Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3421: The true meaning of kendo

Chapter 3421 The True Essence of Kendo

The magnificent palace is extremely majestic, like a sacred mountain.

Inside the palace, there are also layers of jade steps, extending upwards.

However, there is no peculiar pressure on the jade steps here.

On both sides of the jade steps, there are stone pillars that rise into the clouds, with many totems carved on them, which are sacred and extraordinary.

However, at the end of the jade steps, there is a light gate, not knowing where it leads.

Su Xing looked at the light gate at the end of the jade steps, remembering what Long Ritian had said, he was guarding outside a light gate, presumably, it was here.

But, more importantly, waking up vaguely, inside that light gate, I felt the aura of good fortune.

He couldn't help but move in his heart.

In Luo Qingxue's clear eyes, ripples also appeared.

Obviously, she was also aware of it.

"Luo Qing, why don't we go and take a look behind that door?" Luo Qingxue suggested.

"Okay!" Su Xing nodded, and said: "Why, you call me'Su' from now on!"


Luo Qingxue murmured.

In my heart, there is always an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

However, she couldn't remember where that familiarity came from.

"I like this name very much, I will call you Su from now on."

Luo Qingxue smiled sweetly: "Su, maybe there is an opportunity behind that door that can change your life, but take it well!"

"You don't need it?" Su Xing was taken aback for a moment.

"I already have it." Luo Qingxue smiled and said without explaining too much.

This is understandable.

As for good fortune, it has always been extremely secretive.

Although Luo Qingxue already had the Chaos Phoenix Heart, in her words, she meant to wake up and fight for good luck. It was already very different to wake up.

"it is good!"

Wake up and nodded.

Only after practicing the Nine Heavens Divine Art, he has a ray of possibility to obtain a second source of good fortune.

Others, being able to possess a source of good fortune, is considered a great fortune.

The second one cannot be accommodated by the body at all.

"Since you don't care about that kind of opportunity, why come to the ultimate place?" Suwa asked curiously.

"Excluding that kind of opportunity, there are other opportunities too! They are all pretty good, and if they are available, they can also greatly increase my strength." Luo Qingxue explained with a smile.

As they spoke, the two had already arrived, before the light gate.

"You go in first!" Luo Qingxue said.

The first person to enter the light gate may have a higher chance of getting a chance.

"Let's go together!"

Wake shook his head.


Luo Qingxue thought for a while, nodded and agreed.

Then, the two walked into the light gate together, and their figures disappeared instantly.

At this moment, a huge shaking occurred in this core area of ​​the Million God Mountain.

I saw countless light gates appearing not far away from people.

However, these light gates, compared with the light gate in the palace, seemed to be much thinner, and there was no overly sacred aura overflowing.

However, in the palace, there is already a divine light that penetrates the sky.

"The goddess of Luo got a chance for nothing."

"These light gates must be the handwriting of the goddess of Luo, this is a gift to us."

Many gods became excited.

Soon, people quickly disappeared in place through the light gate.

Including Wanjun, Wei Shanhu and others, all entered Guangmen.

Hua Yunkong is no exception.


The world in front of me was vast and white.

There are wisps of cloud air, which are shuttled vertically and horizontally.

But soon after waking up, he discovered that those so-called clouds are actually white sword lights, and every golden light is mysterious and unpredictable, containing extraordinary power.

However, through those sword lights, he seemed to see a new door opened to himself.

He stretched out his hand and sword light flew over.

The strange thing is that Jianguang doesn't hurt the awakening, on the contrary, it can make him quickly realize the mystery inside.

His kendo realm is improving at an extremely fast speed.

At a certain moment, an extremely sharp sword intent emerged in his body, and he finally realized the true meaning of the law of kendo.

All this happened too suddenly.

Compared with Hua Yunkong and others, the shortcoming of awakening is the realm of Taoism.

Now that he understands the true meaning of kendo, he can make up for this shortcoming, and the level of combat power will also increase accordingly.

"This is where?"

Wake up and want to get up, but find that it can't be done.

He didn't understand why it became like this after passing through the light gate.

Luo Qingxue, where did he go?

I don't know how long it has passed. The white world in front of me began to be shrouded in darkness, and my eyes were plunged into boundless darkness, but in the next moment, there was a glimmer of light in the darkness.

Then, the light got bigger and bigger.

Then, when he woke up, he found that he seemed to be able to act.

He opened his eyes and found himself on a huge altar.

The altar is located on the top of a large mountain, surrounded by a group of people wearing luxurious clothes, all of them are extraordinary, and most of them are not simple.

However, below the mountain farther away, there are black and crushed heads, crowded with people, extremely prosperous and lively.

"this is……"

Even with the awakened state of mind, he was shocked by the scene before him.

The experience he experienced after passing through the light gate seemed too incredible.

First was the white world, and now, it seems that a prosperous country has come.

This is where?

What does it have to do with chance?

At this moment, the hill is quiet.

Everyone looked at the awakening from the altar, and they were all a little surprised.

In the end, it was still a man wearing a dungeon suit who was the first to react. He bowed deeply towards Awakening and said: "Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven, see the envoy."

As the man spoke.

The people around him, and even countless people at the foot of the mountain, all knelt down toward awakening.

"I wait, see the envoy."

The sound shook the sky, mighty.


"Free gift!"

Wake up took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

He didn't know how he became a divine envoy and was worshipped by so many people.

However, he did not know how many scenes he had experienced, and these were not enough to make him panic, mainly because after passing through the light gate, the things he experienced were too strange.

"At the end of the national sacrifice, I have invited a divine envoy to enter the palace."

Soon, at the invitation of the emperor of the Kingdom of Tianfeng, he was a little confused and entered the palace of the Kingdom of Tianfeng.

The capital of Tianfeng Kingdom is extremely magnificent and bustling.

The population exceeds 100 million people.

Its palace is a city within a city.

Inside Miyagi, there are masters everywhere and magnificent.

"God's envoy, please sit down."

The emperor of Tianfeng State invited to wake up and sit down.

Soon, there was a good tea, which was brought up by the court ladies and eunuchs.

"Divine Envoy, this is the best tea in our Tianfeng Country. Xing Shen tea, would you like to taste it?"

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