Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3259: Block the road

Chapter 3259: Blocking the Road

Unconsciously, the three-month deadline has come.

All those who entered the blood-colored sand sea either came out alive, or they might be left inside forever.

Scarlet sand overseas, in front of the stone house.

Many people gather here, but most of them come to join in the fun.

There are only two people with other purposes.

They are Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan.

It was precisely because Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan stayed in front of the stone house for more than a month, people were very curious about what they wanted to do, and many people came to hear the news.

You know, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan don't show up easily at ordinary times, and it's not easy to meet them.

What's more, they seem to be calm, but they have a hostile atmosphere in their hearts, and they feel like they are looking for someone to take revenge.

This makes everyone more curious.

Who on earth offended Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan?

Moreover, the offense is very serious.

Otherwise, why would the two of them just come here and wait for it?

In comparison, the stone house is as calm as ever.

No matter how many people gathered around, no one dared to disturb the old Ye Dao.

"Look at it, it looks like someone has come out of the **** sand sea."

The quiet scene, at a certain moment, was broken by a cry of exclamation. Many people looked up and found that there were several figures flying out of the **** sand.

Soon, those figures gradually became clear, and everyone could see clearly their looks.

There are five people in total.

It is Wake up, He Tong, Gu Shanying, Yue Zhijun, Yanfeng.

As for Huang Yulong and others, they did not follow.

After regaining consciousness and returning to the Five Elements Shadow Clan, he discussed with Huang Xiao and other five patriarchs to understand the situation.

Although the constraints of the Five Elements Shadow Race were lifted, they could not leave the Five Elements Shadow Realm at will. First, Xuan Tianzong might not accept it, and second, it had a great impact on Bai Muzhi.

The best way is to let the Five Elements Shadow Clan leave the Five Elements Shadow Realm silently through other methods.

If it is someone else, it definitely cannot be done.

However, there is not much problem with Bai Muzhi secretly in Awakening.

Space monk, what he is best at is building a space teleportation array and the like.

However, in order to cause too much turmoil, the idea of ​​awakening is that the Five Elements Shadow Clan should not rush to the clan migration, first let Huang Yulong and other young talents go out and wander around.

In this regard, Huang Xiao and other patriarchs also agreed.

In fact, they themselves have no idea of ​​leaving the Five Elements Shadow. The older generations are very nostalgic for their homeland. All they need is to let the race see the hope of prosperity and allow the younger generation to contact the outside world.

The two sides coincided.

"It's Awakening, Monarch Yue and them."

People quickly recognized them. After all, Suwa and Yue Zhijun were still very famous among the new Nei Zong disciples.

Out of the **** sea of ​​sand, he awakened and ignored everyone, but walked towards the stone house.

"Senior Ye!"

Wake bowed to the old Ye Dao.


Ye Dao Gujing nodded without wave, and did not ask whether he had any chance to wake up and his party in the sea of ​​blood-colored sand. He seemed to be indifferent to everything.

I can't say that completely.

At least, Ye Dao looked at He Tong a few more times.

"Senior Ye, this is Yanfeng. He was originally a prisoner in the blood-colored sand sea. After repenting and reforming, he received the Heavenly Sun Charm. So, can he be free again?"

Wake up asked.

He naturally didn't have the Heavenly Sun Charm, but Yue Zhijun did have it.

Venerable Yancha also chose to cooperate with Yue Zhijun at the time, and what he valued was naturally the Heavenly Sun charm on him. Unexpectedly, Yanfeng was finally cheaper.

With the Tianyang Charm, the curse mark on Yanfeng's body can be lifted.

Having said that, if Ye Dao's consent is not obtained, Yan Feng still finds it difficult to get free.

Ye Dao's eyes fell on Yan Feng, and the latter suddenly felt the pressure multiplied, bending his body respectfully, his eyebrows drooping.

However, Ye Dao did not embarrass Yanfeng, but sighed: "These years, you have also suffered, and it is time for you to be free. After all, you were not at fault back then."

With just one sentence, Yan Feng burst into tears.

What he needs is understanding.

And Ye Dao guarded the blood-colored sand sea, and he knew the situation of the prisoners inside.

"Thank you Senior Ye!"

Yan Feng knelt on both knees and bowed to Ye Dao.

"Get up!"

"From now on, follow Luo Qing and practice well!"

Ye Dao's voice returned to plain again.

When everyone saw this, they did not continue to stay, and left the stone house.

Outside the stone house, the atmosphere is slightly depressed.

Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan seemed to stand in two places simply, but invisibly, they blocked the retreat of Su Xing and others.

Such a posture, let alone awakening them, even ordinary passers-by can see that Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan's goal is to wake up.

"The **** sand sea where they went at the same time."

"But Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan left first."

"Then waited here for more than a month."

"In this way, they have a conflict in the blood-colored sand sea, and depending on the situation, it seems that awakening has taken a lot of advantage, causing Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan to feel resentment in their hearts!"

The people's eyes lit up.

Among the newly promoted Nei Zong disciples this year, the three with the highest talents broke out in conflict.

Undoubtedly, this is very interesting.

People want to see how this conflict will eventually develop.

Today Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan blocked the way to wake up, what kind of collision should the two sides break out.

"Luo Qing must lose face today!"

"Yeah! Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan just shot it alone, and Luo Qing can hardly fight it, let alone they joined forces."

"I guess Luo Qing will suffer a big loss today."

There was a lot of discussion.

Regarding this collision, although it has not yet begun, everyone seems to have seen the end.

Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan are both extremely talented, and their backgrounds are not comparable to those of ordinary inner sect disciples. When they wake up to fight with them, it is more like hitting a rock with an egg.

Even if you add a Yue Zhijun, it is useless.

In the eyes of everyone, among the new Nei Zong disciples, Yue Zhijun is still unable to rank among the top ranks. Apart from anything else, the only disciples who were promoted to the gods were Su Xing, Xia Fuxiao, and Ji Bingyan.

Yue Zhijun is not among them.

"The two have waited a long time!"

Awakening glanced at Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan indifferently, without the slightest hint of tension.

"Not too long, just a month or so."

Ji Bingyan smiled slightly.

It is hard to imagine that he can still maintain some demeanor.

This kind of person is actually very dangerous. The typical smile hides the knife. No one knows. When he smiled, he stabbed you directly.

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