Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3422: Takeo System

Chapter 3422: Takeshi System

In the ardent eyes of the Emperor of Tianfeng State, he regained consciousness and tasted the so-called Xing Shen tea.

Rich aromatic, endless aftertaste between lips and teeth.

It is indeed good tea.

However, this tea does not seem to have any refreshing effect.

It just tastes great.

But soon after regaining consciousness, he knew that his thoughts were wrong, and the wrong was very wrong.

There was a roar in his body, like nine days of thunder thinking back.

The aura of the whole person's cultivation base is also rising rapidly, and soon, it is really difficult to overcome.

"This is a breakthrough?"

He awoke for a moment.

Although, even without this awakening tea, he would not be far from breaking through to the real difficulty level. After all, he had already refined a lot of God's Evil Fruit before.

However, just a cup of tea directly made him break through, and it still surprised him very much.

The effect of this refreshing tea is a bit against the sky.

"Your Majesty, is there a lot of tea for Shen Shen in Tianfeng Country?" Su Xing asked.

"Many, this is a special product of our Tianfeng country. Everyone can drink Xingshen tea. Of course, the Xingshen tea in the palace is the best, and the folks cannot compare it."

The Emperor Tianfeng explained.

Nevertheless, I was surprised to wake up.

He vaguely grasped something, perhaps, the real opportunity was hidden in the world where Tianfeng Kingdom was located.

Before that, he needs to have a deep understanding of the world.

Su Xing glanced at the Emperor Tianfeng and said, "Your Majesty, I want to know about your world. I wonder if it is okay?"

"Of course."

The emperor of Tianfeng State had an excellent attitude towards awakening.

Soon, he ordered people to send a large number of books, and awakening just scanned the contents of all the books with his mind.

The world where Tianfeng Kingdom is located is called Xuanwei Realm.

In this world, there are various cultivation systems such as warriors, warlocks, alchemists, etc.

Among them, the Wufu system is the most powerful.

This is because the Kingdom of Heaven is an empire formed by a martial artist. It is the most powerful force in the entire Xuanwei Realm, and there is no one.

All the other forces can join forces to break their wrists with Tianfeng Country.

There are 18 major realms in the Wufu system.

At the twelfth level of cultivation, the power it controls can be comparable to the gods.

The twelve tiers of warriors were just called "generals."

From now on, they will be the generals of the earth, the generals of the sky, the martial artist, the king of martial arts, the king of martial arts, and the emperor of martial arts.

However, the realm of Emperor Wu, no one has been able to reach since ancient times, has always been a legendary existence.

Even, it was said by other forces that the illusory realm of the martial artists was just to show their authority.

The Emperor Tianfeng in front of him was just a powerful Martial Lord.

Wujun is roughly equivalent to a god.

In Tianfeng State, the number of Wujun is not a minority.

It is precisely because of the existence of a large number of martial princes that Tianfeng Kingdom can dominate the heroes, occupy the most fertile land in the Xuanwei realm, and sweep the wasteland.

The Eastern Yi kingdoms, the South Sea tribe, the northern snowmen, and the western spirits.

This is the powerful existence of the other four parties in the Xuanwei Realm.

Of course, they were all driven to the edge of the world, unable to enjoy the fertile middle earth.

In addition, Su Xing learned a lot of famous dangerous places.

It's just that he doesn't know for the time being, where the good fortune is hidden, he has to take a trip in person to be able to distinguish it.

In addition, Wake is also curious about where Luo Qingxue has gone.

He didn't worry about Luo Qingxue's safety. With the latter's strength, there were only a handful of people who could threaten her in this profound power world.

"Divine Envoy, are there any important things when you came to Xuanwei Realm?" Tianfeng Emperor asked.

"Your Majesty, I may not be the envoy in your mouth."

Emperor Tianfeng had a very good attitude towards Awakening, and because of this, Awakening did not want to hide from the other party, and explained: "I came to your Xuanwei Realm just to get some opportunities."

"The chance of the divine envoy is also our chance."

Emperor Tianfeng smiled and shook his head: "Many things, there is a fate in the world. God made you appear at the ceremony of self-sacrifice, it is fate with our Tianfeng country."

"Your Majesty can take care of a country, he is indeed very human." Su Xing said with emotion.

He also had to admit that Emperor Tianfeng made sense.

However, for Emperor Tianfeng, he also appreciated the awakening of communicating with him calmly.

"Divine Envoy, in the Xuanwei Realm, there is a legend that every thousand years, there will be an unworldly chance that will come. It is a fairy palace, which may appear in the sky or under the earth."

"The opportunity that the divine envoy is looking for may have something to do with that fairy mansion."

Emperor Tianfeng revealed an important news.

This news, Wake up did not read in the previous books.

"That distance was the last time Xianfu appeared, when was it?" Su Xing asked.

"Xianfu, it should appear again in the near future." Tianfeng Emperor understood the meaning of waking up and explained with a smile.

Awakening eyes slightly brightened.

"Divine Envoy, when the time comes, Tianfeng can help you get the chance, but I also have a small request." Tianfeng Emperor said.

"Your Majesty wants to find a way to make Tianfeng Country lasting? Or, want to let the martial artists have a long life?" Su Xing said.

He has read a lot of books, and he has a deep understanding of Tianfeng Kingdom.

The Wufu system is very powerful, the cultivation speed is fast, the combat power is strong, and the blood is unmatched.

However, there is a big flaw.

That is, the life span of the martial arts is very short, even if the martial monarchs like Emperor Tianfeng exist, their life span is no more than 500 years at most.

This is simply incomparable with the longevity of the gods.

Even the sorcerers, alchemists, etc. in this world have much longer lifespan than the warriors, and they can usually live for thousands of years.

Today's Tianfeng Kingdom is certainly very powerful.

However, Wufu's lifespan is too short, and it is not certain when Tianfengguo will be swallowed by opponents who are eye-catching.

This is also Tianfeng Emperor's biggest worry.

Once the life span of the martial arts can be extended, then Tianfeng Kingdom will truly endure, and the previous generation of strong will have enough time to wait for the next generation to rise and succeed.

"I don't know what the divine envoy can do?" In Tianfengdi's eyes, there was an expectation.

"I can give it a try." Su Xing explained: "However, I can only say that I will do my best. If you let your Majesty down, please don't blame it."

"No, no." Emperor Tianfeng shook his head and said: "The divine envoy can do his best to help. I already owe you an adult's request, so no one will blame it."

This is a Mingjun.

Be sensible and care about the people.

Su Xing also agreed to help because he had a good impression of Emperor Tianfeng.

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