Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3380: Tantaikang

Chapter 3380 Tan Taikang

"It's Sister Bai. Not long ago, she visited the Ghost Capital of the Fog."

Tantai Kang paused, and then explained: "It's Bai Muzhi."

"It turns out to be Senior White!" Su Xing suddenly realized.

"I was in the Ghost Ancestor just now, I can't talk to you in detail, even if it's a sound transmission, at such a close distance, I will be eavesdropped by the Ghost Ancestor..."

Tantai Kangdao.

He obviously won't expose his awakening identity in front of the ghost ancestor.

Of course, if you choose the wrong wake up, then Tan Taikang will have to find a way to keep the wake up.

He can't watch as he wakes up in danger and falls into the wolf den of Guizu.

Only in that way, the awakened identity is likely to be exposed.

Fortunately, Awakening is very clever, and one problem caused Guizu to show himself.

Su Xing nodded, expressing understanding, and then asked: "Senior White has left the Great Black Abyss?"

Tantaikang nodded: "Yes, because of the fusion of the four forbidden areas, many changes have occurred. Sister Bai left the Great Black Abyss and rescued the other people..."

Tantaikang carefully explained the status quo of the void survivors.

In general, because he was awakened in the Great Black Abyss, Bai Muzhi lifted the seal, and the latter could freely travel between the forbidden areas and make arrangements in advance.

Therefore, the Void Remains currently occupy the initiative.

However, for some reasons, he could not leave the forbidden area for the time being.

Such as Tan Taikang, he and the ghost ancestor, to some extent, formed a relationship of checks and balances.

Once he leaves, there will be no more people and can suppress the ghost ancestor.

Ye Dao's Lingxiao sword formation could not do it either.

Speaking of it, it was Tantaikang and Ye Dao's combination that suppressed Guizu.

Of course, this situation is only temporary.

When the ultimate land opens, Guizu will definitely get out of trouble, but it is still unknown whether he can escape Yaoyao.

According to Tantaikang, the ghost ancestors were removed, and the two forbidden lands of Huangkeng and Longtou Mountain Pass were also still being held, two very terrifying existences.

They are ‘Wild Ancestor’ and ‘Dragon Mother’ respectively.

Waking up could not help but smack his tongue.

Among the four forbidden areas of Xuan Tianzong, there are really a lot of big people imprisoned!

Get rid of the accidents of ghost ancestors, wild ancestors, and dragon mothers, as well as many members of the void survivors, who are also very powerful.

"How do I feel that Xuan Tianzong is like a prison?" Su Xing said.

"It's true!" Tan Taikang nodded: "The meaning of Xuan Tianzong's existence is itself the nine righteous sects, placed in a sky prison in the eastern boundary."

"Nine sects of righteous path?" Su Xing was taken aback. It was the first time he heard of such a name, and he couldn't help but said, "Behind Xuan Tianzong, isn't it the Haotian Dao sect?"

"It's the Haotian Dao Sect!"

"This forbidden prison is nominally owned by the nine reformers."

Tan Taikang explained.

The so-called Nine Righteous Paths consist of nine top powers.

Among them, the three most powerful forces are the Xiantian Daochang, the Temple of the Gods, and the Shrine of Heaven.

In addition, there are Haotian Daomen, Lingtian Daomen, Qingtian Daomen, Huangtian Daomen, Zitian Daomen, and Yutian Daomen.

The Nine Righteous Ways are an organization similar to an alliance.

In the central realm, it has a great influence, and it can be said to be the first righteous way in the world.

There are few organizational strengths that can compete with it.

They take the task of eradicating demons and destroying demons, and the entire battlefield of demons and demons is dominated by them, and dominates all directions.

"That's it!"

Suddenly wake up.

No wonder Luo Qingxue would stay with Tianjiao of Haotian Dao Sect and come to Xuan Tianzong together.

It turns out that there is still this relationship in the middle.

In addition, Su Xing probably understood why Xuan Tianzong's senior officials were not particularly concerned about the chaotic situation in the nine regions of East Spirit.

Their duty is to guard the forbidden area.

Don't let things happen in a forbidden place.

As for the other things, probably in their eyes, they are just trivial things.

"Young patriarch, when the ultimate land is opened, the blood ancestors, wild ancestors, and dragon mothers will definitely escape in the chaos. At that time, our Void Clan will also use this opportunity to leave."

Tan Taikang revealed their plan.

Wake up and nodded, he can't help these things temporarily.

When it comes to that level of character struggle, he is still too small.

"Since the Nine Schools of Righteous Paths take the eradication of the Demon Path and the rescue of the common people as their own responsibility, why do you want to imprison the Void Clan?" Su Xing said with a deep expression: "The Void Clan has nothing to do with the Devil Dao!"

"To eradicate the devil's way and save the common people, these eight characters were relatively pure in the ancient times."

"At that time, the Nine Righteous Paths did a lot of things."

"But, times have changed, and people's hearts will also change."

"There will always be some people, under the guise of righteousness, doing things that are beneficial to them. The nine righteous ways are no longer as pure as they were at the beginning."

Tan Taikang sighed with emotion.

Wake up didn't say much, but his eyes were slightly sharper.

It was the first time he heard the name Nine Righteous Paths today, but it was not the first time he heard the name Lingtian Daomen, Qingtian Daomen, and Huangtian Daomen.

Because of his mother's gift, the big power in the list of imprisoned void survivors.

Basically, they all come from Lingtian, Qingtian, and Huangtian among the nine righteous doors.

Naturally, this made him have no liking for the Nine Righteous Paths.

"Young patriarch, we have arrived."

While talking, Tan Taikang had already led him to wake up and came to a palace.

This is Tantaikang's practice site.

However, the most surprising thing to Wake is that this entire palace is made of immortal matter.

You know, the palace in front of you is more than ten times bigger than the Golden Luang Temple in the palace outside.

"Young patriarch, the ultimate land is about to be opened. It is indeed possible there. There is an unworldly opportunity. Before that, let me help you improve your cultivation strength."

Tan Taikang suggested.

"it is good!"

Reawakening nodded, and said: "I was outside before and obtained a lot of undead material, which can be used to improve my strength.

Immortal matter contains a huge amount of energy inside.

After refining, there is not only a chance to shape an undead body, but also a great improvement in cultivation base, spirit, physical quality, etc.

Tan Taikang shook his head and said: "Young patriarch, immortal matter is also divided into multiple types. The immortal matter you get has the greatest effect on cultivation and spirits, and the immortal matter here is specifically for the flesh."

"I think you are a physical monk, and it happens that I am also, so let me help you to strengthen your physical body."

Su Xing looked surprised: "Senior Tantai is a flesh monk?"


Tantaikang smiled slightly, and then his figure fell apart.

Then, in the palace ahead, another Tantaikang walked away.

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