Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1179 Follow Me Charge

A middle-aged general wearing silver armor came out and said respectfully: "Your Highness, please allow the temporarily recruited army of 10 billion to be placed behind the regular army, so that they can take the lead in the front and seize the high-quality furnace cauldron first." This made our hundreds of billions of regular troops indignant, and small-scale riots broke out on many warships.”

Before the Crown Prince of Yinjiao Palace could speak, a middle-aged man with a feather fan in his hand, who was mostly a Confucian scholar and a bit bookish, came out and smiled.

"Commander Crab, as long as it does not affect the overall situation, there is no need to worry about these small things. Generally speaking, the combat power and military discipline of our army have far surpassed most of the troops in the palace. If other armies encounter them, they can easily defeat them and plunder and conquer them at will. The enemy is probably completely boiling now."

"Moreover...the average cultivation level of these 10 billion monks is far better than that of the regular army. Their personal combat power is stronger, and their desire to plunder and fight is also stronger. They are most suitable as vanguards. They can easily penetrate the formation of the beauty shell like a spear, allowing The army of Meirenbei was frightened and completely lost their ability to fight. "

"At that time, our regular army will be able to conquer Hailan Star without any damage, and let the Meirenbei clan become the furnace clan belonging to the palace master."

"I also know that Commander Crab represents the interests of many regular army officers, but the first thing we have to consider is His Highness's prestige."

"If the casualties of the regular army in this battle are too large, where will His Highness put his face when he returns to resume his life? The impact of the beauty on most people is that she is delicate and frail, and her race is weak, but this is not the case. According to reports from most spies, "The vast majority of Meirenbei's army is ready to die in battle, and their will to resist is extremely tenacious."

Commander Crab hesitated after hearing the words, but finally sighed and returned to the queue. In his heart, he still dismissed the so-called Meirenbei army with strong will to resist. This is also the view of most generals, and Duode The head work is still on my mind.

But he must give face to the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace. This is obviously his strategic arrangement.

The Holy Son of Yinjiao Palace glanced at all the generals and smiled with satisfaction when he saw that no one came out to make any unharmonious sounds. His voice was sonorous and powerful.

"In this battle, in addition to capturing Elder Meirenbei, Queen Meirenbei, and Princess Meirenbei alive to the Palace Master, we must also capture one person alive. I believe you all know who he is."

"It is Wang Changsheng who murdered the Saint and the three deacons of our Silver Dragon Palace. He has been hiding on Hailan Star for the past twenty years and led an army of 10 billion beauties!"

"Attention, this person must be captured alive. If anyone accidentally kills him, His Highness will be punished with military law!"

"have you understood!"


All the generals shouted in unison.

The Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace waved his sleeves.

"Go down and lead your army to prepare for battle!"

"As you command!"

When all the generals left, the eyes of the Holy Son of Yinjiao Palace revealed a trace of uncontrollable greed.

"For example, in terms of the benefits brought by conquering the Little Beauty Bei clan, His Highness is more interested in that Wang Changsheng. There is information that this son has spent billions of yuan in resources to cultivate his army of tens of billions of Beauty Beis. Even if it is Your Highness is not so wealthy."

"There must be great opportunities and great secrets in him!"

This was also the fundamental reason why the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace did not order to kill Ye Lin directly on the battlefield. In his opinion, there was no reason to lose to the Meirenbei clan in this battle, it was just the price he was willing to pay.

No matter how strong Ye Lin is, he can't turn things around. This is a racial war on a scale of hundreds of billions. Besides, the Holy Son of Yinjiao Palace has already made arrangements for this person and cannot give him too many opportunities to perform on the battlefield.

"If this child has a great opportunity, I will take it away directly. If not, I will donate his soul to the palace master. It is another great achievement."

After making all the plans, the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace fully opened his consciousness and finally covered the battlefield where Meirenbei's army was gathering...

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Sure enough, seeing His Highness leading an army of hundreds of billions to press against the border, the entire Meirenbei army began to panic and despair. If it weren't for the purpose of avoiding long nights and dreams, His Highness could have ordered the siege of Hailan Star. In less than ten years, most of the troops would have Beauty Bei will collapse without a fight!”

"But this is not neat enough!"

Not only did the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace see the chaos in Meirenbei's army, with all the soldiers of Meirenbei showing despair and low morale, but the consciousness of other mid-stage fusion powerhouses also saw this scene clearly.

They didn't have any doubts in their minds. After all, if their positions were reversed and they became Belles, their reactions would definitely be exactly the same.

A few hours later.

Someone strode into the hall and half-knelt on the ground.

"Reporting to His Highness the Holy Son, the distance from the enemy's vanguard is less than 100,000 miles."

A lightning sword appeared in the hand of the Holy Son of Silver Dragon Palace. The moment he held the thunder sword, his whole body was wrapped in silver-white electric light, and his aura became violent and domineering.

With a flash of lightning, he came to the bow of the silver-white flying boat, raised his thunder sword and shouted loudly.

"Give me my order, charge the whole army, and crush the rebels in one fell swoop!"

There were messengers shouting from the warships one after another, as far as the eye could see.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son has given orders to charge the entire army and crush the rebels in one fell swoop!"

"Charge the whole army and crush the rebels in one fell swoop!"

Not long after, the order was conveyed to the ears of the entire army, and the hundreds of billions of troops in the Silver Dragon Palace were completely excited!

"Kill, the beauty's army has collapsed!"

"Charge quickly, or the first credit will be snatched away!"

"Our vanguard army has won, everyone rush into the battlefield and just take away the Beauty Bei furnace tripod!"

"The Beauty Bei Queen has been captured, quickly capture the Beauty Bei Princess alive!"

The roars were overwhelming, and the content was getting more and more outrageous. In fact, the vanguard troops of the two armies had not yet had any contact. These roars and shouts were also one of the usual strategies of the Silver Dragon Palace in fighting, in order to arouse the greed and ferocity of the soldiers.

The 10 billion temporary conscription troops at the forefront finally flew into Hailan Star and felt the gravity of Hailan Star. They could finally see the specific situation of the Beauty Bei army with their naked eyes.

The three armies of the Beauty Bei army were in strict formation, the ranks were neat, the soldiers were eager to fight, and many Beauty Bei had red eyes and their hands holding the weapons were trembling slightly.

This was completely different from the information observed by their spiritual consciousness.

Didn't the Beauty Bei army collapse in despair? Didn't a large number of Beauty Bei begin to disperse and flee?

Before they could react to what was going on, they saw a monk in a green Taoist robe holding a feather fan that shone with green and red light.

"The enemy has arrived, follow me and charge!"

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