Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3308: Wake up

Chapter 3308 Awakening

He Tong did not know about the five years of "coma" after waking up.

Wake up will not take the initiative.

However, even if He Tong knew it, she actually didn't believe it. They hadn't improved at all within five years of waking up. They were similar people and knew each other best.


"Um... this big blood crocodile is not easy to solve."

Gong Kun lowered his voice and spoke towards awakening.

"What the hell?"

Su Xing tilted his head to look at Gong Kun, saying that he had been raising soldiers for thousands of days, and for a while, this old boy was by his side, and he did not know how many benefits he had. Now when it was time to contribute, he started to buckle?

"This one……"

"The vitality of the four blood crocodiles is very strong. The most important thing is that its cultivation level is higher than mine. At best, I can only compete with him."

"If you want to defeat or even kill him, you still need your help to have some hope."

Gong Kun was worried that he might have misunderstood after waking up, and hurriedly explained.

"Is it so powerful?"

The corner of Su Xing's eyes jumped, but he knew Gong Kun's strength, and he couldn't think that even he had no confidence in defeating Venerable Xue'er.

"There is actually a good opportunity right now."

"If you want to fully utilize the strength of the four blood crocodiles, you must be four in one. You only need to help me and hold his true body, and I will have the confidence to solve him."

Gong Kun said.

"Then give us one of his real bodies." Su Xing made a decisive decision and quickly made a decision.

"Okay!" Gong Kun simply took a step forward, standing in the forefront, looking at Venerable Xue'er with cold eyes, and said: "Today I want to see, you big crocodile, there is What a skill."

"you wanna die!"

Venerable Xue Er narrowed his eyes.

But soon, his four real bodies began to gather quickly.

He could feel the dangerous aura from Gong Kun's body, which showed that the latter's strength should not be underestimated, and Venerable Xue'er wouldn't be able to take it seriously. That's something that a Maotou can do.

At their level, they have always used a sledgehammer to kill chickens.


Fierce fighting broke out instantly.

With a flash of Gong Kun's figure, he swept towards Venerable Xue'er at an extremely fast speed.

Obviously, he didn't want the real bodies of Venerable Xue'er to merge into one too easily, but even if Gong Kun was extremely fast, there were still two real bodies that merged together.


Venerable Xue'er raised his hand and punched out, then his figure exploded quickly.

During this process, another real body merged into his body, which greatly improved his aura, which was no longer much weaker than Gong Kun. If the last real body was also integrated, he would definitely surpass Gong Kun.

"You kid, don't do it yet, when will you wait."

Gong Kun was a little anxious. He didn't expect that the speed of Venerable Xue'er's real body was so fast.

At this time, Yanfeng, Gu Shanying and others had already rushed out, and they were all informed of their plan to block the last real body of Venerable Xue'er.

That true body, holding a huge scarlet axe in his hand, is majestic and majestic.

"Where to go!"

Yanfeng and Gu Shanying quickly took action.

However, when Venerable Xue'er smashed it with an axe, their magical skills were quickly disintegrated, and if it weren't for the time to evade, they might even be hit hard by Venerable Xue'er.

Venerable Xue Er, the Great Axe, although only a real body, his power has reached the late stage of the disaster.

And Yanfeng and Gu Shanying, although they have made great progress in the past five years, their combat power level is only in the early stage of the disaster, compared with the great axe body of Venerable Xue'er, there is a big gap.


A bright blade of light, as brilliant as a cloud, fell from the sky.

This knife, carrying the indomitable momentum, turned out to block the terrifying power of the giant axe.

"In the middle of the disaster!"

Yanfeng and Gu Shanying both stared at He Tong in surprise.

The strength of the latter is already terrifying.

It's a pity that it is still not enough in the middle of the crisis! Venerable Xue'er's giant axe really didn't want to fight at all. After an axe blocked everyone, he quickly swept forward.


Upon seeing this, He Tong could only stamp his feet.

After all, she still has a big gap compared with the great axe body of Venerable Xue'er, it is difficult to defeat the opponent, let alone blocking the opponent's path.

Seeing Venerable Xue'er's giant axe body, getting closer and closer to the other bodies, and when it was about to merge together, spatial fluctuations suddenly appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the awakened figure emerged out of thin air and stopped in front of Venerable Xue'er's giant axe body.

"Luo Qing, run away!"

Yan Feng was shocked, how terrible is Venerable Xue'er, he has personally learned, even he can't stop the power of Venerable Xue'er, let alone awakening?

Taniyama Sakura's concern was confused, and her expression turned pale.

"That guy is still ignorant of the heights and thickness of the earth as always. It is best to be killed directly by Venerable Xue'er with an axe." Xia Fuxiao couldn't help but said as he watched this scene.

"He is working as a car in the mantle arm."

It was Ji Bingyan, also shaking his head, not thinking that awakening could stop Venerable Xue'er.

Only He Tong looked very calm.

She knows Awakening well, knowing that since the latter dares to show up, she must have some certainty.

"You kid, you are looking for death!"

Venerable Xue'er's giant axe's real body, glanced coldly at awakening, then, raising the giant axe in his hand, it suddenly slashed out, and the vast area in front of it fell apart in an instant.

Countless towering ancient trees, turned into dust, disappeared in smoke.

The earth melted, shaking violently.


Xia Fuxiao was stunned, there was a feeling that the surprise came too quickly, and he couldn't react.

However, as the smoke dissipated, the melting of Xia Fuxiao's face instantly solidified.

At this moment, the whole audience fell into silence, and the needle drop could be heard.

I saw Su Xing still standing in place, not to mention being beheaded, even the clothes were very clean and tidy, and there was no trace of injuries on his body, which perfectly blocked the power of this axe.

Ji Bingyan was stunned.

Yan Feng, Gu Shanying, Kui Si and others were also stunned.

It was He Tong, with the same expression of surprise. She would not underestimate awakening, but she did not expect that awakening would be able to block the axe of Venerable Xue'er so easily.

Putting himself in the situation, He Tong thinks he can't do it.

"Venerable Xue Er, is this your arrogant capital?" Awaken glanced at Venerable Xue Er, and then gently shook his head, and said: "Come and not go indecently, you can also try to pick me up. !"

He raised his hand, and Tianque Broken Sword flew out.

The sword light was like electricity, piercing the void at an extremely fast speed, and slew towards the Venerable Xue Er.

This sword is almost reaching its limit.

Awakening was even more resolute, and suddenly troubled, causing even Venerable Blood's face to change in shock and a little overwhelming.

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