Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3381: Immortal Liquid

Chapter 3381: Immortal Liquid

The scattered figure was just a ray of soul thought of Tan Taikang.

And what came out of the palace was his body, still dressed in white, but not a long gown, but a loose-fitting martial arts uniform, giving it a sense of free and easy heroism.

In addition, Tantaikang's body is extremely vigorous.

Looking from the perspective of waking up, behind Tan Taikang, there seemed to be a sea of ​​blood surging.

But that is actually a sea of ​​blood.

Tantaikang's blood is as vigorous as the boundless sea.

It seems that he can destroy the heavens and kill the gods with just one easy punch.

This is the most powerful physical monk that Awakening has seen so far.

Obviously, Tantaikang was a **** ancestor.

However, those who become ancestors in the flesh will be called "Zhan Zu".

Their combat power is more powerful than ordinary **** ancestors.

No wonder Tan Taikang can check and balance the ghost ancestors, and he is not an ordinary person.

"Young patriarch, what I'm practicing is a void combat body, integrating space power into the flesh. I don't know what you are practicing, what is it?" Tan Taikang asked.

"The constellation of the Moon God in the Sun and Moon Divine Law." Su Xing answered, and said in amazement: "Senior can actually incorporate spatial power into the flesh?"

"Yes! I also spent a lot of effort to do it."

Speaking of these, Tan Taikang is obviously a little proud, this is his own way.

After thinking about it, he exhorted: "Young patriarch, the Sun and Moon Divine Technique is indeed extraordinary. You can continue to practice, but no matter what the technique is, if you want to break into the Divine Ancestral Realm, you need to walk your own way. ."

The ancestor is an existence that stands proudly on the gods.

This state, I don't know how many Tianjiao wizards have been stumped throughout the ages.

If you want to step into the Divine Ancestral Realm, you need to walk your own way, otherwise, no matter how talented you are, it will be useless.

Such as Tan Taikang, his way is to integrate the power of space into the flesh.

Like a leaf knife, he combined the sword technique and the formation technique.

It is also precisely because it is extremely difficult to enter the Divine Ancestor Realm, so every divine ancestor is an extremely talented person, and they are enough to establish an ancestor and become the supreme founding ancestor.

Tan Taikang told Awakening this to make Awaken pay attention to this matter.

It is better to prepare in advance than to encounter bottlenecks when the time comes.


Wake up and nodded.

Tan Taikang smiled and said: "So, let me help the young patriarch to refine the undead matter here!"

In fact, Awakening cannot see the difference in attributes of the immortal matter.

In his eyes, all immortal substances are actually the same.

After regaining consciousness, he finally took out all the immortal matter in his body.

Afterwards, he sat cross-legged in front of the palace and released the lunar constellation.

During this period of time, the physical body has indeed been left behind by the cultivation base, and the awakening also wants to improve.


Tan Taikang made an unarmed move.

Soon, a large amount of undead matter flew out.

There was flame burning in his palm, as if to burn the space, it was the fire of the void.

However, Tantaikang's Void Fire was more powerful than the awakened one, and its power was extremely terrifying.

The sturdy and immortal immortal matter quickly began to melt under the burning of the void fire, turning into an extremely pure liquid, and then being shot by Tantaikang into the awakened body.

I have to say that having a Zhan Zu helped in the practice is indeed infinite benefits.

The speed of awakening cultivation has reached an incredible level.

Luna constellation becomes more and more perfect.

The awakened physical power is also growing crazily.

Seven million dragon power.

The power of eight million dragons.

The power of nine million dragons.


In the end, it stabilized at the power of 9.9 million dragons.

Only one hundred thousand dragons' power is enough to enter the ranks of ten thousand dragons' power.

However, the power of tens of thousands of dragons is a sign that the body has stepped into the realm of the gods.

In other words, after this time of cultivation, the awakening distance will become a physical god, and there is only a thread away.

This is incredible.

His physical strength can be said to be an incredible improvement.

Immortal matter is too extraordinary.

Tan Taikang was a great help to wake up this time.

"Young patriarch, if you want to break into the power of thousands of dragons, you can only rely on yourself. Now I will help you improve your cultivation level!" Tan Taikang casually moved.

The immortal matter obtained before waking up began to melt.

Afterwards, Awakening quickly absorbed, his cultivation base began to improve, and he finally settled at the peak of the ninth-order of the God King Realm.

The same cannot go further.

Because of the next trilemma, you also need to wake up and rely on yourself to get through. Outsiders cannot help.

Su Xing opened his eyes, feeling the mighty power in his body, and arched his hands towards Tantai Kang: "Thank you, senior."

The power of the physical body 9.9 million dragons.

Cultivation base, the ninth-level peak of the God King Realm.

These two things have already given Awakening enough confidence to go to the ultimate place and compete for opportunities.

"The young patriarch is polite."

Tantaikang waved his hand with a smile, and said, "I hope that the young patriarch will have a huge harvest in the ultimate land."

Wake up curiously: "Does the senior have some understanding of the ultimate land?"

Tan Taikang shook his head and said: "Any ultimate place is extremely mysterious and protected by extraordinary powers. Even the ancestors cannot force it."


Su Xing caught the meaning of Tan Taikang's words, and said in surprise: "Senior, is there a lot of the ultimate land?"

"a lot of!"

Tantaikang nodded and said, "However, most of them are pseudo-ultimate places. There are no real great opportunities in them. In history, there are very few ultimate places that have real great opportunities."

"Nevertheless, it still attracts countless people."

"After all, the great opportunity of the ultimate land is indeed related to good luck."

When it comes to good fortune, it is a great opportunity.

Su Xing nodded, it was roughly understood.

To put it bluntly, this matter has to take a chance. If you are lucky, you can encounter the real ultimate place and get the good luck inside.

If you are unlucky, you can only run for nothing.

It may even be in danger.

Awakening didn't care too much, anyway, he had already created a source of good fortune.

Next, Tan Taikang made a hand-to-hand trick, and the palace behind him quickly began to disintegrate. The original immortal matter was turned into an "immortal liquid", which could be better used for cultivation.

"Young patriarch, I will leave soon anyway. It is useless to keep this palace. It's better to refining it all into an immortal liquid, which you will bring on your body for cultivation."

Tan Taikang said with a smile.

He possesses the boldness and open-mindedness of a physical monk, and he is generous in his actions.

You know, that entire palace contains ten million catties of immortal matter, which is enough to make people crazy.

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