Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3390: Stone turtle beaten and crying

Chapter 3390 The Stone Tortoise Was Beaten and Cried

Six or seven demon kings, this is an extremely powerful force.

Especially, among the gods and cultivators of various races, without the power of the gods, it can be said that the gods block and kill the gods, and the demons block and kill the demons.

If you really put it together, there will only be one final outcome.

That is, the gods of all races are ruined, or the whole army is wiped out.

At the level of strength itself, there is already a huge gap.

What's more, the gods and cultivators of all races have never been united as one. Once a war starts, it's normal to fly each other in a disaster.

The gods of all races are sour.

The mysterious people with six or seven demon kings can almost walk sideways in this ultimate place.

What's more terrifying is that the number of mysterious people's monsters seems to continue to grow.

What is this for?

Form an army of monsters?

Just thinking about it makes one's heart surging, enthusiastic and excited!

Unfortunately, those demon monarchs are not their own.

So... excitement?

Some gods began to fly to the side, and they were all the people who sang very happily with the mysterious child before.

Let's play with mouth cannon! We are good at it, anyway, we won't lose a single hair.


Forget it, there are seven or eight thousand-year-old mothers in the family, and there are hundreds-year-old children in the family. They have great responsibilities.

In short, it wasn't that I was counseled.

But for family considerations.

As for those ten thousand year old single dogs, eh! They all have lofty and great ideals, they can't be arrogant, have lost their usefulness, and abandon their ideals.

Soon, the cultivators of all races all flew to the side.

They flew into a character in a while, and then flew into a character again, which was very eye-catching.

And those mysterious people had already taken offense to this scene.

Obviously, during this period of time, it has experienced many times.

"Sister Xiao Niu, do you think Brother Huang is mighty?" A bull demon with a bright golden light put on a mighty and domineering posture.

"Brother Huang is so amazing." On the other, there was a bull demon with huge wings. He was clearly not thick, but he looked like a little girl who admired...

"Cut! I was only promoted to the demon king a few days ago, what is there to be proud of." Another white tiger demon muttered very uncomfortably.


The mysterious people in black who had been calm before, finally couldn't hold them.

"You don't act anymore, braised beef in braised sauce tonight!"

Someone's forehead was full of black lines and kicked hard, the bull demon king who was covered in golden light.

"You are naked to the extreme."

The bull demon king, who was covered in golden light, shook his tail proudly. Before someone was about to run away, his body turned into a golden light and rushed towards the treasure mountain at the end of the horizon.

"Brother Huang, wait for me."

"Sister Niu, be careful. Old Huang can't protect you, so I can."


Several mysterious people stood in the same place, looking at the demon king who was keen on the love triangle, and they retched.

"It's not a way to go on like this!" He Zhu rubbed his forehead and looked haggard.

At the beginning, she was able to joke and wake up with a gloating attitude, but when she herself was disgusted and messed up, she finally tasted the bitter fruit.

"Why don't we just hit the mandarin ducks and kill the flying giant cow? I heard that the taste of cow beef is more fragrant." Yue Zhijun suggested.

"It seems to make sense, taking advantage of the fact that Lao Huang and Flying Giant Niu are still unsure about the relationship, just..."

"Are you sure, are they not sure about the relationship?"

Wake up and glance at the hot wind.

The latter's face became stiff, staring at awakening incredibly, and tentatively said: "So fast?"

Wake nodded blankly.

Gu Shanying next to her, her pretty face flushed.

He Tong's eyes lit up, staring at Su Xing and asked: "How did you know? By the way, you are the owner of the Chaos Pool. Everything in it can't be hidden from your eyes and ears."

"So, didn't the boss witness the whole process?" Yue Zhijun stared at his awakening with wide eyes.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked to wake up together.


Su Xing's face became stiff: "You are thinking about something that is not suitable for children. I am usually busy practicing, so I have no time to observe the Chaos Pool..."


"is it?"

"Is it really?"

Yan Feng, Yue Zhijun, and He Tong asked questions one after another, showing that they did not believe in awakening.

"It's going to fight."

"Let's go over and take a look to see what demon king this time is."

Awakening left a word, and the figure flashed before flying towards the front.


"Such a poor way to change the subject."

He Tong stared contemptuously at the awakened back: "Someone is really not a man, he's not as good as Huang."


Gu Shanying's face was red.

Ahead, the Golden Bull, the Flying Giant Bull, the Golden Eyed White Tiger, and several other demon monarchs have completely besieged the treasure mountain.

The demon in Baoshan is a stone turtle.

It appeared on the top of Baoshan, it was the size of a palace, like a sculpture, but there were life fluctuations in its body, so it was not difficult to guess its identity.

Shigui's body exudes a monstrous spirit.

And in its eyes, it was full of fright and anger.

Obviously it did not expect that it had not encountered the siege of various ethnic gods, but had ushered in the same kind, and there were as many as six or seven.

Looking at this posture, it is obviously going to be disadvantageous.

"Shigui, Ben Jun gives you a choice, hand over your Baoshan, and then join us." The golden bull said with a majestic expression.

"Then...the second option?" Shigui asked.

"We beat you, snatched your Baoshan, and then forced you to join us." The golden bull said naturally.


Shigui had a dull brain, and he was immediately lost.

So, no matter how you choose, the end result is the same?

"I'll give you ten breaths to consider. If you don't want to be beaten by us, just join us honestly." Golden Bull said lightly.

"Anyone who knows current affairs is a handsome turtle!"

A three-headed black dragon, with a sincere expression of persuasion, based on the experience and lessons of the people over.


Shigui shook his head hurriedly.

"Do you dare to refuse?"

"Brothers, come on! Beat him."

The golden bull yelled and rushed to the stone turtle first.

Jin Tong Baihu is unwilling to lag behind.

Soon, including the Flying Giant Cow, six or seven demon kings began to besie a stone turtle.


"I didn't refuse!"

"My brain is not very bright, and the ten breaths are too short to think!"

Stone turtle cried.

He just wanted to buy himself some time for consideration.

How can these people directly do it?

Still unreasonable?

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