Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1182 Corpses piled up like a mountain

The Saint of Silver Dragon Palace hurriedly used his spiritual sense to try to directly contact the three commanders of the early stage of fusion in the vanguard army. At this time, these three people were rushing back and forth in the chaotic army of Beauty Bei, constantly capturing the souls of prisoners of war.

But after trying several times, there was still no response. He tried to contact other Return to Void period cultivators with spiritual sense, but he found that no matter how he gave orders or what he said, these people did not reply, and did not even react to his orders.

The face of the Saint of Silver Dragon Palace became more and more solemn.

"Not only the messenger, but the entire vanguard army can't be contacted. What we see is all illusions and hallucinations!"

It's no wonder that the Saint of Silver Dragon Palace realized it later, because these illusions were too realistic and too logical. In his prediction, the weak Beauty Bei army had no chance of winning against the Silver Dragon Palace army. This was a war that must be won.

And the picture he saw was indeed like this.

Therefore, he, who was sitting firmly in the central army tent, was immersed in the excitement of victory. He felt that no one would be defeated by the army. He even thought about making military achievements this time, getting rewards, and breaking through the middle stage of returning to the void as soon as possible. In this way, he could make the current palace master abdicate and he himself would legitimately ascend the throne of the palace master of the Silver Dragon Palace.

Besides, although there are many generals with rich combat experience in the entire Silver Dragon Palace army, they are limited to small-scale wars. Now the position of the Dragon Temple is stable, and there are no major disputes in the Silver Dragon Palace. I can't remember when this kind of race war of hundreds of billions of levels happened last time.

The Silver Dragon Palace army, even the elite troops, have been neglected in training for a long time, and the military discipline is loose. They think that the Silver Dragon Palace army is invincible in the world, and no force or race can resist the notice of the Dragon Temple. They never expected that the enemy was just pretending not to resist.

The scholar's face changed drastically.

"This should be a super-large illusion array. Order the troops not to charge forward. Use large-scale spells to find the eye of the illusion array and break it directly!"

At this time, not only the 10 billion vanguard troops completely rushed into the influence range of the illusion array, but also the more than 10 billion regular troops of the Silver Dragon Palace who followed up also rushed into the illusion array.

The Holy Son of the Silver Dragon Palace hurriedly gave orders.

As the order arrived, the entire 100 billion troops that were charging became more chaotic, and some of the regular troops of the Silver Dragon Palace who did not know why began to riot.

"What's going on? Why are the people in the front not moving?"

"Damn it, if we don't rush into the battlefield, those high-level beauties will be robbed!"

"Get out of the way, you are afraid of death, but I am not!"

Some soldiers actually disobeyed the order and wanted to charge forward by force.

"Break the array quickly!"

A leader in the fusion stage shouted.

Most of the Silver Dragon Palace soldiers at the front received the military order and stopped charging, but mobilized their magic power, condensed into various water-attribute spells and bombarded the void aimlessly.

With so many people attacking together, even a blind cat can quickly find the eye of the illusion array. In just a few breaths, the eyes of the illusion array were broken one by one, and the array flags were destroyed by the tsunami-like spells.

The opposite real scene appeared in the consciousness of all the soldiers of the Silver Dragon Palace.

In the coverage of the illusion array, there was no trace of the 10 billion temporary vanguard troops that were greedy and bloodthirsty...

Even the 10 billion regular troops of the Silver Dragon Palace that followed up were now few and far between. Most of them showed despair, crying for their parents, and collapsed.

Wherever the three neatly arranged armies of the Beauty Bei army, also wearing silver-white armor, went, the chaotic and desperate soldiers of the Silver Dragon Palace fell like raindrops...

More than 10 billion soldiers who were still full of energy and wanted to show their strength a few hours ago have turned into corpses piled up thousands of feet high on the sea.

The bright red blood had dyed the sea area hundreds of thousands of miles wide red. At a glance, it seemed as if they had come to hell on earth...

At this time, there were almost no casualties among the 80 billion Meirenbei soldiers. They were all murderous. There was no despair or fear in their eyes. Their eyes were as sharp as a knife, containing endless killing intent.

In the army of the Silver Dragon Palace, not only all the fusion-stage cultivators who thought they had a sure victory were stunned, but other Return to Void and Transformation Stage cultivators were also petrified.

As for those below the Transformation Stage, most of their spiritual awareness coverage was too small, and only a small part observed the situation at the front...

These weak beings are still cursing because the army stopped moving forward. Many people have disobeyed military orders and walked through the army for the spoils to try to reach the battlefield in advance...

The face of the Silver Dragon Palace Saint was as pale as paper for a while, and his hand holding the Thunder Sword began to tremble.

"This... How, how is it possible!"

For a moment, he was a little confused. Was it an illusion he saw just now, or was it an illusion he saw now...

The scholar next to him also changed his face, and felt cold sweat on his back.

"We, we were tricked. There are also two eighth-grade formation masters in our army. They didn't notice anything unusual in front of them. In other words... the person who set up the super-large illusion formation must be at least a seventh-grade formation master!"

"Such an existence is rare in our Nine Dragons Wilderness. Almost all of them are guests of honor in the temple. How could they work for the beauty Bei!"

With this, it is understandable why the entire army has only noticed the abnormality now. It is indeed that the illusion of the illusion formation is too reasonable, and the formation attainments of the person who set up the formation are too exaggerated.

It can be said that half of the credit for the fall of this army of more than 10 billion people belongs to the seventh-grade formation master!

The monk dressed as a Confucian scholar was quite calm and said in a deep voice.

"Your Highness, don't panic. Now that the formation has been broken, as long as we continue to implement the strategy we agreed on before, victory will definitely belong to us. Although the enemy's morale is high and we have lost more than 10 billion soldiers, the overall strength is still far behind us. Lead!"

"Your Highness, Your Highness!"

The monk in Confucian shirt called several times in succession. Only then did the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace escape from the extremely shocked mood. He only felt that his hands and feet were cold. Fortunately, he had temporarily recruited more than 10 billion soldiers. Otherwise, I am afraid that Even he is about to fall into the influence of the formation. Now it is a matter of life or death.

And the reason why he temporarily recruited them was to achieve great success. In name, it can be said that this time he crushed the Meirenbei clan. There were no casualties in the regular army. There were some casualties, which were all temporarily recruited troops and were not covered by the pension.

He forced himself to remain calm, but his words were still trembling.

"Okay, okay, just do what you said, listen to me, listen to my orders, keep the army, maintain the formation, continue to charge, and defeat the enemy's three main forces in one fell swoop!"

At this time, there was no pride in his heart, and he no longer had the confidence he had before.

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