Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3411: Usefulness of the Void Hand

Chapter 3411: The Use of Void Hand

On the cliffs, the sun glows and the strange fragrance diffuses.

The emergence of the God Fruit of Tian'e brought a lot of auspiciousness and sacred aura, which made people fascinated.

However, the effect of the God's Evil Fruit is even more extraordinary.

It can help the gods to overcome any of the three difficulties, which is equivalent to directly elevating a realm of cultivation, and there is no risk.

Even, it has a great effect on the big masters who have survived the trilemma.

It can improve personal qualifications and help them grow.

More importantly, the God of Evil is only a thousand miles away from everyone.

This is already extremely close.

It only takes a few breaths to fly back and forth.

As a result, many spiritual cultivators were ready to move, virtually forgetting Luo Qingxue's warning.


Finally, a **** cultivator couldn't help it.

His cultivation is at the difficult level of crossing the sky, if he obtains the divine fruit of heaven and evil, he can go one step further and directly reach the level of crossing the sky, and the realm of his cultivation level can be directly improved.

That person rushed towards the **** fruit of Tian'e at an extremely fast speed.

He also knows that there are many risk factors, so he is ready to go back quickly.

However, when he just arrived near the cliff, there was a terrible divine light, rushing out of the dense forest below, extremely fast.

In just a moment of effort, the divine cultivator who survived the adversity was wiped out.

Even the screams before death could not be heard.

He just died silently.

The crowd fell silent.

Originally, the divine cultivator who had the same thoughts was already shocked in a cold sweat.

It is the Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others, also with a dull complexion, expressing a deep and solemn meaning.

The inner surrounding area of ​​the Million God Mountain is really terrifying.

Excluding the presence of demon kings, the restrictions here are too terrifying.

"It's simply that I don't want people to get a chance. It's enough to suppress the cultivation of the gods, and there are so many restrictions. Who can break through?"

Someone cursed, expressing the aspirations of most people.

This ultimate place is too unfair to the cultivators of the gods, suppressing the cultivation of the gods, but nurturing many demon princes, and also imposing various terrible restrictions.

"That one……"

"Can't Rose Goddess just break through?"

Someone whispered.

"How many goddesses can there be in this world?" someone immediately retorted.

"But... maybe the chance here is to prepare for the existence of the Luo Goddess?"

As soon as these words came out, many people fell silent.

Such remarks are indeed very reasonable.

Probably, in the eyes of this ultimate place, what they need to look for is a character like Luo Qingxue. As for other people, they don't care at all.

Even Hua Yunkong, Wanjun, Wei Shanhu, etc., after thinking about these, looked a little complicated.


At this time, a ray of light lit up.

People looked up and saw that beside the cliff, a hand protruded out of the void, grabbing the goddess of heaven at an extremely fast speed, and then disappeared instantly.


The prohibition was triggered again.

But this time, even the root hair was not hurt.


People were dumbfounded.

Then, they all looked towards awakening.

Everyone can naturally perceive who the spatial fluctuations just come from.

Especially at this moment, in the hands of the awakening, he was holding the **** of heaven's emperor's fruit.

For a time, many people subconsciously showed greed.

Regarding this, Su Xing ignored it, and looked at it as if no one was watching. The God of Evil in his hand nodded with satisfaction.

"Luo Qing, what you just performed, was it the void hand in Heaven's Solution?"

At this time, Elder Xuan Qi asked.


Wake up and nodded.

He has no ill feelings towards Elder Xuan Qi.

Before, although the two ancestors of the Zhong family tried to ask Elder Xuanyi to take action, the latter did not disadvantage him and found an excuse and stalled the past.

"not bad!"

"You, the space cultivator, it's very convenient to get treasures."

Elder Xuan Qi said with a smile.

He didn't even covet the God of Evil Fruit in his wake.

As a god, the **** of heaven is no longer useful to him.

And the Lei Zhenying and Situ Lan beside him are all the cultivation bases that overcome the peak of the sky, and the demand for the gods of the gods is also not big.

Generally speaking, the person who covets the divine fruit the most is the divine cultivator who overcomes it.

Just like the **** cultivator who died before.

Once they get the God Fruit of Heaven's Evil, they will greatly increase their strength.

Having said that, there are still many people staring at the awakening with strange eyes.

The most important thing is not the Divine Evil Fruit, and the awakened Void Hand can grab treasures in the air.

So on the next journey. Relying on this ability to wake up, there will undoubtedly be many gains.

This is the most enviable place.

Awakening sensed, there were a lot of hostile eyes in the dark, but he didn't care.

If anyone really has evil thoughts in his heart, he will make the other person regret coming to the ultimate land.

Awakening directly took Tian'er God Fruit.

He didn't sit cross-legged and refining, he still moved forward.

This appearance made many people secretly surprised.

Normally, after taking Tian'e Divine Fruit, divine cultivation needs to concentrate on refining, such as waking up, which means that the majestic power of Tian'e Divine Fruit does not have a particularly strong impact on him.

At least, he can walk while refining.

The masters who have survived the pinnacle did not care, because they can do it too.

Many people also regard the awakening cultivation as the pinnacle of crossing the sky.

If everyone knew that he actually only had the cultivation base of the ninth-level peak of the Divine King Realm, I am afraid he would not be so calm.

However, after refining a divine fruit of Heaven's Evil, Awakening actually failed to reach the realm of real difficulty.

He is not surprised.

With his extremely strong foundation, it is indeed far from enough.

He wants to break through to the difficulty, and he must get more divine fruit.

It just so happens that there are not a few celestial fruits in the area enclosed by the Million God Mountain.

Soon after, Awakening discovered several Celestial Evil Fruits, and the other gods were helpless, and awakened grandiosely using the hand of the void to take them in the air.

Then, many spiritual cultivators saw, waking up like eating jelly beans, and threw Tian'e Shenguo into their mouths.

I have to say that the effect of the God's Evil Fruit is indeed extraordinary.

Waking up gradually felt the aura of real difficulty, and the cultivation base was more vigorous than before.

He was quite satisfied.

Intend to pick more divine fruit.

"How do I feel, this kid treats the inner surrounding area as his back garden?" someone whispered.

"Who would say no? With his cultivation base at the peak of difficulty, it would be a waste to refine the divine fruit like this! Damn it, I didn't even get a divine fruit."

"Look at what makes him proud. After all, isn't it because of the Luo Goddess' light?"

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