Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3260: Heaven and spirit

Chapter 3260: Heaven and Spirit

For Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan's blocking the road.

Awakening is both accidental and not accidental.

Surprisingly, the two of them no longer hold their identities.

Not surprisingly, they suffered a big loss in the Five Elements Shadow Realm, and they were almost awakened to death. They must have resentment in their hearts, so they naturally wanted to take revenge.

Looking back, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan seemed to be preparing for a long time for this **** sand sea trip.

In the end, not only was the bamboo basket empty, but also almost died.

It is impossible to accept who it is.

The culprit of all this is naturally awakened.

"What are those two planning to do today? Kill me?" Wake's words were flat, but there were no twists and turns, and it was straight to the point.

"Sometimes, life is more painful than death," Xia Fuxiao said coldly.

The implication is to make it impossible to wake up to survive, and to die.

Yue Zhijun couldn't bear it anymore, and said sarcastically: "Isn't it just that I didn't dare to kill! What is it so high-sounding?"

Xia Fuxiao stared at Yue Zhijun coldly: "You have changed quite a bit."

In broad daylight, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan naturally didn't dare to kill Awakening. Even if they had a deep background, they didn't dare to do that. It was a mess, and they regarded the Xuantianzong's laws as nothing.

And Xia Fuxiao's phrase "changed quite a lot", naturally it was a satire of Yue Zhijun.

Before, Yue Zhijun was on the side with them, but now he is awakening his head and looking forward, and he is somewhat suspected of being a traitor.

Ji Bingyan was not surprised by this.

When he saw that Yue Zhijun was still alive, he knew that the other party had definitely taken refuge in and awakened. Otherwise, how could the latter pass through like a madman at that time, and how could he leave Yue Zhijun alive?

"Xia Fuxiao, do you still have the face to ridicule me here? Why don't you leave things I don't care about?" Yue Zhijun was directly angry.

The other party was unkind first, but now he is ridiculing him for being unrighteous.

"Today's matter has nothing to do with you. Step back." Xia Fuxiao said with a stern face. After all, he was wrong first and didn't want to continue to talk about the previous things with Yue Zhijun.

However, Yue Zhijun was not so obedient.

He stared at Xia Fuxiao coldly and said, "I won't retire today, what can you do with me? Come on! Kill me if you have the ability! My Lord Yue wins one eye and counts me as losing. "


Everyone did not expect that Yue Zhijun's attitude was so strong.

That was Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan!

I haven't seen Yue Zhijun so hard-hearted in the past. What's wrong with this today?

To kill is definitely not to be killed.

However, I will give you a severe lesson, leaving you faceless, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan can do it easily!

"Xiao Yueyue's self-confidence is bursting!" He Tong's eyes lit up.

"Yue Zhijun, don't toast or not eat fine wine." Xia Fuxiao's expression became completely cold. In fact, he didn't care much about Yue Zhijun. His goal today is to wake up.

However, Yue Zhijun was still struggling, and he was determined not to give way.

With Xia Fuxiao's arrogant character, he was naturally angry.

"Grandpa Yue is eating fine wine today, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan, it's not that Grandpa Yue doesn't look down on you, Grandpa Yue will give you a chance today, let's go together!"

Yue Zhijun took a step forward and said boldly and dryly.


He Tong: "..."

Yanfeng: "..."

Taniyama Sakura: "..."

Onlookers: "..."

Everyone looked at Yue Zhijun in shock.

Is this guy taking the wrong medicine, or is it a delusion in practice? Dare to say this kind of crazy words?

Even Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan were shocked.

They obviously didn't expect that Yue Zhijun would dare to be so mad today and dare to talk to them like this.

"Lao Su, Xiao Yueyue shouldn't really think that his crow's mouth can be used as an ability, right?" He Tong said in a low voice to wake up.

"Could it be that Xiao Yueyue's self-confidence soared because of this?" Yan Feng was surprised.

"Probably... yes!"

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

He wanted to remind Yue Zhijun in friendship that there might be some misunderstandings about his crow's mouth before, but when he thought that this matter involved Bai Muzhi, it was not easy to explain anything.

"Yue Zhijun, you are looking for death!"

Xia Fuxiao was furious, the **** Wang Li rushed out of his body, his hair was dancing wildly, his clothes were hunting, and there was sacred fire in his eyes. This was to directly fight against Yue Zhijun.


Yue Zhijun said suddenly.

"Why, do you regret it?"

Xia Fuxiao smiled sarcastically, he thought how capable Yue Zhijun was, and his feelings were just a quick talk.

"No, you think too much."

Yue Zhijun was too lazy to explain anything, and began to mutter non-stop: "Blessed by the heavens, drop a huge rock and smash that **** Xia Fuxiao! You can also abolish his cultivation."

"If it doesn't work, it's not impossible to cause him to suffer a heavy blow."

His voice was not loud, but he was still heard by many people at the scene where the needle dropped.

Xia Fuxiao's face turned dark at the time.

Who is this **** curse?

The key is useful?

Yue Zhijun muttered for a while, looked up, and saw that Xia Fuxiao was staring at him coldly, intact, not cursed by his crow's mouth at all.

"How could it be useless?"

"Try again!"

Yue Zhijun didn't believe in evil, his mouth before, it was very inspiring! Who is cursed, who is unlucky.

"Tian Lingling, Earth Lingling."

"Xia Fuxiao practiced and became infatuated..."

Before the words were finished, there was surging weather and waves.

"Yue Zhijun, you go to Laozi!"

Xia Fuxiao finally broke out and couldn't help but curse.

The surging power of the **** king turned into a terrifying wave and quickly swept towards Yue Zhijun.

People looked speechless, and they could fully understand Xia Fuxiao's mood at the moment. For who it was, being cursed like this in front of him would not bear it!

The clay figurines have three points of anger.

It has to be said that Xia Fuxiao's strength is extraordinary, a seemingly simple move, it also completely possesses the level of combat power of the ninth rank of the God King Realm.

As usual, it was difficult for Yue Zhijun to take this blow.

Just when people thought that Monarch Yue was about to be blown out by the terrifying waves, there was a surging Divine King Power in Yue Zhijun's body.

"Break it for me!"

The next moment, accompanied by a deep shout.

Yue Zhijun held the golden trident and stabled forward suddenly.

In an instant, all the power of the gods gathered in the golden trident, a terrible destructive power was born, and Xia Fuxiao's offensive was disintegrated in an instant.

"Xia Fuxiao, didn't you **** eat?"

"With just such a little strength, you want to deal with me? Let's dream!"

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