Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3373: Palace

Chapter 3373: Royal Palace

Because the space rules of Wuyin Ghost Capital were forcibly modified.

As a result, the high-rise compound covers an extremely large area, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles at every turn. It is really not an easy task for ordinary people to find the immortal matter from it.

Such as Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Jianjun and others.

If they want to obtain undead matter, they must first kill the ghost exorcist in white, and then search. In a short time, they may not be able to find it.

However, if the immortal matter is not taken away, the white-clothed exorcists will be resurrected.

As a result, Tian Jue Sword Sovereign and the others often have to kill the white-clothed ghost exorcists several times before they can get the undead matter.

Undoubtedly, efficiency has become extremely low.

Therefore, Tian Jue Jianjun and others who reacted began to seek cooperation with each other.

However, in terms of efficiency, it is still not enough to wake up.

At this moment, in a rockery, he awoke and found the undead.

The so-called rockery is actually tens of thousands of feet high, very lofty, and the immortal matter is hidden in the mountain.

The awakened figure passed through the mountain without any hindrance. In front of him, there was an undead substance floating in the void, exuding a faint luster, and a more sacred atmosphere.

This piece of immortal material is about the size of a washbasin and weighs more than a hundred kilograms.

This is the largest piece of undead matter that Awakening has seen so far.

You know, before Xia Hou led the masters of the Xia family, they were busy everywhere, destroying the village, and finally obtained the immortal matter, which was only more than 50 catties.

Awakening put away the undead matter.

There was light flickering in his pupils, and immediately afterwards, his figure rushed into the sky, overlooking the entire misty ghost capital.

The ghost fog is diffused, and ordinary people are not able to observe all the ghost ghosts clearly at this moment.

And even if the divine eyes are opened when awakening, the same result is achieved.

However, he closed his eyes and felt the fluctuations and laws of the special space in the ghost capital of the mist.

Invisibly, it seems that there are countless light spots and countless thin lines appearing around him. They are spatial nodes and spatial lines, just like human acupuncture points and meridians.

Through the space nodes and space lines, it is actually possible to wake up, and to feed back all the things that happened in the whole misty ghost to the mind.

He even "seeed" Yan Chongtian in the palace.

However, the other party could not find his prying eyes.

After all, what the awakening uses at this moment is neither the soul nor the gaze, but to observe everything based on the perception feedback of the spatial context.

"Lots of immortal matter..."

He woke up and found that there were too many immortal substances in the palace.

And Yan Chongtian's figure is haunting many palaces, any ghosts such as court ladies, eunuchs, masters of the inside, etc., have not come close to Yan Chongtian, they will be wiped out.

In the end, Yan Chongtian walked into the Jinluan Temple.

What makes people salivate is that the entire Golden Luang Temple is actually made of immortal materials.

However, on the dragon chair of the Golden Luang Temple, a man wearing a blood-colored gun suit was sitting there, exuding extremely terrible pressure.

He was clearly killed by Yan Zhongtian before.

Unexpectedly, he is now alive again.

Yan Zhongtian looked calm, stepped into the Golden Luang Temple and looked at the man in the Gongfu suit. Without a word, he launched an offensive.

"Since I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time."

A fierce battle broke out again.

Whether it is Yan Chongtian or the man wearing a blood-colored gun suit, they are all extremely powerful beings. The confrontation between them has made the people in the whole fog hidden ghost feel it.

"It's the direction of the palace, and the world war broke out again."

"What's going on, isn't the man who served as a servant already killed by Sect Master Yan? Is there any other powerful character?"

"Have you forgotten that ghosts are immortal and immortal? What if they are killed? They will be resurrected soon, and the immortal must be taken away."


In the high-rise compound where he was awakened.

The red moon and the black robe men each eliminated their opponents.

They also felt the fierce fight from the direction of the palace.

"Let's go! Let's join in the fun." Wake came to Hongyue's body, with an eager expression on her face: "I guess that the imperial palace may be full of undead matter."

Red Moon was slightly startled.

In her mind, awakening is not a reckless person.

Juechen couldn't stand it anymore, stared at Su Xing, and said sarcastically: "Would you like to take off the Wangxin tablet on your back, take a picture of yourself, and see how many catties there are."

"How do you say it?" Yue Zhijun stared at Juechen, with a kind of nonsense, playing a posture of talking again.

However, Juechen just glanced at Yue Zhijun plainly, did not respond, and did not pay attention to Yue Zhijun at all.

Hongyue looked at her awakening and said, "With our strength, we can't touch the undead matter in the palace."

Su Xing looked at it for granted and said, "Isn't Yan Zhongtian one of yours? Isn't it enough for him to help clear the way?"

Juechen rolled his eyes and said, "Are you crazy? People are the master of a sect and have a great future. How can you be a member of the Demon Sect? He just owes us a favor."

"Now, the favor has been paid."

"That's it!" Su Xing showed a daze.

"You lied to me?" Juechen's face was startled, and immediately showed anger.

He was actually awakened to reveal the secret.

"Is this all discovered by you?" Su Xing Feng Qingyun glanced at Juechen.

"You..." Juechen was furious.

However, Hongyue motioned for him to be quiet.

In contrast, the red moon seemed calm as water. Even if he was awakened and learned about Yan Chongtian, it didn't matter. After all, the transaction with Yan Chongtian had ended.

"What we should do now is to obtain as many undead substances as possible, not to waste time intrigue here." Hongyue said flatly.

"Agree!" Su Xing nodded, and said: "So we go directly to the palace, and the palace can't get in, but there are some palaces and the like nearby, and there will be a lot of gains.

The palace is the real goal of awakening.

As for taking a little secret from Juechen, it was just incidental.

"The guarding power of the palace is probably extraordinary." Juechen said with a calm face.

"If you are scared, you can hide in this house. It should be safe for the time being." Su Xing smiled.

"...Who would be afraid!" Juechen suddenly became unhappy.

"Let's go!" Su Xing looked indifferent, and when the voice fell, she brought Yue Zhijun, Gu Shanying and others directly to teleport and disappeared from the yard.

"This guy is so arrogant. He even dared to drive ahead of us and met a ghost-expelling man in white. Let's see how he responds." Juechen squeezed his fist.

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