Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3332: The purpose of Mozong

Chapter 3332 The Purpose of the Demon Sect

Yueyang Tower.

In a quiet and elegant other courtyard.

Yue Zhijun was reporting to Su Xing about the various conditions outside.

Yue Qing, Yue Zi, Zhou Daoyuan and others were also present, and everyone sat in a group.

"Who is Ji Wuxiang?" Su Xing asked.

In Yue Zhijun's report, the name mentioned most was Ji Wuxiang.

Naturally, it attracted his attention.

"He was the first arrogant son of the Ji family from the last era, Master Zhou Daoyuan, should understand him." After Yue Zhijun said, he looked at Zhou Daoyuan.

Among the people present, Zhou Daoyuan and Ji Wuxiang are in the same era.

"He is strong!"

Zhou Daoyuan was slightly silent.

It seems that just a person's name makes him feel great pressure.

Without personally experiencing his time, it is difficult to truly understand the power of Ji Wuxiang, that kind of power, and even the despair of the heart.

Zhou Daoyuan himself is a talented man.

He grew up step by step, and finally made it into the top 10,000 of the Heavenly Kings. In the entire East Spirit Nine Realms, there are only a dozen people like him at best, which can be described as rare.

Each of them is a generation of Tianjiao, a man of the era.

However, people like them have a big mountain in their hearts.

The name of that mountain is Ji Wuxiang.

Almost all of them were defeated by Ji Wuxiang, and they were the kind of miserable defeat.

Often Ji Wuxiang just shot easily, and they would end in a disastrous defeat.

Zhou Daoyuan has also experienced it.

So when he mentioned Ji Wuxiang, he felt the great pressure.

Over the years, Ji Wuxiang has rarely gone out and walked around, and has reduced some of his edge, but this does not affect his reputation, but makes him become even more unpredictable.

Everyone knows that he has become a goddess a long time ago.

However, no one knows what level his current cultivation strength has reached.


"Ji Wuxiang is now the deputy patriarch of the Ji family."

Zhou Daoyuan threw another blockbuster.

For the four-level Celestial Clan like the Ji family, the patriarch is very cautious, and not everyone can serve.

Ji Wuxiang is not very old, but he has become the deputy chief of the Ji family. He has a promising future. In the future, he will almost 100% inherit the position of chief.

The deputy patriarch, to him, was just a transition.

The atmosphere in the yard seemed a bit depressed.

The expressions of ten Yue family gods including Yue Qing and Yue Zi became solemn involuntarily.

They have also heard of Ji Wuxiang.

This time, the Ji family sent Ji no phase to come, this is absolutely terrible bad news for the Yue family.

"It looks like you have a problem?"

In the quiet courtyard, an indifferent woman's voice suddenly sounded, which was particularly abrupt.

Su Xing raised his eyes and looked at the red moon standing on a roof at will.

Dressed in red, dancing lightly with the wind, hair flying, beautiful appearance, unparalleled temperament.

The atmosphere in the yard became more tense and solemn.

Yue Qing and others looked around subconsciously.

When the red moon appeared, it was hard not to make people nervous. Could this be the joint action of the Mozong and the Ji family, surrounding everyone?

"Don't look, I'm the only one." Hongyue's indifferent voice sounded again.

However, Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others did not believe her words.

Furthermore, even if it was just Red Moon, everyone would not relax their guards. This witch is too heavy, and no one dares to despise her.

Moreover, the witch is so cunning, who knows if Hongyue lied?

"Why are you here?" Su Xing squinted.

He didn't suspect that Hongyue was lying, the latter seemed to disdain it.

However, Hongyue definitely belongs to the kind of person who does nothing to ascend the Three Treasure Hall. Since she appeared, she must have a purpose.

"Talk alone?" Hongyue said.

"Okay!" Wake up thinking for a while, nodded and agreed.

"Boss, you have to be careful! That witch is treacherous." Yue Zhijun lowered his voice to remind.

"Huh!" Wake up without saying much.

He didn't have to choose other places, but chose a box in Yueyang Tower.


Red Moon waved his hand and turned on all the barriers of sound insulation and isolation of soul thoughts in the box, and then looked at Awaken who was sitting on the opposite side, and said, "Don't you want to know the secret of the Demon Sect's arrival in the East Spirit Nine Realms? ?"

Su Xing shook his head and said: "This is a deal between us. If you keep your promise, you should tell me instead of using this as a condition again."

"Okay!" Hongyue nodded and said: "The purpose of the Demon Sect is Xuantianzong."


Wake up and his face changed slightly.

He really didn't expect that the Demon Sect had such a big appetite.

"To be precise."

"These are the four forbidden areas in the back mountains of Xuantianzong."

Red Moon said again.

"Are you not afraid of angering the Haotian Dao Sect?" Su Xing said.

Although the four forbidden areas in the back mountain of Xuantianzong contain many dangers, they can also be described as the four great treasure houses of Xuantianzong, because there are opportunities for people to be promoted to innate gods.

This is probably what Mozong values ​​most.

In everything else, Mozong couldn't bring up interest.

It's just that if the Demon Sect does this, it will be extremely involved, and if one is careless, it will even go to a full-scale war with the Haotian Dao Sect. Then the situation is not necessarily advantageous to the Demon Sect.

Awakening is not clear for the time being, how thick the Demon Sect is and whether it can fight the Haotian Dao Sect.

Even if it could, it would be unwise for Mozong to do so.

Because they are the Demon Sect after all, and the Haotian Dao Sect belongs to the righteous Dao force and has many alliances. Everyone is quite happy to attack the Demon Sect and get into trouble.

"We have our own plans." Hongyue did not explain too much, but said: "Talk about cooperation?"

"You speak first." Su Xing nodded.

"Once the forbidden area of ​​Xuantianzong's back mountain is opened, you...need to help me secretly. In return, I will help you solve the crisis in the Yue family in Renshui area." Hongyue said straightforwardly.

Wake tapped the table lightly with his fingers, lost in thought.

Hongyue is not in a hurry, waiting quietly.

After a while, Su Wing raised his eyes and said, "Aren't you supposed to cooperate with the Ji family? Why did you come to me?"

Hongyue shook her head and said, "I won't answer this question for the time being."


What is this cooperative attitude?

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Don't forget, you still owe me a favor." Hongyue said, she was referring to the time she let go of Gu Shanying.

"I can agree to cooperate, but after going to the four forbidden places, you also need to help me achieve some goals." Su Xing said.

"Purpose?" Hongyue stared at Wake with some curiosity.

However, Wake did not explain anything.

For him, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take the opportunity to rescue the members of the void leftover clan. At that time, any scapegoat can be thrown on the head of the demon sect.

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