Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3410: Heaven's Evil Fruit

Chapter 3410: Heaven's Evil Fruit

Too many choices.

Sometimes it may not be a good thing.

Often there is no choice but better, because there is no need to consider other things.

At this moment, facing the demon king, the gods of all races, the only option is to join hands, then join hands, although not long ago, some of them also fought for treasures.

Having said that, the casualties of various ethnic gods are still inevitable.

It's not that if we join forces, we are foolproof.

It's just that the probability of death is much lower than fighting alone.

Looking around, among the long stretches of vast mountains, the roar of the demon king shook the sky, and the demon spirit spread to the sky, covering 100,000 miles.

There is even more brilliant divine light blooming, and fierce battles and confrontations with the monarchs.

Wanjun, Weishan Lake.

Jiulong Taoist, Heavenly Sword Sovereign.

Elder Xuan Qi, Situ Lan, Lei Zhenying and so on.

They are all fighting against the demon king.

Although Luo Qingxue opened the way, it didn't mean that they would be free from danger at all.

There were not a few demon kings who rushed out obliquely.

Of course, for Wanjun, Wei Shanhu and others, waiting for the Demon Lord, it is still difficult to threaten them. On the whole, it is fairly easy.

However, Hua Yunkong was the closest to Luo Qingxue.

It's not that he doesn't do nothing. If the demon king rushes out from the side, he will also fight.

His combat power level is indeed quite good.

Fighting the demon king alone is not a problem. Although it is impossible to kill the demon king as lightly as Luo Qingxue did, it is relatively easy to kill and there is no pressure.

"Go away!"

"Be fierce in front of Lord Long, are you worthy too?"

The most weird place on the scene is Wake and Long Ritian.

There is basically no need to wake up.

Long Ritian didn't need it either. He often leaked domineeringly and screamed at the demon king, and the other party was so scared that he ran away.

The real dragon is the emperor among the monsters.

Longwei is distributed, and the deterrent effect is too great.

However, Long Ritian's own strength also made him not care at all, the first-tier monsters.

This time the battle lasted extremely long.

After a full half a month or so, the number of monsters gradually decreased.

And while people are fighting and moving forward, they don't know how many roads they have taken, and most of them can't remember.

Looking around, the number of cultivators of all races has been reduced by half.

This is inevitable.

However, the remaining gods have experienced the baptism of battle, and each of them has become more exquisite.

In itself, they can survive the fight, and their cultivation strength is quite extraordinary. There are many experts on the list of heavenly kings.

Big waves wash the sand.

The rest are basically truly elite.

Everyone should not be underestimated.

However, they are still not sure that they will survive the next journey.

There are also gods who choose to quit after weighing the pros and cons.

It was too tragic. They didn't want to take risks anymore. They were able to live until now. A large part of the reason was good luck. They could not guarantee that their good luck would continue.

No one wants to force it.

It is an individual's right to choose to advance or retreat.

The vast majority of people cultivator gods chose to stay.

"Everyone, if I'm not mistaken, the area ahead is the inner surrounding area of ​​the sacred mountain, and the degree of danger will probably increase exponentially."

"So, I suggest that everyone, it's best to go, and don't rush into other areas in the route I have taken."

Luo Qingxue looked back at the cultivators of all races and suggested.

"Thank you Goddess Luo!"

Many people saluted Luo Qingxue and thanked him.

Luo Qingxue shook her head, saying that you are welcome.

Then, her graceful and slender figure took a step forward.

It is still taking the lead, the first to enter the inner surrounding area with a higher risk factor in the million sacred mountain.

The mountains are vast.

Following Luo Qingxue's figure, appeared on a mountain peak.

In the next moment, a series of terrifying lights burst out from all around the mountain peak, slamming towards Luo Qingxue.

"Array prohibition!"

Seeing this scene, even the expressions of Wanjun, Wei Shanhu and others changed slightly.

The danger in the inner surrounding area does not only come from the demon king, but from the hidden array restriction. Once the restriction is touched, there will be a heinous murderous opportunity.

On the mountain peak, Luo Qingxue's body surface bloomed with blue light.

The defensive ability of the cyan ray is extremely strong, and the countless rays of ray slashed over, and it was actually unable to shake the body guard cyan light, let alone hurt Luo Qingxue.


Luo Qingxue spit out two words flatly.

Then, with her as the center, the surrounding mountains and land were quickly frozen.

Even the sky has a feeling of being blocked.

This is obviously a god-given magic with extraordinary power.


Countless cracking sounds sounded between heaven and earth.

The many bans around were actually destroyed by Luo Qingxue's profound strength.

"The strength of Luo Goddess is a bit scary!"

"Unexpectedly, I haven't noticed her specific cultivation level and the upper limit of her combat power."

Looking at this scene, Long Ritian muttered to himself.

He, who was always proud, also showed a hint of humility in his eyes.

I'm afraid that only a woman like Luo Qingxue can make Long Ritian feel admired.

Wake up without speaking.

In fact, he still hasn't sensed Luo Qingxue's cultivation level, and the real combat power level, but it is certain that he has reached at least the level of the second-order god.

Ahead, after breaking the ban, Luo Qingxue continued to fly forward.

When people saw this scene, it was admiration and admiration.

In the perilous mountain of millions of sacred mountains, flying leisurely, the people on the scene, besides Luo Qingxue, how many people can do it?

Hua Yunkong quickly flew forward, following Luo Qingxue's pace.

Upon seeing this, Wanjun, Wei Shanhu and others also started to take action.

However, everyone was not particularly anxious this time. After all, Luo Qingxue had already forcibly opened up a path of life. Walking on the path of life would not trigger the prohibition and was very safe.


"Look, what is that?"

While walking, a **** repairer pointed to a cliff not far away.

On that cliff, there was a dazzling light, gradually spilling out, and there was a strange fragrance that quickly spread, refreshing.

"I remember."

"That's the God of Evil."

A divine cultivator pointed to the fruit that had grown on the cliff and exclaimed excitedly: "Legend has it that taking the divine fruit of Heaven's Evil allows the divine cultivator to directly overcome any of the three difficulties."

"And, even if you get through the trilemma, the divine fruit of Tian'er can greatly increase your strength, and even your personal talents will be upgraded to a level. This is a real **** of heaven and earth."

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