Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3413: Killing God Awakens

Chapter 3413: Killing God Awakens

"You're welcome!"

Su Xing nodded slightly towards Situ Lan.

He is not unkind, if he can talk to him, he will talk very well.

However, if anyone is malicious to him, don't blame him for being cold-blooded.

"Everyone has fought all the way to this point, so why should such a treasure as the King's Throne be owned by Luo Qing and controlled by him?" A complaining voice sounded.

This voice was made using soul thought.

Void and elusive.

Someone spoke in this way, trying to ignite everyone's anger.

At the same time, hiding himself in the dark without being exposed to his awakened eyelids is unpredictable.

However, this trick did have an effect, speaking of many people's hearts.

For a while, many gods around, looking at their awakened eyes, all revealed a deep sense of indifference.

"Why don't we work together, kill and wake up first, and then divide up the treasures on his body, anyway, those things shouldn't belong to him, he is just picking up the bargain."

The voice sounded again, bewitchingly.

Moreover, this time it was even more exaggerated that the other party proposed the idea of ​​killing awakening.

Many gods have moved.

Everyone knows how many treasures they have obtained on the way to awakening. Killing him can indeed bring great gains.

Those roads, in the original indifferent eyes, at this time, gradually revealed the killing intent.

Upon seeing this, Wanjun, Wei Shanhu and others moved away one after another, putting on a posture that it was nothing to do with themselves.

Get rid of them, there are many gods and powerhouses, all of them.

No matter whether it is God's fruit or the throne of the king, it is not attractive to them.

"Who is talking nonsense?"

"Don't forget, everyone, the ultimate place is located in Xuantianzong. Luo Qing is a disciple of Xuantianzong. It is a matter of course for him to get treasures."

Elder Xuan Qi said with a calm face.

He can't stand it anymore.


"If you say it, you are the outsiders."

"The big guy should calm down first, and don't lose your mind because of the temptation of the treasure."

Situ Lan and Lei Zhenying also said one after another.

"The ultimate place does not belong to Xuan Tianzong."

"To be precise, it is your Xuantianzong who has occupied the ultimate land."

"The ultimate place should belong to all gods."

The secret voice sounded for the third time.

This time, the contradiction was directly aimed at Xuan Tianzong.

His words are very deceptive and have been recognized by many spiritual practitioners.

As a result, the killing intent of the gods not only failed to dissipate, but became more intense.

"What are you waiting for?"


The voice in the dark, when he spoke for the fourth time, the ground beneath his feet awakened rapidly, and finally turned into a huge palm, blasting towards awakening.

This blow does not pose much threat to awakening.

Don't dare, this is a fuse.

This shot directly ignited the killing intent of many gods, and for a while, countless people's hearts moved.


The sacred magic soared into the sky, and the siege was awakening.

"Elder, what shall we do?" Situ Lan and Lei Zhenying looked at Elder Xuan Qi.

"A group of greedy people are worthy of stepping on our Xuantianzong's head? The old man wants to see who dares to touch Luo Qing." The body of the elder Xuan Qi has vigorous cultivation fluctuations.

However, without waiting for him to act, something has happened in front of him.

I saw that countless sword lights, centered on awakening, spread in all directions.

Every ray of sword light is extremely sharp.

Moreover, directly ignoring the all-sky divine technique, slaying the countless divine cultivation around.

"Puff puff!"

The sound of blood splashing quickly sounded, dense as rain.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of divine cultivators died tragically on the spot, their bodies were pierced by sword light, and all the vitality in their bodies was crushed.

And the magic skills they played before they died fell on Suwa, but they couldn't make any waves.

The mysterious yellow light emerged, giving Awakening an absolute defensive effect.


After waking up with a soft drink, Tianque Broken Sword flew out.

One sword transforms into two swords, two swords transform into four swords, four swords transform into eight swords...

In a short period of time, the Tianque Broken Sword was transformed into thousands, each of which possessed extraordinary power. The surrounding gods were almost killed before they could resist.

After a while, thousands of gods were reduced to souls under the sword.

At this moment, awakening is like a **** of death returning from hell, using his own power to make more than a hundred thousand gods feel terrified.

"Don't panic everyone."

"We organized an offensive, and under repeated bombardments, his defense would inevitably be broken."

Some gods yelled and quickly stabilized everyone's hearts.

The awakened Xuan Huang Divine Light, defensive ability is too strong, causing him to be invincible innately.


Suddenly, he woke up and stepped out, and his body disappeared.

When he reappeared, he came directly to the center of a group of gods.

Then, he punched straight out with a simple and direct punch.


Under this punch, it was as if countless real dragons were roaring and roaring.

The terrifying physical power erupted like a mountain torrent, ploughing a wide gully directly in the dense crowd.

And in that gully, I don't know how many gods were killed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the awakened figure appeared in another crowd of the gods, and it was another punch.

His figure is erratic and unpredictable, which makes it a joke to want to besiege him.

However, his power is so powerful that it makes the enemy fearful.

If you look down from the sky, more than one hundred thousand gods and cultivators have woven into a huge picture scroll, and awakening is the person who destroyed the picture scroll.

Every time he appears, the picture scroll will be smashed into a big hole.

Although this path of life opened up by Luo Qingxue was not narrow, it was a thousand miles wide, but it was still too crowded compared to more than a hundred thousand gods.

As a result, even if they wanted to escape, it became a luxury.


A divine cultivator knelt down toward the awakening and begged: "Luo Qing, I was wrong. I shouldn't be greedy. I dare not. Please forgive me."

"Luo Qing, I was wrong too."

"We were really wrong, please stop the killer."

Many gods practiced, kneeling one after another.

They are really scared.

Under the threat of life, face and other things are not important.

"Leave far away!"

Su Xing frowned and drank back those divine repairs who were kneeling at him. Then, he glanced at the audience: "Who else wants the treasure on my body, just take it."

For a while, the audience was silent, and no one dared to answer.

The awakening at this moment was like a killer god, his eyes were extremely sharp, causing no one to dare to look directly at him.

"Since you dare not, then get out of it all."

Wake up and drink cold again.

With him as the center, a large vacant lot was left around.

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