Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1178: Mob

The First Army and the Second Army all set up defensive arrays, but the "Wang Family Army" at the center set up an offensive array like a sharp spear, at the forefront of the three armies.

This is a strategy that Ye Lin, Queen Meirenbei, and the Great Elder have long discussed.

Next, Ye Lin's "Wang Family Army" must become the sharpest spear, responsible for defeating the enemy's main force, while the weaker but more numerous First and Second Army will be responsible for defending the enemy's early charge. , and when the enemy troops fled, they began to split up and pursue them.

Queen Belle said loudly.

"The whole army is ready for war, the survival of the species depends on this!"


Eighty billion soldiers uniformly raised their weapons and waited quietly for the enemy to come.

Although the First Army and the Second Army were not trained by Ye Lin, the queues were neat and orderly, the morale of the soldiers was high, and their eyes looked at death as if they were home. There was no fear of the enemy or despair. This made Ye Lin highly admire these two men. A glance at the leader of the Meirenbei clan.

But if you are an expert who often goes to the battlefield and has experienced hundreds of battles, you can see from some details the difference in strength between the three armies.

For example, the eyes of the soldiers of Ye Lin's "Wang Family Army" are mostly confident and eager for war. They are not very nervous. They seem to be just performing daily training tasks. The soldiers are all calm and do not have too violent mood swings. .

As for the First Army and the Second Army, most of the soldiers were very nervous. Many soldiers clenched their teeth and a small part of their bodies were shaking slightly. Although this was not because of fear, it was a sign of extreme mood swings. There is not much confidence on his face, but more of unwillingness and madness.

The ancients say that details determine success or failure. The average level of the soldiers of the three armies is not very different, but overall, the "Wang Army" feels like a mountain, while the first and second armies feel like a mountain. Like a tsunami that has begun to roll.

Ye Lin stood on the bow of the light black airship transformed by Xiaolan, wearing a light cyan Taoist robe. Standing next to him were Nangong Lingyue, Xiaobai, and Xiaoqiang. Behind him was Su Yan'er and assisting Su Yan'er in commanding the army. Ye Lin personally appointed three beauties as deputy commanders.

Ye Lin's face was calm, and there was not much expression on his face, as was the case with the rest of the people.

In the outer starry sky, millions of escaping lights began to slow down slowly within tens of millions of miles of Hailan Star. Otherwise, they would be in a state of constant acceleration and fall into Hailan uncontrollably like meteors. Xing, by then, it will not be easy to control the physical body, let alone the battle formation.

Most of them have experienced acceleration for more than two decades.

As the speed of the army became slower and slower, the bright lights gradually dimmed and turned into huge airships of different shapes, with monks of all races standing on the airships.

There are shark demons, octopus demons, swordfish demons, seaweed demons, shell demons, crab demons and a very small number of human monks...

Since most of the sea monsters have not turned into human forms, at a glance, the sea monsters of all races on the flying boat are dizzying, and the lineup is very messy and not neat enough.

Especially at the front of the entire army, not only are there various races of sea monsters, but the so-called military discipline does not exist at all. Most of the sea monsters are looking at the Hailan star getting closer and closer, and there is a cacophony of weird laughter and quarrels. , the cheers spread thousands of miles away.

"It's here, it's finally here, hahaha, Hailan Star, a poor planet that looks very weak and helpless, and is trembling!"

"I seem to have seen the despair in the beautiful eyes of the beauties. Most of the beauties are probably ready to be humiliated. Jie Jie Jie..."

"Don't stop me. I want to be the first to kill you and be the first to capture Xinyi's beauty!"

"How many beautiful clams should I catch? One hundred? Or ten thousand?"

"Go away, mother. If any blind person dares to snatch the furnace from me, I will let him die happily!"

It turns out that at the front of the entire army are tens of billions of monks temporarily recruited from the planets around Hailan Star. A large part of them do not belong to the regular army, but come from various big families and sects. Many of them are even scattered. build.

They had no time to be trained by a regular army, and they were not in the mood to receive training. They were more like a group of interstellar pirates who wanted to take this opportunity to break into Hailan Star and burn, kill and plunder.

Many big families and sects have used all their strength to mobilize most of their masters to accept the call.

Perhaps influenced by this group of scattered monks, the regular soldiers of the Silver Flood Dragon Palace, who were carrying the banner of the Silver Flood Dragon Palace and wearing fine silver-white armors, also had scorching eyes at this time, and the expressions on their faces were mostly bloodthirsty, cruel, and greedy.

Many people even complained quietly.

"Damn it, how can we let this group of rabble act as the vanguard? This will allow these guys to steal our top spot!"

"Not only will the first prize be robbed, but many of the highly qualified virgin beauties in the army of beauties will also be snatched away by these guys first!"

"I don't accept it. Why are these guys taking all the benefits?"

"This group of rabble should be at the back of our queue, eating exhaust fumes with us, and leaving some leftovers for them is already a great mercy on our part!"

There were messengers shouting everywhere.

"The Generalissimo has an order. The whole army is preparing for war. Don't make any noise. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed immediately!"

Although the messengers kept shouting, the small-scale noises and commotions of the regular troops of Yinjiao Palace did not stop. On the contrary, they tended to expand as they got closer and closer to Hailan Star.

But overall, the basic formation was still maintained, and there was no large-scale riot.

In the center of the entire army, there was a silver-white dragon-shaped flying boat. On the flying boat, all the people were transformed into human forms, with two silver-white dragon horns on their heads, and the armor they wore was more luxurious and high-end than the armor of ordinary soldiers.

This was the central army tent of the Silver Dragon Palace Army, the headquarters of the Silver Dragon Palace Army, and the core area.

In a magnificent pavilion on the Silver Dragon Flying Boat, thousands of leaders of the Silver Dragon Palace were holding a pre-war meeting.

In this pavilion, there were thousands of Return to Void cultivators and dozens of Combined cultivators. All of them stood respectfully in front of a handsome young cultivator wearing luxurious white armor and a white cloak.

He was the Holy Son of the Silver Dragon Palace, and could also be called the Prince of the Silver Dragon Palace. In the future, he was likely to succeed the Palace Master of the Silver Dragon Palace.

In the Silver Dragon Palace, the Holy Son holds real power, while the Holy Daughter is just an empty title. When the Holy Son is too incompetent and too weak, the Holy Daughter may replace him. The two are in a competitive relationship.

At this time, the corners of the Silver Dragon Palace Prince's mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes were full of lofty ambitions.

"The army is about to arrive at Hailan Star and wipe out all the resistance forces of the Beauty Bei. Do you have any good suggestions or opinions to expand the results of the battle and defeat the enemy at the lowest cost? Your Highness is a person who is very willing to listen to others' opinions."

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