Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3344: Repair base surge

Chapter 3,344

Zhou Daoyuan is about to break into the realm of God King.

This is naturally great news for the Yue family.

Every time a god-sovereign powerhouse is added, the Yue family's background will be greatly improved.

Especially, Zhou Daoyuan is not an ordinary spiritual cultivation.

As a great master on the list of heavenly kings and ranked within ten thousand, Zhou Daoyuan's savings in the Divine King Realm are already very strong. Once he breaks through, his savings will explode.

The specific outbreak is divided into two points.

First, he will walk farther than others on the road of the gods.

Second, his combat power level after breaking into the gods will be greatly improved.

According to Yue Anshan's estimation, after Zhou Daoyuan broke into the realm of the gods, even if it was only the initial stage of the first-order gods, his combat power level, estimated that he could directly reach the middle of the first-order gods.

In the Divine Sovereign Realm, there is a big gap in the four levels within each level.

There is a huge gap between the first order and the second order.

Ordinary people, even if they break into the realm of the gods, are only the weakest group of gods, and any existence of the middle stage of the first-order gods can suppress them.

Such as Zhou Daoyuan is really rare.

Of course, the training resources he needs to break through the God Sovereign Realm are also more.

However, this is not difficult for the Yue family.

The Yue Family is the top existence among the five-flow heavenly clan, with a deep foundation, and can fully withstand such consumption.

What's more, the three families of Shen, Zheng, and He have been defeated this time. When the Yue family has completely controlled the Renshui area, the foundation will only be deeper than before. If all goes well, it is estimated that it will not be long before they will be among the ranks of the four-flow heavenly clan.

However, since this time, the outside world has also caused a lot of sensation.

People were not optimistic about the Yue family, and defeated the five coalition forces of Ji, Ning, Shen, Zheng, and He with the momentum of thunder. Many people were unexpected and shocked.

But the most shocking thing is the fall of the gods.

The most important thing was the news of Ji Wuxiang's death. After it was spread, it fell into the calm lake like a divine thunder, and the entire lake was exploded.

The death of Ji Wuxiang is too much involved.

It's like a big earthquake.

It is not difficult for people to imagine how angry the Ji family will be after learning this news. I am afraid that their monstrous anger will soon burn into the waters.

Then, Bing Feng pointed directly at the Yue family.

Countless people feel that a bigger war is about to begin.

Some people even said stubbornly that they had already seen the storm coming.

It's just that the Yue family is like a okay person.

They were still walking according to their own plan, sending troops to Zheng, He, and Shen, and in just over ten days, they wiped out the remnants of the three families.

Since then, only one Yue family remained in Renshui area.

"The Yue Family is in disaster, and they don't know it yet. They are being dazzled by benefits."

"How can the Renshui area be so easy to control? The Yue family is a wise life, so confused for a while!"

"I guess that the Ji family deliberately waited until the Yue family took control of Renshui, so that they could take over and save a lot of trouble. It's a good way to catch the cicada by the mantis, the oriole is behind!"

Numerous gods in Renshui area talked about this matter.

In particular, those "superior people" who think they have excellent vision have expressed their opinions in many public occasions, and they are justified.

However, a month passed.

Two months passed.

Three months have passed, and the Ji family has not sent troops to the waters.

Even a fool has already seen that the Ji family didn't mean to do anything in a short time.

At this moment, the "senior people" who talked about before did not dare to happen again. They were beaten one by one. Recently, they have not dared to go to restaurants and other places. They are really embarrassed to see people.

It's just that there is no movement in the Ji family, it is indeed making everyone puzzled.

Some people even speculated that Ji Wuxiang was actually not dead, so the Ji family didn't move Thunder Fury. But, after thinking about it carefully, this speculation is actually not reasonable.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if Ji Wuxiang is not dead, the Ji family's plan to penetrate the Ren Waters has also failed.

How would they be willing?

Dignified Heavenly Clan, don't want face?


Three months ago.

Fuling Mountain, the base camp of the Ji family.

Compared with usual, the atmosphere of this sacred land is very depressing.

The clansmen, guards, etc., during the walk, most of them walked in a hurry, and did not dare to make too much noise, because everyone knows that today's senior Ji family are like angry mad dogs.

Ji Wuxiang, that was the first arrogant of the Ji family's last era, and even served as the deputy head of the patriarch.

Everyone knows that he will inevitably inherit Datong in the future and become the head of the Ji family.

However, Ji Bingyan, he is the number one arrogant of the Ji family's era. He has shown his extraordinary talent since he was a child, and he has followed Ji Wuxiang to practice.

At a young age, his strength is not inferior to many older people.

Over time, his brilliance is no different than Ji Wudi.

But now, they are all dead.

The first arrogant of the two eras fell on the same day, which was terrifying news for the Ji family.

Since the establishment of the family, the Ji family has never suffered such a big loss.

This incident will inevitably make the Ji family's reputation worse than before.

They need revenge.

A crazy revenge is needed.

Ten times, a hundred times to get back this **** hatred.

This is almost the unanimous voice of everyone in the Ji family.

However, just when the Ji family was preparing to use the power of the clan to pacify the waters of Ren, there was a special order that came from the back mountain of Xuan Tianzong.

The content of the instruction is very simple.

Only two words.

"Stop Ge!"

Two simple words, but with an unquestionable tone.

The senior level of the Ji family was silent.

The master behind this instruction is so special that they dare not go against it at all, even if they are unwilling to do so, they dare not send troops.

Because of violating that instruction, there was only one end, and the Ji family was destroyed.

If you wake up and see this instruction, you will also be amazed at how powerful the magic sect is.

Obviously, this instruction is related to the red moon.

The latter had previously said that the Ji family would not attack the Yue family in a short period of time. According to her consistent description, if she hadn't been very sure in her heart, she wouldn't have said anything like that.

However, all this has nothing to do with awakening.

After these three months, he has been practicing with great concentration.

In this practice, he has only one goal, to improve his cultivation.

This is his shortcoming.

Cultivation is the foundation of everything.

Without the cultivation base, no matter how high the awakening talent is, it will not be of much use, and it will be difficult to use the potential talent.

At present, the best cultivation resource for improving the cultivation base is naturally the Heavenly Tongtian Profound Treasure.

When I was in the Great Black Abyss, I was awakened and received a large amount of Heaven-Stopping Profound Treasure. This time, Yue'an Mountain also sent a lot of them, enough to wake up and practice.

In the past three months, he has been refining the heavenly profound treasure.

Even he himself doesn't remember how much he has refined, and in such a crazy cultivation, his cultivation level is also increasing at an incredible speed.

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