Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3225: Chase

Chapter 3225: Pursuit

The most terrifying thing about Heaven Solution is its growth potential and its extremely high power limit.

As long as the caster can provide a powerful space power, the power of Heaven's Solution can be infinitely powerful.

When the Empress of the Void used Heaven's Solution, the giant bowed his head and the devil's face changed. In comparison, the awakening can only be regarded as a little glow of fire.

Even so, it is very scary.

I saw that where the Void Fire passed, the originally very powerful black mist was quickly burned out, and the dark matter contained in it had almost no resistance.

Patriarch Huang Xiao and others were pleasantly surprised, taking this opportunity to "recover lost ground" and let the chaotic zone begin to expand.

The result of this is that the spatial power of the entire central lake began to steadily increase.

All the people present are with clever eyesight, and everyone has discovered this.

Ji Bingyan, Xia Fuxiao, Yansha Venerable, and Yue Zhijun naturally all turned very ugly. This was the worst news for them.

And He Tong, Gu Shanying, Yan Feng, Huang Xiao Patriarch and others are very excited.

Patriarch Huang Xiao and others are willing to act as the strongest backing for awakening.

The awakening at this moment is the sharpest sword that can be ruthlessly torn away. Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan's plan and conspiracy have allowed them to ditch their bamboo basket without loosing the rice.

"time to go."

Ji Bingyan's eyes sank.

He is not a dragger.

Realizing that the situation is not good, there is no need to continue to stay.

Where there is life, there is hope.

As long as the person is still there, he will be able to get it sooner or later, and there is no reason to die here.

Of course, the most important thing is that even if the fish is dead, it is estimated that it is not the end of the fish dead and the net breaking. A high probability is that the fish is dead and the net is still intact.

"Luo Qing, Ji Bingyan took this account down."

In the past, Ji Bingyan would never say such things. First, because of his identity and strength, any grudges were reported on the spot, and second, because of his state of mind, he generally disdains to speak more.

But the situation is different at this time.

Ji Bingyan didn't show much anger on the surface, but in his heart, he was definitely angry.

Xia Fuxiao didn't follow him to speak, but he looked coldly and stared deeply at awakening. Obviously, he also wrote down this grudge, and it was impossible to let it go.

Then, Ji Bingyan was the first to move.

The billowing black mist quickly gathered around him. He stepped out in one step and his figure rose to the sky. The boundless black mist quickly impacted the barrier of the Great Five Elements Sealing Heaven Formation.

"Since it's here, why rush to leave?"

Awakening said flatly, but it was a wave of hands that made Tianque Broken Sword rush out.

With the space power he now masters, and then use the void imperial sword style, the power that the Tianque Broken Sword can release is naturally different.

I saw that where the Tianque Broken Sword passed, a huge shock erupted in the void.

In just a short while, Tianque Broken Sword caught up with Ji Bingyan.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, naturally, he didn't intend to miss it when he woke up. He never cared about the identity of the enemy. Since there was a murderous opportunity for him, he would just get rid of it.

He was going to kill Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao at once, so that the latter would not be able to avenge him.


The sword light lit up, and the black mist was ruthlessly broken. At this moment, the roar of the ancient beast came, and the huge body of the black dragon emerged, stopping behind Ji Bingyan.

"court death!"

Awakening did not care, Tianque Broken Sword bloomed with unparalleled dazzling sword light.

In the next moment, the huge body of the black dragon was actually torn apart by the shock of that terrible sword aura. This scene was extremely shocking. In the previous confrontation, the black dragon was fierce and mighty.

No one thought that now he couldn't stop the awakening sword.

This is mainly because, as Ji Bingyan's intentions were gone, the black mist gathered around him, causing the entire Great Five Elements Closing Array to be controlled by Huang Xiao and others again.

And the space power gained from waking up is also straight-up.

"Luo Qing, are you crazy?"

"Do you know how capable the Ji family is?"

"Do you know the consequences of killing us?"

"Everyone has a fair chance to compete here, there is no need to meet life and death!"

Yue Zhijun spoke one after another.

He was really anxious, really shocked.

He didn't expect that when he woke up and said that the killer would be the killer, he didn't mess around at all. ,

And the first to take Ji Bingyan surgery.

That's Ji Bingyan! Known as the most outstanding young arrogant of the Ji family in thousands of years, he is dead, but the Ji family will explode with monstrous anger!

Of course, Yue Zhijun was not really concerned about Ji Bingyan.

He is thinking for himself.

Once Ji Bingyan has a problem, will he let him go when he wakes up?

Today’s matter, awakening made it clear that he wanted to kill him in one fell swoop!

It is a pity that no matter how Yue Zhijun shouted, he awakened without responding. He still used the Void Imperial Sword to chase and kill Ji Bingyan, and an ancient beast fell one after another.

The black unicorn and black phoenix all followed in the footsteps of the black dragon.

Yue Zhijun was frightened.

Even Xia Fuxiao's eyelids twitched lightly and cursed a lunatic.

"Ji Bingyan, I have admired you since I saw you in the Nei Zong assessment. Don't leave in a hurry. Let's sit down and discuss the truth and promote each other."

Awakening finally spoke.

But it makes people feel speechless.

What kind of **** talk, promote each other, what admire, is there such a way of admiration?

Everyone is not stupid, anyone can tell, waking up is trying to find a way to leave Ji Bingyan and give a fatal blow.

It has to be said that the ancient flag of the prison is extremely extraordinary. Under the guardianship of an ancient beast, Ji Bingyan is safe and sound, and has not been cut by the Tianque Broken Sword.

However, this is not a long-term solution after all.

Ji Bingyan couldn't urge the ancient prison guard flag for a long time. Once this trump card lost its effect, he couldn't stop waking up for a turn...

"Xia Fuxiao, your Dao Sword is not used now, when should you?"

In the sky, Ji Bingyan's voice sounded, still calm and steady, without the slightest irritability, revealing his strong state of mind, and he is not chaotic when he is in danger.


Xia Fuxiao did not speak, but a golden sword flew out of him.

That golden sword flew out of a special, no entity at all, but was condensed from countless special runes.

Xia Fuxiao grabbed the hilt of the sword in his hands, and the golden runes circulated quickly around him. The next moment, the swords of others merged into one and turned into a dazzling golden light, which rose into the sky.

He seemed to ignore the spatial distance, and in just an instant, he surpassed Ji Bingyan and appeared in a higher sky.

The next moment, the golden light pierced the sky, breaking the barrier of the Great Five Elements Sealing Heaven Formation.

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