Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3245: The blood king opens the mountain

Chapter 3245: The Blood King Opens the Mountain

The most important thing is that the power of prohibition on the mountain road that was opened is already very weak, and it is already very safe compared to other places.


Lin Mo turned into a stream of light, and swept back close to the mountain.

There are fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Obviously, to open up such a tens of thousands of miles of mountain road, for him, it is not small.

If you wake up a group of people, you can't do it at all.

"Are you coming now or later?" The Blood Lord looked at the gray-robed old man and let the latter make a choice.

"I'm going on now!" The gray-robed old man smiled, and after speaking, he rushed out directly, as if he was afraid of being robbed by the blood king. This second person was the most relaxed.

With Lin Mo in front of the sample, he already had some confidence in his heart.

Relative to the Wanli Road behind, the restraining force on this second section of the road is relatively weak.

On the road, as the height increases, the restraining power will increase.

When Lin Mo opened the road before, everyone was aware of this.

Mr. Xue stared at the figure of the gray-robed old man, and didn't say much, I don't know how she thought about it.

Lin Mo found an open space and sat down, silently adjusting his breath, restoring his previous consumption.

At this moment, the gray-robed old man has already begun to do it.

On his originally seemingly ordinary gray robe, a strong, extremely yin and ghost aura bloomed, and his entire aura rose greatly.

"The gray robe of the old gray man is a shroud, from a strong man, so it also absorbs some of the strong man's breath, which is quite extraordinary."

Mr. Xue gave an evaluation.

She has a very high vision, and the existence that she can call a strong is definitely a real strong.

And the shroud of those powerful men is indeed extraordinary.

"Boom boom boom!"

The gray-robed old man moved his hands together, and his palms flew out quickly.

With him as the center, the extremely yin and ghost spirit raged crazily around him, advancing all the way up, the surrounding soil was rolling, the vegetation was flying, and the scene was chaotic.

However, compared to the towering mountains of Death, the gray-robed old man's actions were actually nothing but a wave in the sea.

After more than an hour, the gray-robed old man backed back out of breath.

He just opened up nine thousand miles, one thousand miles less.

"No more."

"Mr. Blood, take a rest for the old man."

After the gray-robed old man finished speaking, he found a place to sit cross-legged. He didn't say that the unfinished one-thousand-mile road would not be opened, only that he should take a rest first.

However, the mountain roads that have been opened up will not last forever.

Because the prohibition in the Death Mountain has the ability to repair it autonomously, the prohibition that was destroyed because of the opening of the road is being repaired at a constant speed.

It is estimated that within a few hours, the repair will definitely be completed.

By then, the mountain road will no longer exist.

In that way, the previous efforts were in vain.

So rest should not be allowed.

The Blood Lord glanced at the gray-robed old man, and didn't say much, but walked towards the Death Mountain.

"This old ghost knows that he has to leave behind a thousand miles." Huang Yulong glanced coldly, the direction of the gray robe old man was full of disdain.

"The further behind, the more difficult it is. The one thousand li road he left is more difficult to open than the five thousand li road ahead. This old guy is equivalent to saving ordinary efforts."

It is rare for Yue Zhijun to reach an agreement with Huang Yulong. He looked at the gray-robed old man contemptuously, and said, "I think he is panting, he is just pretending."

"Xiao Yueyue, your analysis is very reasonable, this old ghost should be frightened, and death is not a pity." Huang Yulong said.

"Please call my full name Yue Zhijun."

"I see, Xiao Yueyue."

"Call me Yue Zhijun."

"Okay, Xiao Yueyue."


On the Death Mountain, a huge roar sounded again.

Su Xing raised his eyes and looked at the gentle and graceful figure of Xue Jun, advancing upwards at a constant speed, giving people a relaxed feeling.

As if nothing can stop her.

Waking up to believe that with the wisdom of the blood king, he must have seen that the gray-robed old man was sneaking and slipping, and he did not reveal it. It was probably disdainful. It seemed to open up a thousand miles of mountain roads, which was nothing to her.

Among the three yin monarchs, the one who awakens the most fear is the blood monarch.

The latter has mysterious origins and unfathomable strength.

As for the old and cunning gray-robed old man, he didn't take him seriously. He was greedy, bitter, mean, cunning...The gray-robed old man almost possessed the potential of all villains.

That kind of person is not particularly difficult to deal with.

Red clothes are like blood, with long hair flying.

The figure is astonishing.

Although the restraining force was the strongest in the last 10,000 li, the blood prince still seemed to be at ease, making it difficult for people to detect where her bottom line of strength was.

The roar is endless.

The blood-colored extremely yin ghost aura seemed very special, stirring around the blood king.

With every step she took, the vegetation and restraining forces around her would explode in all directions.

Soon after, Lord Blood opened up the last mountain road. She was the first to stand in front of the huge cave and looked back at the bottom of the mountain: "You can come up now."


The gray-robed old man who was panting before, was the first to rush out.

Seeing that, there is no sense of exhaustion.

"This dog stuff!"

Yue Zhijun couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

Fortunately at this time, the gray-robed old man's attention was focused on the huge cave, and he didn't hear anything. Otherwise, with his acrid and mean character, I'm afraid he will find the trouble of Yue Zhijun.

Lin Mo has also set off. As the Yin Lord, his speed is much faster than that of the others.

As a result, awakening a group of people, now they are at the end.

When they started climbing, the evil spirits who were trailing behind also gathered at the foot of the mountain.

The evil spirits were still very jealous of the Yin Jun's strength.

They actually opened up a mountain road abruptly, which made them unexpected.

"How about Yin Jun? They are all looking for death."

"That's a cave that cannibalize people without spitting out bones. It's a place that leads to hell."

"Chatter, they are dead."

The evil spirits made a piercing laugh, which sounded numb to the scalp.

Thirty thousand miles is not far away.

When the awakened group of people finished walking the mountain road, the three of Xuejun, Lin Mo, and the gray-robed old man were already waiting for them.

Su Wing raised his eyes and looked at the huge cave which was more than ten thousand meters high. Standing in front of it, people looked extremely small.

Inside the cave, it was dark and damp, and occasionally a yin wind blew, and the sound of woof was like a devil's cry.

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