Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3372: Break into the ghost capital of the mist

Chapter 3372: Breaking into the Ghost Capital of Fog

Above the sky, the Lingxiao Sword Formation seemed to be able to traverse the eternity, shocking all demons and demons.

In fact, the ghost ancestor did not reappear.

Including that the man in the blood-colored gun suit was beheaded, he did not intervene.

The mist hidden ghosts are all top powers, and suddenly disappeared.

However, Yan Chongtian did not encounter any danger, and as the master of a sect, he naturally would not act recklessly. He must be sure in his heart that the ghost ancestor would really not appear again.

As a result, the eyes of the people who had no hope for the misty ghosts became hot again.

Immortal matter is extremely precious.

Even Yan Chongtian entered the palace to search.

Everyone has never thought about competing with Yan Chongtian, but the master of the Xuantian Sect eats meat and they drink some soup afterwards, it is also very fragrant!

You know, this misty ghost is inside, but there is a terrifying big ghost ancestor hidden.

The immortal matter inside must be extremely rich.

I am afraid that even if it is soup, it is the most fragrant soup, enough for them to drink.



"In order to immortal matter, kill all ghosts."

Soon, the roar rang through the world.

The cultivators of all races whose morale had plummeted were already enthusiastic at this moment.

One after another divine light soared into the sky.

Countless figures rushed towards the ghost capital of the fog.

And this time, there are no exceptions to the people such as Awakening, Red Moon, and others.

This is the best time to obtain undead matter.

Wait any longer, it is no longer necessary.

A group of people quickly leaped over the city wall and fell into the misty ghost capital.

At this time, everyone discovered that the misty ghosts were bigger than expected.

This is an unprecedented giant city.

The street is actually thousands of miles wide, and every house inside is as tall as a mountain. The gods standing on the street look very small.

This is obviously not normal.

Even if there is a visual deviation, it is impossible for the deviation to be so large.

"It's space power!"

Soon, everyone noticed the problem.

The space rules in the entire Fog Hidden Ghost Capital have been changed invisibly.

As a result, everything inside has been enlarged.

There are only people who stay the same, even if they look even smaller in comparison.

"found it!"

"I found immortal matter."

A **** repairer broke into a house, and when he came out, a fingernail-sized immortal material appeared in his hand.

Not many.

But you know, what he broke into was just the most ordinary house.

If there are undead substances in every house here, then look at the whole audience, how many undead substances are hidden in countless houses.

What's more, the misty ghosts were built completely according to the imperial city of mankind.

Get rid of the ordinary houses, the high-rise compound where the powerful and the powerful lived, the luxurious and luxurious mansions, wouldn't there be more immortal materials in those places?

This discovery made the expressions of many people extremely excited.

No one thought that the immortal matter of the misty ghosts was so rich.

In contrast, villages and towns in other places are simply incomparable.

"I found it too."

"Hahaha...the undead material that you dream of."

There was another **** who laughed happily.

He also searched for undead matter in an ordinary house.

This further validates everyone's guess.


Suddenly, a terrible scream sounded.

The divine cultivator who was still laughing a while ago was bitten by a fierce ghost in his neck. No matter how he managed his cultivation base, he could not get rid of the opponent. Instead, his vitality quickly died out in the screams.

In the end, he became a corpse and fell to his death.

And that ghost, with a greedy expression of enjoyment, was full of ghosts.

Soon, a large number of ghosts appeared in the streets and houses of the whole fog hidden ghosts. The ghost gas was diffused, and the fog hidden in the ghosts was quickly diffused, blocking the line of sight.

Such a gloomy and terrifying environment made the minds of many gods suddenly wake up.

Although the ghost ancestor did not make any more moves, even though the blood-clothed man in the dung suit died, this does not mean that the ghosts in the mist are safe.

Ye Dao can only suppress the ghost ancestors.

However, Yan Chongtian did not continue to slaughter other ghosts after beheading the man wearing the dungeon.

None of them do charity.

He will not clean up all obstacles for the gods of all races.

If you want to get immortal matter, you still need to face danger and you need to strive for it through your own efforts.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest!


The roar of the dragon came from afar.

It was the Jiulong Taoist who was shooting. He was in a high-rise compound, and he was fighting fiercely with a white-clothed ghost exorcist.

People like Jiulong Taoists, they will not miss and waste time in ordinary houses.

Their goal is the high-rise compound.

The immortal matter inside is more abundant.

Taking down a high-rise compound is far more cost-effective than hundreds of ordinary houses.

But correspondingly, the difficulty is also great.

The owner of the high mansion compound is either rich or noble. There are not only a large number of ordinary ghosts, but also white-clothed ghost exorcists.

If you want to capture the undead, you can't get around them.

Tian Jue Sword Monarch also chose a high-rise compound and was fighting with the opponent.

The awakening group is no exception.

They found a high-rise compound not long after, and everyone didn't know what the identity of the owner was in Wuyin Ghost Capital, but it didn't matter.

The important thing is to kill the white-clothed exorcist and win the undead.

It is worth mentioning that once the immortal matter is captured, the ghost exorcists in white clothes and other ghosts in the house can no longer be resurrected.

After all, they themselves rely on the immortal matter in the house to maintain their immortality.

"Give it to me from the ghost exorcist, and you can fetch the immortal matter." Hongyue said towards the wake.

"Yes!" Su Xing nodded.

He is a space monk, extremely flexible, and the most convenient for searching for undead matter.

Soon, fierce fighting broke out.

Hongyue is vigorous and resolute. When she enters a fighting state, her majestic temperament seems to be hidden, and what she reveals is more of a special fierceness.

In the house, there are two ghost exorcists in white clothes.

Compared with other high-rise compound, the protective force can be said to be more powerful, such as the powerful people of Jiulong Taoist, do not dare to break into such a house alone.

Hongyue and the black-robed man next to him each deal with a white-clothed ghost exorcist.

He Tong, Yan Feng, Gu Shanying, Gong Kun and others dealt with other ghosts.


The awakened figure disappeared from the same place.

His speed is faster than in the past, his whereabouts are unpredictable, and he is shuttled in the house that covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, looking for undead matter.

Soon, he made a discovery.

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