Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3389: Mysterious people

Chapter 3389: Mysterious People

Good luck is too illusory.

If a mortal looks up at a castle in the sky, it is beyond reach.

Moreover, this ultimate place is still not known whether it is true or not.

For the vast majority of spiritual cultivation, the attraction of each mountain is greater. After all, this is something that is visible and tangible.

This is not rigorous.

Because Baoshan is guarded by a demon king who regards it as his home.

The risk factor is quite high.

The spiritual practitioners can see it, but it is also very difficult to touch it.

There are even many spiritual cultivations, who have paid a painful price for this, disappearing in smoke and death.

Of course, even if there is a demon king guarding him, Baoshan is not unbreakable.

When the gods near Baoshan gather more and more, or if the powerful gods take action, Baoshan will still be breached.

Then, the divine cultivators who "worked together" before will fight for the many treasures in Baoshan, and eventually they will be divided up.

In general, everyone has a chance.

But relatively powerful gods will have more opportunities and greater hope of obtaining treasures.

After more than half a month, the cultivators experienced many kinds of things, and they were stronger than before, and they appeared to be more sophisticated and mature.

Few real leaders appear.

Because, among the gods of various races, even if there are gods who come in, they don't dare to show the power of gods, and can only suppress their own cultivation base, resulting in the gap between the gods and the kings, which has been narrowed a lot.

In addition, what people talk about most is that a group of mysterious people appeared during this period.

Everyone is not clear about their own strength.

However, everyone dare not ignore them, because they have a very good relationship with the monsters of the ultimate land.

Whenever those mysterious people showed up, there would be monsters following them.

Then, those mysterious people don't need to do anything at all, the monsters will replace them and suppress other monsters in Baoshan...

What is even more exaggerated is that those mysterious people will directly uproot the entire Baoshan Mountain and take it away.

This is simply not even the soup for everyone to drink!

Also because of this incident, the mystery people's reputation among the various ethnic gods is very bad.

The main thing is to do things too hard.

You have eaten all the meat, but somehow save a mouthful of soup for everyone?

The rocks and soil in Baoshan have to be packed and taken away. Is this something humans can do?

However, despite the grievances in the hearts of various ethnic gods, they did not dare to confront those mysterious people.

There is no other reason, everyone still doesn't want to become the ration of the demon king.


This day.

In front of a majestic mountain, thousands of gods from all ethnic groups gathered.

The Baoshan in the front looks like a giant tortoise crawling on the ground. Even people who don't understand Feng Shui can see that it is an excellent Feng Shui treasure.

The whole Baoshan exudes brilliant and brilliant.

Even if they are far apart, the gods and cultivators of all races can see that many treasures in the mountains are salivating one by one.

However, no one acted rashly.

To be precise, it is not true.

But the people who acted rashly are already dead, leaving enough lessons for the rest.

Obviously, this Baoshan is extraordinary.

As time went by, the number of gods of all ethnic groups gathered in the area around Baoshan increased, and soon exceeded 10,000.

At this time, many people started to move around.

Many people are powerful.

With everyone "working together", there is already the possibility of breaking through Baoshan.

As for after the breach, according to the old rules, it is natural that whoever grabs the treasure is the one who kills each other! Everyone is familiar with the road.

I have to say that the adaptability of various ethnic gods is still very powerful.

However, the dream of cultivating gods of all races quickly turned into a bubble, but a bubble shattered.

Because on the distant horizon, a group of mysterious people appeared.

They are not many, only a few people.

Everyone is covered by a special force, which makes it impossible to see through their appearance, whether it is eyesight or soul.

There is a powerful spiritual cultivation, and can perceive that that special power is spatial power.

A forbidden film was formed, covering the mysterious people.

Among the mysterious people, a few adults are eliminated, and there is a child. Don't ask how everyone sees it. They only cover their appearance, not their height.

The height of adults and children is still obvious.

The cultivators of various races in the nearby area gathered together in a tacit understanding, forming a battle line invisibly, blocking the front of several mysterious people.

"Mysterious man, this treasure mountain is already ours, you can look for other treasure mountains!"

There was a master who was overwhelmingly speaking.


"Your name is written on Baoshan?"

"You said it's yours, then it's yours?"

Obviously, mysterious people do not buy it.

Treasures of heaven, material, and earth are originally unowned, and have always been inhabited by the capable.

If it is really said that everyone is a robber, and no one is more noble than anyone, then don't laugh at all.

Divine cultivators of all races obviously knew that this reason didn't work.

Another one, who is already on the list of gods, said: "Mysterious people, you have no lower limit. Every time you take the entire Baoshan away."

"Today this Baoshan, what we say, we will not let you."

"Yes! The big deal, let's fight the first one."

"Yes, who is afraid of whom!"

The spirits of all ethnic groups are filled with indignation and righteous indignation.

It was as if those mysterious people had done something particularly excessive to them.

"A group of incompetent people who can't do it by themselves, they count on others to give you some soup to drink? They also put on the way they should be, really ridiculous."

The mysterious child was overwhelmed by the shamelessness of the gods of all races.

Both sides scolded.

All kinds of saliva fly wildly.

The mysterious kid talked endlessly, and his mouth was indistinguishable from the gods of various races, and there were great signs of a match.


But suddenly, a series of terrifying roars sounded like thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the demon gas soared into the sky and spread out.

Heads of monstrous monarchs appeared in front of the mysterious people.

Looking around, there are a total of six or seven demon kings.

For a time, tens of thousands of gods of all ethnic groups closed their mouths.

Someone wanted to say something cruel, but there was something called fear, which caught his throat, making him dare not say one more word.

Who is afraid of whom?

The big deal is a battle?

The cultivators of all races have already thrown away their previous rhetoric.

Just listen to those words.

If you have to be true, it's meaningless.

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