Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3343: Quasi **** Gong Kun

Chapter 3343: Quasi-God Gong Kun

The vast expanse of Yueyang Tianhu, the smoke and the vastness, the water and the sky, are beautiful and beautiful.

In the area where the lake is located, there are many islands, and there are many floating islands dotted in the sky.

Here is the base camp of the Yue family.

Under normal circumstances, outsiders are not allowed to enter or leave.

But at this moment, countless members of the Yue family found that in the sky, in the floating island deep in the cloud, a series of stalwart figures flew out one after another.

Those are the gods and ancestors of the Yue family.

At ordinary times, where the whereabouts are mysterious, the dragon sees the head but not the end, even the representative of the younger generation of the Yue family, Yue Zhijun, can hardly meet.

"What big person is here, let the ancestors come out to greet?"

Up and down the Yue family, countless people were puzzled.

Such a welcome specification is unprecedented.

However, there is an array restriction in the sky, which makes many people unable to find out even though they are full of curiosity.

"Little friend, thank you very much."

"The Yue family will remember your kindness for generations."

An ancestor of the Yue family took the lead to speak.

The other Yue family ancestors also looked at awakening sincerely,

After that, all the ancestors of the Yue family, Qi Qi bowed towards Su Xing, bowed very low, and meticulous etiquette.

Awakening did not evade, and accepted the gift generously.

Yue An Mountain, Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others did not look surprised, as if everything were taken for granted.

In fact, it is true.

For most of the Yue family members, they only know that the situation in the waters is tense this time, and the Yue family is facing a crisis, but they don't know the specific crisis and how tense the situation is.

Only Yue'an Mountain, the ancestors of the Yue family, Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others can deeply understand.

This time, the Yue family encountered the biggest crisis in history.

The situation is extremely unfavorable for the Yue family.

Even to be polite, there is a 90% chance that the Yue Family will be destroyed, and it will be difficult to restore its former glory.

During this period of time, Yue'an Mountain, the ancestors of the Yue family, Yue Qing, Yue Zi, etc., can be described as having trouble sleeping and eating, and suffering from fatigue. They were afraid that the Yue family would be destroyed in the next moment.

Countless people died tragically and were buried in the battlefield.

It can be said that the Yue family has fallen into the darkest moment of turbulence.

At this moment, the awakening appeared.

He is not so much a beacon, but rather a dazzling sun, dispelling all darkness, allowing the Yue family to see the light again and usher in greater hope.

Because of this, the ancestors of the Yue family spontaneously saluted their wake.

This is grateful from the heart.

If awakening is prevented, it will make the Yue family ancestors feel uncomfortable.

"Yue Qing, Yue Zi, what are you guys doing? Have you thanked little friend Luo Qing?" An ancestor named Yue Tianpeng looked at Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others staringly.

"This... Patriarch, we have thanked you many times."

Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others said in embarrassment.

Although they are also gods, they are much lower than Yue Tianpeng's seniority. It's just that the other party's juniors, who are yelled at by the other party, dare not talk back.

"You can't thank you after you have thanked you? Don't you blame many people, don't you know the truth?" Yue Tianpeng said nonchalantly.

"Ah! Tianpeng ancestor, or let's leave here first! I have invited Luo Qing to stay in Yue's house for a while, so we should try our best to be a landlord."

Yue Anshan hurriedly changed the subject.

It's not that he is not grateful for waking up, but that a large group of people always stand here to thank you for waking up, which is not a problem.

Looking at the appearance of waking up, it is also helpless.

"Stay for a while? That's a good relationship!"

Yue Tianpeng's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward to take the initiative to wake up, and said as he walked: "Little friend Luo Qing, you have helped the Yue family so much this time. During the period of living in the Yue family, let us do our best as a landlord. Friendship!"

"So, it's better to be respectful than fate." Su Xing smiled slightly.

Yue Tianpeng's character is somewhat imaginative with Zhou Daoyuan, he is clear about his grievances, distinguishes right from wrong, and will not be hypocritical.

"It seems that Brother Zhou's wife is a descendant of Tianpeng's ancestor? It seems that at the beginning, Brother Zhou's marriage was approved and blessed by Tianpeng ancestor?"

I woke up and remembered the things I had talked about before and what I had heard.

Perhaps Yue Tianpeng saw Zhou Daoyuan as if he saw himself when he was young, otherwise, in his identity, the marriage of the tribe would not take the initiative to express blessings.

It was also the blessing of that time that made Zhou Daoyuan in the Yue family completely firmly established.

Otherwise, if he is a foreigner, he will inevitably be excluded.

But now, Zhou Daoyuan also lived up to expectations, successfully ranked among the ten thousand heavenly kings, and was the number one master under the realm of the Yue Family God.

Yue'an Mountain had arranged a place to live for Wake, it was a whole floating island.

The pavilions, water pavilions and palace buildings above are exquisite and elegant, with extraordinary style, and the environment is extremely good.

Regarding the banquet to welcome the awakening, although the number of people is not large, everyone is an important figure in the Yue family. The atmosphere is lively and the overall feeling of awakening is quite good.

Su Xing also called out He Tong, Gong Kun and others from the Chaos Pool, and they had a lively together.

It is worth mentioning that Gong Kun is about to break through the realm of the gods.

However, breaking into the realm of the gods requires massive training resources to support him, so he is currently at the juncture of suppressing the realm and needs to prepare training resources.

And this situation was noticed by sharp-eyed Yue Tianpeng.

When he learned that Gong Kun was the awakened person, he threw one directly to Yue An Mountain, with a look in your eyes.

Yue Anshan smiled bitterly. In fact, he also noticed the clues. Originally, after the banquet was over, he prepared the training resources privately to give to wake up. How did you know that Yue Tianpeng was so anxious and made him feel like he was very petty.

After waking up a glass of wine, Yue Anshan said: "Although the resources for breaking into the gods are in great demand, the Yue family is not lacking. If you don’t see the outside world, let Gong Kun break into the gods. Now, how?"

"Then I won't be hypocritical."

Wake up thinking for a while, nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, Chief Yue!"

Gong Kun is an old river and lake, and naturally knows how to express his gratitude. He immediately picked up the wine glass and offered a glass of Yue An Mountain.

"It's all my own, you're welcome."

Yue Anshan smiled and narrowed the distance with Gong Kun in one sentence.

A quasi-divine monarch, especially the other person who is still around him, will naturally try his best to make friends, smile and clink glasses with Gong Kun, and have a very happy conversation.

Three days after the banquet ended, another piece of good news broke out from the Yue family.

Following Gong Kun, Zhou Daoyuan is also about to break through to the realm of God Sovereign.

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