Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1183 A clear path

Soon, the messenger conveyed his order to the entire army, and the main generals of the army in the Fusion Stage and Return to Void Stage also calmed down and began to execute the order.

They were still able to maintain some rationality, believing that the advantage was still in their hands, and there was no need to panic...

But the soldiers of the Silver Dragon Palace who were first trapped in the illusion array didn't think so. They were extremely terrified and had completely despaired at first, but now the illusion array had been broken, which gave them a glimmer of hope.

This was not a glimmer of hope for victory, but a hope for escape.

Even if this battle was destined to win, it had nothing to do with them. If they didn't run away, they would be dead.

"Everyone, run away!"

"If you don't run away, your soul will be scattered!"

"Beauty Bei is too cruel, the vanguard army has died!"

Billions of frightened Silver Dragon Palace soldiers each used secret methods to flee in all directions, but their escape route conflicted with the Silver Dragon Palace soldiers who surged up from behind.

This also caused a large area of ​​chaos. Some people rushed forward with red eyes, some people fled for their lives, and some people shouted "Those who desert in battle will be executed immediately" but it still did not help. Many soldiers of the Silver Dragon Palace died at the hands of their own people...

This seriously affected the overall marching formation of the Silver Dragon Palace army, and the army formation outside the battle area also had riots...

"What's going on? Are we going to charge or not? Why did the troops in front stop again!"

"What? Didn't they say that the Beauty Bay army had collapsed? Now they say they want to defeat the main force of the Beauty Bay. Did I hear it wrong just now?"

"Yes, yes, I heard before that just rush in to grab the battlefield. It would be enough to capture the prisoners, why did it become a direct battle again..."

"What? Someone shouted to run away, saying that the army of Meiren Bei was extremely brutal and killed tens of billions of soldiers. Our vanguard army has been defeated?"

Just when the army of the Silver Dragon Palace was in chaos, a series of dazzling suns and full moons suddenly rose on the front line, one row after another, neatly arranged...

Wherever the dazzling sun passed, even the cultivators in the Return to Void Stage would be ignited with flames and their bodies would be burned to charcoal. Wherever the full moon passed, all the soldiers of the Silver Dragon Palace felt that their minds were frozen and their souls were stiff...

This was the activation of the "Sun and Moon Universe Demon Suppression Array" that had been arranged long ago.

Since Ye Lin decided to fight to the death with the Silver Dragon Palace's hundreds of billions of troops here, he had already made many arrangements. Naturally, it was impossible for Xiaoshu to just arrange a super-large illusion array.

At this time, the "Sun Moon Universe Demon Suppression Array" had been improved many times by Xiaoshu, and her attainments in setting up the array were even more profound. Not to mention the Return to Void stage cultivators, even the Fusion stage cultivators would be in trouble if they entered the array.

For a while, another 10 billion Silver Dragon Palace soldiers cried for their parents, and had almost no resistance...

The soldiers who were originally trying to stop the vanguard from escaping also ran desperately.

The Silver Dragon Palace army had not experienced a war of this scale for too long. They thought they could crush the enemy directly, but they didn't expect the opposite. Once they were crushed by the enemy, they lost all their fighting spirit...

The Silver Dragon Palace Saint saw that more and more vanguard troops were fleeing, and the "Sun Moon Universe Demon Suppression Array" was extremely brutal. Millions of soldiers died in every breath, and he was a little panicked.

"First, sir, what should we do? The enemy's formation is too powerful. Although our army also has a Grand Master, this is the enemy's territory after all. They are prepared, but we are not."

"The deeper we go into Hailan Star, the more formations there will be... How can we fight?"

Now he has an illusion that Hailan Star has been completely arranged with formations, and there are traps everywhere, waiting for them to die.

The Confucian monk had a gloomy face.

"If we retreat at this time, the morale of the army will definitely collapse completely, forming a trend of the whole army fleeing. Even if we succeed in escaping, this battle will be a disastrous defeat. By then, the world will be shocked, and the Jiao Temple will definitely issue an order to blame. Your Highness's position as the Son of God... I'm afraid..."

"Your Highness, we actually have no way out. We must win this battle. Although the situation is a little bad, our hard power is still far better than theirs, and it has not reached the point of total defeat."

The Holy Son of the Silver Jiao Palace took a deep breath.

"Please point out a clear way, sir."

The Confucian monk said in a deep voice.

"To capture the thief, we must first capture the leader. The enemy army has only more than ten strong men in the Fusion Stage, and there is not even one mid-Fusion cultivator. We have a full twenty-five Fusion cultivators, and there are three mid-Fusion cultivators alone. As long as we join forces, we can easily break these formations!"

"By then, the morale of the entire army will be greatly boosted. We can also take the opportunity to rush into the Meirenbei army to capture or directly kill the enemy commander. Once the Queen of Meirenbei, the Great Elder, and Wang Changsheng are solved by us, we can lay the foundation for victory!"

"Of course, this move is more dangerous, but now there is no other choice but to take risks."

The Holy Son of the Silver Dragon Palace gritted his teeth when he heard this.

"According to what the gentleman said, if you lose the position of the Holy Son, it will be no different from being directly shattered!"

After making up his mind to face the danger, the Holy Son of the Silver Dragon Palace calmed down completely, and turned directly into a flash of lightning and flew towards the front line at a high speed.

The Confucian monk followed closely behind.

A messenger shouted.

"Don't panic, the whole army. His Royal Highness the Holy Son has led the charge and will surely kill the enemy commander. Our army will win!"

It must be said that what the Confucian monk said was true. In Ye Lin's original plan, the army of the Silver Dragon Palace was in chaos at this time. If he directly ordered a retreat and made full preparations for another day, it would definitely cause the whole army to flee. At that time, Ye Lin could take advantage of the chaos to approach the Saint of the Silver Dragon Palace and execute the decapitation plan.

As long as the Saint of the Silver Dragon Palace and the several mid-stage fusion commanders were killed, there would be no suspense in this battle, and this was also the way to win at the lowest cost.

Now that the Saint of the Silver Dragon Palace led the charge, it was a wise move to gather the fusion-stage monks to enter the formation together and destroy the formation one by one.

But this so-called wise move was also expected by Ye Lin's spiritual insect think tank!

Ye Lin seemed to be in a weak position in this battle, but in fact he was waiting for the opportunity to fight the unprepared with preparation. With the right time, place and people, Ye Lin firmly occupied the advantage of place.

Just as the Saint of the Silver Dragon Palace said, in fact, in the preset battle area, countless large formations have been set up in the past twenty years waiting for them...

And these large formations are just baits!

Seeing that the bait worked, Ye Lin was overjoyed and immediately sent a message with his spiritual sense.

"Let's also concentrate all the power of the fusion stage and follow me to have a battle with them. They want to behead us, but they don't know that we also plan to behead them!"

As soon as Ye Lin finished speaking, all the fusion stage beauty shells of the First Army and the Second Army gathered towards the flying boat transformed by Xiao Lan under his feet, including the Beauty Shell Queen, the First Elder, the Second Elder, and the Beauty Shell who temporarily broke through the fusion stage in the past twenty years.

A total of fifteen people, all in the early stage of fusion.

Ye Lin said: "Although the enemy is numerous and we are few, we have a large formation to cover us. As long as we work together, the enemy will be defeated!"

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