Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3244: Mountaineering

Chapter 3244: Mountaineering

He Tong, Gu Shanying, Yanfeng, Huang Yulong, Yue Zhijun and others could not help but stop their movements.

Lin Mo and the gray-robed old man were also slightly surprised.

Obviously, everyone did not expect that the Blood Lord would suddenly make such a request.

"it is good!"

Awakening did not refuse, he took out Dao Shi.

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

He didn't make sense at this time to smash with the blood king.

The Taoist stone stands on the ground. After sweeping away the dust, the Taoist characters on it exude a faint light, and the rich atmosphere of the road makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The Blood Lord stood in front of Dao Shi, stretched out his white jade hand, and gently stroked the surface of Dao Shi.

Her eyes were hollow and confused, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a long time, the blood king took back his jade hand, glanced at and regained consciousness: "Keep this Taoist stone well."


Wake up slightly startled.

Listening to Mr. Xue's tone, it seems that he doesn't intend to take Dao Shi as his own?

"rest assured!"

"I will definitely save it."

After Awakening finished speaking, he immediately put away Dao Shi, lest Lord Blood changed his mind.

"Boy, don't dawdle anymore, hurry up." The gray-robed old man snorted impatiently. The contact between the blood king and Wake gave him an inexplicable sense of crisis.

At this time, the group of people was not far from the Death Mountain.

Awakening did not deliberately go around the detours to hunt for treasures, but evaded many dangerous places all the way to the Death Mountain.

Finally, after a few hours.

The group raised their eyes and looked at the mountains in front of them, rising and falling.

There are black trees growing on the mountain, densely covered with thorns, revealing the smell of decay and withering.

There is no way to climb the mountain, but on the mountainside, there seems to be a huge cave, like the big mouth of a prehistoric behemoth, giving people a feeling of darkness and darkness.


"These guys are dead."

"A delicious feast of flesh and blood is about to begin."

"Oh oh oh!"

From behind, the evil spirits roared excitedly.

It seems that the Death Mountain is an absolutely fierce land, and no one can get out alive.

"Little devil, how should I go now?" the gray-robed old man asked.

Awakening frowned, he could no longer perceive a safe route through the evil spirits' killing intent. Those evil spirits were extremely excited at this moment, as if any road was a dead end.

"Don't rush him." Mr. Xue glanced at the gray-robed old man.

"Let him think about it." Lin Mo also said.

"Okay!" The gray-robed old man nodded. He was also worried that he would be anxious to wake up. He chose the wrong path. If that happens, he will be unlucky in the end.

Wake up walking along the foot of the mountain, observing the topography of the big mountain.

His perception was completely let go, and any wind and grass around him could not escape his eyes and ears.

However, for a few hours in a row, he hasn't gained much.

"Is it really a Jedi?"

Su Xing raised his eyes and looked at the huge cave on the mountainside, with a hint of confusion flashing in his eyes.

Reason told him that he should leave and go home.

But the reality is that he has no retreat.

"Have you found it?" Mr. Xue swept his eyes to wake up.

"Mr. Blood must have seen it too, the mountains are full of Jedi, and there are dangers everywhere, and there is no way to climb the mountain." Su Xing said.

He didn't even think about hiding anything.

The eyesight of the Blood Lord, Lin Mo, and the gray robe old man were not worse than him.

What he can see, the latter will certainly see, even more than he can see.

"There is no road in the world, but when there are more people walking, the road will appear." The Blood Lord suddenly said.

"Mr. Blood is reasonable." Su Xing looked at Mr. Blood in a little surprise. In fact, this was the best way he could think of during this period of time.

open circuit!

Since there is no way of climbing, then make a way.

"What do you mean?" the gray-robed old man asked.

"From the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, it's a total of 30,000 miles." Mr. Xue pointed to the huge cave on the mountainside, and said: "The three of us, one for thousands of miles."

"Why?" The gray-robed old man immediately objected, pointing to the group of people who wake up: "What about them? They don't do anything? Are we directing them or they directing us?"

"It's not Luo Qing's decision, it's mine." Mr. Xue glanced at the gray-robed old man and said: "No one knows what kind of dangers are in that cave. You want the three of us to break into it. Cave?"

The gray-robed old man was slightly startled.

"Mr. Blood, I agree with your decision." Lin Mo took the lead in expressing his position.

"Well then!" Upon seeing this, the gray-robed old man had to agree.

"Then I will come first!" Lin Mo walked out first.

Mr. Xue didn't say anything. The first person to set off has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the first section of the Wanli Road should have a relatively low risk factor. The disadvantage is that it is the first attempt after all. It is a test of temporary response. ability,

Up to this moment, no one suggested flying directly to the cave.

Because it was purely looking for death.

This ancient continent has the ability to forbid the air, especially in front of the Death Mountain, flying is purely a long-term move, unless the strength is strong enough to break the forbidden air.

Otherwise, be honest and down-to-earth.


A huge roar soon sounded.

Lin Mo started climbing, his black clothes were like ink, his face was pale, and his gestures exploded with tremendous power.

And when he walked all the way, he also punished the restraining power hidden in the mountain.

The light suddenly appeared, murderous, swarming towards Lin Mo.

I have to say that Lin Mo, as the Yin Lord, is really powerful. With him as the center, he is surrounded by flying sand and rocks, the trees are turned into dust, the vines are torn apart, and he has forcibly opened a way.

You must know that everything on this mountain of death, including a grass and a tree, a sand and a stone, contains a unique power. With the cultivation of Awakening and others, even a blade of grass is difficult to cut.

This sounds incredible.

But the fact is that a blade of grass in the Death Mountain can kill the gods.

Soon, Lin Mo rushed out thousands of miles in one breath, and he began to adjust his rhythm, instead of singing and leaping forward, he chose to fight steadily.

The extremely yin ghost aura is diffuse, even if the distance is far apart, you can feel the huge energy in it.

Huang Yulong and others were shocked.

If it hadn't been for the existence of such yin monarchs as Blood Lord and Lin Mo, it would be as difficult for them to climb the mountain this time.

Or, it's just a dream.

On the mountain, Lin Mo had already rushed five thousand miles and was still advancing steadily.

About half an hour passed, and finally, Lin Mo abruptly blazed a trail for thousands of miles.

Seen from below, it is not a mountain road, there are no stone steps, and the road is not smooth, but compared to the surrounding scenery with abundant vegetation and dense thorns, it is already very open and flat.

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