Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3414: The real murderer in secret

Chapter 3414: The True Murder in Secret

"This guy……"

At this moment, even Wanjun, Wei Shanhu, Hua Yunkong and others were a little emotional.

Awakening relied on his own power to kill more than 100,000 gods and did not dare to resist. This scene had a very visual impact.

"Elder, it seems that our worries are somewhat redundant." Situ Lan smiled slightly.

"Yes! After all, he can kill even Luo Zhao, so naturally he is not a weak one." Elder Xuan Qi nodded.

"This is the real Tianjiao. It started at the end of the day, but it went straight to the sky. In contrast, we disciples of Daocheng are a little ridiculous."

Lei Zhenying shook his head and gave a wry smile.

Seeing the strength of awakening, he didn't even have the thought of fighting for the front.

There is a big gap between the two.

At this moment, Su Xing looked around the audience, and soon, he looked towards the area in front of him.

The number of divine cultivators standing there is not that many, but they are all gods and powerful.

They are not interested in the throne of the king, so they did not take action on awakening because of the bewitching of those in the dark.

Facing the awakened gaze, most people have a calm face.

Awakening's massive killings this time killed two to thirty thousand divine cultivators in one fell swoop, but basically, they were all divine kings whose cultivation was at the level of overcoming disaster and overcoming heaven.

This is not particularly great for the deterrence of the gods.

After all, if they can exert their own strength, it may not be impossible.

Everyone was more shocked, it was about the genius to wake up.

His cultivation time is relatively short compared to the people present. It was only a short time since he joined the Xuantian Sect, but his combat power level has reached the level of a god.

This talent is really scary.

Su Xing looked at Hua Yunkong, the latter's expression was a little unnatural, but he still snorted coldly, "Why, do you think I was secretly instigating?"

"You don't have that scheming." Su Xing said lightly.


Although the suspicion was ruled out, Hua Yunkong's expression was somewhat ugly.

What is it called, he doesn't have that scheming?

Was he stupid in his heart?

"That one……"

"Luo Qing, don't look at us, we are indeed good at this kind of thing, but with people like Wanjun and Wei Shanhu, even if you kill you, we won't get much benefit."

"We will not do something that is not worth the loss."

The Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others noticed their awakening eyes and couldn't help but explain.

The words are not very pleasant, but they are indeed the truth.

With the shrewdness of the Jiulong Taoists, basically, they will not do thankless things.

However, in fact, Awakening did not doubt them.

Because he already knew who was secretly instigating everyone.


Suddenly, a thunder blasted and the awakened figure disappeared from the same place.

Soon, there were two human figures who were caught off guard and flew out, but they were strong and showed no signs of injury for the time being.

"Luo Qing, you must die."

"Bewitching, I think the **** thing is you two are right."

Fierce battle broke out!

Awaken with one enemy and two, without losing the wind.

There was a big earthquake around, and all the mountains and forests were destroyed.

"It's them!"

"The two ancestors of the Zhong family, Zhong Yong and Zhong Ming."

Soon, someone recognized the two who were the two surviving ancestors of the Zhong family.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly realized.

The Zhong family suffered heavy losses this time, and Zhong Feiyu's Tianjiao also died. Zhong Yong and Zhong Ming naturally hated Su Xing, and wanted to regain their awakening whenever they had a chance.

This kind of secretly bewitching people's hearts, they do have the motivation and the strength.

The fierce battle in the sky has become white-hot.

This is a battle of life and death.

So there is no trial process at all.

As soon as the two sides shot, they all wanted to kill the other side.

What shocked people is that even if they wake up with one enemy and two, they still quickly gain the upper hand, defeating the persecution of the two ancestors of the Zhong family.

"The level of combat power in the late stage of the first-order god!"

Both Wanjun and Weishanhu's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, they have accurately grasped and regained the current level of combat power.

The fighting power of the same gods is very different from each other.

Most people, with the cultivation base of the Divine King Realm, possessing the initial combat power level of a Tier 1 Divine Sovereign, are already very good enough to be called Tianjiao.

Such as Zhong Feiyu, Situ Lan, and Lei Zhenying are at this level.

There are only a few people, they are the tianjiao among the arrogances, capable of possessing the mid-stage combat power level of the first-order god.

Such as Wanjun and Weishan Lake, they were all like this at the beginning.

But they are different now, after all, they have become gods, even if the cultivation base is suppressed, the level of combat power is not as simple as the middle stage of the first-tier gods.

However, like awakening, with a pure Divine King Realm cultivation base, it is definitely an extremely rare existence that possesses a Tier 1 Divine King's late combat power.

However, if Wanjun and Wei Shanhu knew that the current cultivation base for awakening was only the ninth-level peak of the Divine King Realm, they didn't know how to think about it.

Because under normal circumstances, it refers to the cultivation base of crossing the peak of difficulty to have the power of the gods.

Just like waking up, only the ninth-level peak cultivation base of the **** king realm has the power of the gods, which simply broke people's cognition.

When his cultivation level reached the peak of the difficulty of crossing the sky, how terrible would it be?

Could it be possible to have the level of combat power of a second-order god?

In the sky, the fierce battle has reached the most critical thing. The two ancestors of the Zhong family were all wounded and blood was flowing.

The level of combat power they can exert now only reaches the middle stage of the first-order god.

Compared with awakening, it is one level directly behind.

In the Divine Sovereign Realm, the gap between each and every one is huge, and the two mid-terms can't beat the one late-term.


At this time, Hua Yunkong gave a cold drink.

Vigorous power fluctuations gushing from his body.

He stared at Wake with cold eyes, and said: "I thought you had a lot of talent, just the power of the first-order **** in the late stage. In the face of my peak combat power, you dare to kill you?"

As soon as these words came out, even Wanjun and Wei Shanhu were surprised.

According to Hua Yunkong's meaning, his combat power level reached the peak level of a first-order god.

This is undoubtedly stronger than the awakened combat power.

"Is the gap between the eastern boundary and the central boundary so big?"

"Is the top Tianjiao in the Eastern Realm incomparable to the Tianjiao in the Central Realm?"

Both Wanjun and Weishanhu were deeply moved.

Most of the people on the scene have the same idea.

In everyone's eyes, Hua Yunkong is undoubtedly higher and stronger than the awakened talent.

However, this is not only the gap between the two of them, but also the gap between the eastern boundary and the central boundary.

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