon's breath, they could exert their full strength. So many fusion monks were enough to easily disperse this extremely terrifying fire tornado, but they were suddenly suppressed and their strength could only be exerted to 80% of the original.

For a moment, they were swept by the fire tornado and could not help themselves. Two of the early stage fusion cultivators were caught off guard and their bodies turned into fireballs on the spot, leaving only the soul covered by the soul fire still struggling.

In the chaos, a star sword light sank into the fire hurricane.

Puff puff puff!

Three blood marks appeared on the eyebrows of three weaker early stage fusion cultivators. The soul covered by the soul fire had been divided by the sword energy.

The unobstructed moonlight shone, covering the soul without the protection of the flesh...

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