Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3331: Mozong's attitude

Chapter 3331 The Attitude of the Demon Sect

"That... Lord Moon Envoy."

"I think that no matter what contradictions and frictions may arise between us, we should abandon our previous suspicions and work together for mutual benefit."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little cold, Shen Qian couldn't help but speak.

His posture can be said to be very low.

After all, their Shen family also lost a divine emperor this time. Not only did they fail to inquire about their crimes, they actively sought cooperation.

This is naturally not how broad Shen Qian's mind is.

The main reason is that the Demon Sect's background is too deep, and they dare not completely tear their skin.

Ji Wuxiang ignored Shen Gan's remarks. Instead, he pointed to the corpse lying behind him, then looked at the red moon, the corner of his mouth twitched, and said, "Master Yueshi, is there nothing to explain?"

Hongyue calmly looked at Ji Wuxiang, and said, "What do I need to explain to you?"

Ji Wuxiang said: "It seems that Yueshi is not prepared to admit that this incident was done by the Demon Sect?"

"Those demon cultivators who died are indeed my subordinates."

Unexpectedly, Hongyue directly confessed, but soon, she stared at Ji Wuxiang indifferently, and said, "So, what does the Ji family need to explain about their deaths?"


Even Ji Wuxiang felt that his chest was blocked.

This is simply a blow!

Ji Wuxiang's face was slightly dark, and said, "Could it be that Yueshi feels that the lives of these Demon Sect monks can be compared with the gods of the three families of Ji, Shen, and Zheng?"

"Why not?"

Hongyue pointed, and the bodies of those Demon Sect cultivators said: "Each of them is a master of overcoming the sky, and there is a great chance of becoming a **** in the future. In my eyes, they are more than the life of the three of Ji Bowen. Many times more valuable."

Ji Wuxiang said solemnly: "Don't the moonshield feel that he is arguing? How easy is it to break through the Divine Sovereign Realm? Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a hundred masters who are difficult to overcome the sky to make a god.

Hongyue said flatly: "If you invite me over just to argue about this, I'm not interested."

Seeing that the two sides are holding each other's words, there is a big sign of the collapse of the talk, Shen Qian once again stood up and rounded up: "Let's calm down, there must be some reason in this matter."

Hongyue did not answer, but said: "The situation in the Renshui area has been out of control. The Ji family should do more important things. You can't afford the delay of the Mozong plan."

After speaking, she left without looking back.


Walking out of the hall, Hongyue's figure turned into a crimson haze, which instantly dissipated.

The hall fell silent.

The faces of Shen Qian, Zheng Huacheng, and He Gang were very ugly.

The last words of Hongyue were both admonishment and some commands.

However, according to her idea, the situation in Renshui area has been out of control, and it is probably impossible to destroy the Yue family.

Shen, Zheng, and He are very unwilling to such an outcome.

They have put in a lot of efforts and sacrifices for this, and they are completely on the opposite side of the Yue family.

They have no retreat.

Even if they were willing to let go of the Yue family, after this incident, the Yue family could not let them go.

Once the Ji family and Ning family evacuated from Renshui area, it might be the matter of the Yue family to settle accounts after Qiu. At that time, Shen, Zheng, and He would be unable to stop the Yue family's soldiers.

"The attitude of the Demon Sect is really too arrogant!" Shen Qian seemed to sigh with emotion, but actually complained.

In front of Hongyue, he could lower himself and lower his posture as much as possible, because he still hoped that the Demon Sect would help them destroy the Yue family.

However, now that Hongyue has expressed his attitude, he will probably not intervene in Renshui's affairs again, so Shen Qian will naturally not be polite...

This is a very real problem.

No matter how powerful the Demon Sect is, what use is it that he can't help the Shen family?

"The Demon Sect has always been the Demon Sect. It doesn't matter if you act deceitfully, even if you turn your face, you turn your face. What do you take us? With this tone, even if Zheng Huacheng can bear it, where should the Ji family's face be laid?"

Zheng Huacheng said with an unhappy expression.


When Ji Wuxiang saw He Gang, he was also ready to speak, but he interrupted directly.

How can he fail to see that what Shen Qian and Zheng Huacheng said were actually meant for him?

"You don't need to worry, the Yue family will definitely be destroyed."

"Since the Ji family has already taken action, the sky in Renshui area needs to be changed."

Ji Wuxiang’s seemingly indifferent words gave Shen Qian and the three people a reassurance. What they wanted was Ji Wuxiang’s words. As long as the Ji family still supports them, then the situation in Renshui should still be in control. in.

"You go back first and wait for my arrangements."

Ji Wuxiang issued an order to chase away guests, and the three Shen and Qian were unambiguous, leaving with the bodies of their respective gods. In a blink of an eye, only Ji Wuxiang was left in the hall.

"What a different woman."

"In this way, there is a desire to conquer!"

In Ji Wuxiang's mind, Hongyue's peerless figure appeared involuntarily, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the pupils of those eyes were full of aggressive desire.

He has read countless beauty in his life.

Of course, a woman like Hongyue is unique.

In contrast, all the women he had conquered before had become vulgar fans, making Ji Wuxiang no longer able to lift up half of his interest.

"Since you feel that the situation in Renshui is out of control, then I will regain control and show it to you." Ji Wuxiang murmured, he needs to use this accident to impact Hongyue's mind.

Let the woman know that since his Ji Wuxiang shot, it was enough to change everything.

outside world.

The seven great Tianhe Rivers and the three great Tianhu Lakes in the Renshui area, the many water cities built, and countless gods, are all discussing the news of the death of the three Ji Bowen.

There are different opinions.

Some people think that it was the Yue family who had taken the shot, carrying out a Jedi counterattack.

Such speculation is not unreasonable.

After all, now everyone knows the situation of the Yue family, they will naturally become the first suspected target.

After a calm analysis, some people thought that it was not what the Yue family did. They felt that they were trapped and didn't have the energy to do defensive or offensive things.

In short, now countless places in Renshui area have become unprecedentedly lively because of the deaths of the three of Ji Bowen.

However, the Ji family, the Shen family, and the Zheng family, as the parties concerned, did not express their views.

Did not express any opinions on any public occasions.

It seems that the death of the three Ji Bowen has nothing to do with them at all, which is very intriguing.

This was naturally received by Ji Wuxiang, and he dared not talk nonsense.

It has to be said that Ji Wuxiang’s move did have some effect, making any remarks only rumors, just like Rootless Duckweed, the popularity will continue to decline.

The negative impact on the Ji family, the Shen family, and the Zheng family will also be much reduced.

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