Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3307: Venerable Blood

Chapter 3307, Venerable Blood Evil

There are four Venerable Blood Evil standing in the four directions of the world in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Venerable Xue Er in the east, holding a silver hook, under the sun, reflecting the cold light.

The Venerable Xue Er in the south holds a huge sword in his hand, and the divine light on the sword shuttles, majestic and extraordinary.

The Western Venerable Xue Er, with his bare hands, is full of explosive power.

Venerable Xue Er in the north, carrying a huge **** axe, his eyes gleamed fiercely.

And every Venerable Xue E, his cultivation strength, has completely stepped into the realm of difficult situations, and surrounded He Tong heavily.

This is obviously a premeditated interception!

"Are you the first guest secretary of the Ning family?"

He Tong seemed to think of something, and squinted at Venerable Xue'er.

During this period of time, Ning family masters were all out, some of them became more and more famous, and Venerable Xue Er was one of them.

He is not a great master at all. He has entered the realm of crossing the sky.

It is even hailed as the most powerful group of existences under the list of kings of heaven.

Because of this, he could become the first guest of the Ning family.

No one would have thought that the first guest of the Ning Family, with a high level of cultivation, would actually come to intercept He Tong. What a strong hatred and killing intent was necessary?

However, this is Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan's biggest trump card.

Venerable Xue'er is not a human race. His body is a four-headed blood crocodile, a great demon king. Their family can divide the body into four with the unique talent of four heads.

This is not a duplication technique.

Every Venerable Xue Er is the body.

With this hand, it was enough to make the enemy unexpected and take the lead. For example, he successfully trapped He Tong in one fell swoop, causing the latter to have no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the ground.

"You can't escape anymore."

"No matter what you are reincarnated and reincarnated, you should learn to behave with your tail clamped before you grow up. Otherwise, you will still die."

"So, if you can continue to reincarnate, remember this lesson!"

Venerable Xue'er spoke coldly.

He had obviously read He Tong's materials and came prepared.

"You seem to think you are determined to win?"

He Tong stood there, staring at Venerable Xue'er calmly, without the slightest nervousness.

"The method I am practicing is called the'Four in One', and each of them performs their duties, and the combination is boundless." Venerable Xue'er glanced at He Tong indifferently, and said: "What are you... against me? "

"You are very confident!" He Tong shook his head: "However, being too confident is not good."

"You are not my opponent at all, do you want to move the soldiers?" Venerable Xue'er glanced around and said lightly: "Then you might be disappointed. This place has been banned."

"After killing you, this place will be destroyed, and no trace will be left."

"And your help is destined to be in vain."

This was a verbal confrontation. Venerable Xue'er tried to disturb He Tong's state of mind, causing her to fall into despair, so that she could find a flaw and win with one blow.

Cruel and deceitful!

This is the character of the four blood alligators integrated into the bone marrow.

"You think a lot." He Tong shook his head indifferently: "It's just that I don't need to ask for help. It's just that if you waste this hole card because of you, it seems to be a waste!"

He Tong's five fingers clasped the Chixia Magic Sword in his hand.

On the blade, there is a twisted pattern, which has always been dim, but He Tong understands that as long as he activates this striped road, the terrible power hidden in the Chixia Divine Knife will erupt like a mountain torrent.

This is the life-saving card that Ye Dao gave her.

But Ye Dao once said that once He Tong used this life-saving hole card, he would take He Tong back to the back mountain of Xuantianzong.

He Tong didn't want to go back yet.

Therefore, she doesn't want to use this hole card unless necessary.

But at the moment, if I don't use it, I seem to be sad again.

This is where He Tong is really troubled.

As for the death crisis, she didn't care at all.

"When death is approaching, are you still uttering wild words?" Venerable Xue'er gradually lost his patience. He Tong's mood was too stable for him to find any flaws.

However, as the eyes of Venerable Xue'er narrowed slightly, the atmosphere between heaven and earth was solemn.

Just as Venerable Xue'er was about to shrink the encirclement and kill He Tong, a bright beam of light descended from the heart of the sky, and then a number of figures appeared out of thin air.

"Little Hitomi, it looks like you are in trouble!"

A rather playful voice sounded, expressing a bit of relaxation and comfort, and it was a long time absence.

He Hao stared blankly at those familiar faces, and finally his eyes fell on him again. The head of the young man who was thinking and thinking, some handsome and handsome, had slightly red eyes.

"you shut up!"

"Is it disgusting?"

He Tong laughed and cursed, this look is still very rare.

If this is to change to someone else and call her a naive name like "Little Hitomi", it is estimated that she will jump around, probably only when she wakes up and dares to do this, it won't cause disgust.

Of course, it is also related to the current environment.

Although He Tong is not in danger of his life, he is in danger after all. Awakening can bring everyone out of thin air, and it still brings He Tong a big surprise.

"He Tong!"

Gu Shanying, Gong Kun, Kui Si, Yan Feng and others greeted He Tong one after another.

"It looks like everyone has a good time!"

He Tong said hello, his eyes fell on Gu Shanying, and asked: "Sakura Sakura, does this big villain take advantage of you and bully you!"


Even with the thick-skinned Wake up old man, he coughed because of He Tong's straightforward words.

Gu Shanying's pretty face was flushed with shame.

Although from the outside, she can definitely be He Tong's sister, but who is He Tong! I can never talk about appearances, and my personality is even more sturdy and old-fashioned.

Gu Shanying really didn't have the confidence to be He Tong's sister.

On the contrary, it was He Tong, who often made fun of Gu Shanying.

"Are you... using this seat as air?"

At this time, a deep and cold voice sounded, and Venerable Xue'er stared at the crowd with a fierce expression.

"This stuff is not easy to deal with, can you do it?" He Tong pointed at Venerable Xue'er and glanced at awakening.

"Haha! It's a piece of cake." Wake shook his head indifferently, and then said lightly: "Gong Kun, go! Get rid of that ugly giant crocodile."


The corners of the mouth twitched.

He Tong is even more of a black line in the forehead. She really thought she would do it herself when she woke up, but she didn't know that she was just going to use Gong Kun.

He Tong was also relieved in his heart.

If she wakes up and can really fight against Venerable Xue'er alone, she will be under great pressure. I don't know how long it will take to catch up.

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