Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1186 Passive beating

While speaking, another star sword flashed, easily penetrating through the layers of defense, leaving a bloody mark on the forehead of one of the mid-stage fusion cultivators.

The man's expression froze instantly, and there was only fear in his eyes. His soul had been split into several pieces, and the power of this sword was even greater than the previous one.

Not only the Saint of the Silver Dragon Palace, but everyone showed fear at this moment.

The fusion cultivator dressed in a Confucian robe shouted loudly.

"Don't attack the formation anymore, defend against their attacks, otherwise, we will soon be broken through one by one and all be killed!"

The Saint of the Silver Dragon Palace finally reacted from the fear.

"Yes, yes, defend, wait until the souls of these two people are re-condensed, our combat power has not lost much!"

Since entering the stage of transformation, even if the soul is chopped and severely damaged, it can still consume the soul source to re-condense. At the same time, the soul is between illusion and reality. In the mortal world, it can continuously break through the air and teleport, and in the spiritual world, it is more flexible. This is also the main reason why high-level cultivators are difficult to kill after the transformation of the soul.

Although the two people's souls were shattered by the Star Chasing Sword, it cannot be said that they have been killed. As long as the subsequent defensive power is sufficient, they can continue to fight when their souls are recondensed.

Since entering the Out-of-Body Stage, the fighting power of the Nascent Soul and the soul will not decrease after leaving the physical body, but they have lost the protection of the physical body.

At this moment, two particularly dazzling moonlights fell from the sky, passing through the heavy protection, but in the end, the dim moonlight still shone on the two souls that were split by the Star Chasing Sword.

For a time, the efficiency of the two split souls to recondense was greatly reduced, and the surface of the soul was stained with a layer of dim blue ice crystals...

This is their souls being slowly sealed by the moonlight!

Nangong Lingyue's impact on the fusion stage cultivators in their prime is minimal, even negligible, but once the physical body is damaged and the soul is destroyed, it is completely different.

This scene made all the transformation stage cultivators of the Silver Dragon Palace tremble with fear, and some fusion early stage cultivators even cried out in fear.

"This is, this is the descendant of the Moon God Clan!"

"I understand, I understand, these are the people that the Ouyang family requested the temple to arrest, they came out of the exile land in the Wind and Fire Jedi!"

"Damn, this descendant of the Moon God Clan is only a mere mid-stage Return to Void cultivation, how could the penetrating power of this moonlight be so strong!"

Since Nangong Lingyue became Ye Lin's Taoist partner, his cultivation has not increased rapidly to break through the late stage of Return to Void, but he learned the "Immaculate Holy Body Art" from Xiaobai, and his bloodline has become purer, so the power of his innate magical powers has greatly increased, and he will definitely advance the Haoyue Body to the Moon God Body in the near future.

As Nangong Lingyue's innate magical power increased, her strength in all aspects was also increasing. If it was before, it would be difficult for her to affect the broken Yuanshen under heavy protection, but now she is casting spells with all her strength, she can already make a little impact.

The Moon God Clan was once one of the top races in the spiritual world, and her bloodline is at the same level as the ancient demon god, so it is naturally very terrifying.

Seeing that these two Yuanshen were gradually sealed by Yuehua, everyone's face turned pale.

They had hoped that as long as they could resist the attacks of Ye Lin for a while, the two would be able to recover their fighting power. Now it seems that they were wrong.

Next, as long as the soul is broken, it will be no different from being killed directly.

For Ye Lin, it is not a big secret that he came out of the exile in the Swamp Sea. After all, no one in the Swamp Sea knows his true identity, so there are not many hidden dangers for Nangong Lingyue to attack with all his strength.

Boom, boom!

Around the remaining 23 fusion-stage monks of the Silver Dragon Palace, it seems that endless defense methods have been condensed, including ice walls, earth walls, wind walls, fire walls, giant shields, giant mountains...

At the same time, powerful lights are emitted from various defense methods from time to time. This is a counterattack from the Silver Dragon Palace, but the counterattack is obviously weaker, and it can't get close to Ye Lin's side before being resisted.

Under the full-strength attack of Ye Lin's side, the 23 fusion monks of the Silver Dragon Palace can block steadily, and there is no chance for the Star Chaser Sword to take advantage of the opportunity.

But even so, everyone on the Silver Dragon Palace side turned pale.

"How can their offensive ability be so exaggerated? This is definitely not the combat power that fifteen fusion-stage cultivators can exert!"

"Twenty is impossible!"

"The flying sword controlled by Wang Changsheng's Taoist partner is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, but we have to focus on defense, which greatly reduces our ability to defend other attacks."

"Damn, the formation has also started to attack us. We must think of a way, otherwise our mana will be consumed quickly. The consumption of focusing on defense is much greater than that of attacking!"

A full twenty-three fusion-stage cultivators, including three fusion-stage cultivators in the middle stage, actually felt that it was a bit difficult to defend against Ye Lin's attack.

This made them feel that the situation was getting worse and worse, and they were also shocked at how the attack power of Ye Lin's side could be so exaggerated.

In fact, Ye Lin's fusion-stage cultivators only seemed to have fifteen people on the surface, but Ye Lin, Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and even Nangong Lingyue were not ordinary return-to-void stage cultivators. Except for Nangong Lingyue, the combat power of the other three had reached the fusion stage.

Especially now that Xiaobai has mastered the middle-grade treasure, the Star Chaser Sword, his attacking ability is even better than that of the Silver Dragon Palace's mid-stage fusion cultivator.

And now Ye Lin has not yet used his full strength!

The Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace panicked again. He never expected that the war he thought he would win, a relaxed and comfortable plunder and conquest, would threaten his life.

"Military Advisor, what should we do?"

Someone suggested.

"The enemy has a precious flying boat. We can't catch up or fight. If we can only defend blindly, the result will be that our mana and life span will be exhausted and we will be killed. We should retreat temporarily!"

"Yes, yes, yes, this is a tactical retreat, not a defeat. We will come to conquer again after we are prepared!"

The Confucian monk who was called the military advisor looked solemn.

"No, once we retreat, the morale of the army will collapse and the whole army will flee. The temple will definitely hold us responsible for damaging the majesty of the temple. Who can bear it?"

"Especially Your Highness, once we lose the battle, your throne will be gone!"

The Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace looked paler and paler.

"It's neither fighting nor retreating. What should we do!"

Other monks beside him shouted loudly.

"Even if we are held accountable by the temple, it is not the main responsibility. The main responsibility lies with the Holy Son who led the entire army to a great defeat. We cannot die because of this, but if we continue to fight, we may really lose our souls!"

"Why should we take the risk of losing our souls to take responsibility for the Holy Son?"

"Yes, yes, yes, we must retreat. That sword immortal Taoist companion of Wang Changsheng is too powerful. We must temporarily avoid the edge!"

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