Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3224: Awakened trump card

Chapter 3224: The Awakening Hole Card

"Hold cards?"

Wake up thinking for a while, and said: "Maybe my trump card is me!"


Ji Bingyan smiled and said, "Then you are really confident."

Wake up: "Being more confident is not a bad thing."

"That's true!"

Ji Bingyan nodded in agreement. He is also a very self-confident person, self-confidence will eventually be invincible in the world, self-confidence will lead the Ji family to a more glorious peak, self-confidence will eventually stand on the gods.

It's just that he quickly said: "Confidence is good, but you can't be too blind, otherwise, you will be a little pretentious and not knowing the heights of the sky."

Awakening seemed to have not heard Ji Bingyan's irony, and said with a smile: "The word emptiness is used well. I wonder if you are talking about Xia Fuxiao. These four words match him very well."

"Do you sow discord?" Ji Bingyan shook his head indifferently, and said, "Actually, in my heart, Xia Fuxiao is indeed such a person, I guess he thinks so too."

After saying this, Ji Bingyan glanced at Xia Fuxiao.

The latter twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, but there was no sound, which was regarded as a default.

It's useless to instigate discord, because Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao are only temporarily cooperating. They also have a competitive relationship with each other.

However, they are all extremely clever generations, knowing what they need, so before the Five Elements Shadow Clan is destroyed, there will be no fighting between them.

Both of them will exercise restraint.

Waking up was not surprised, he had no hope at all, he could successfully sow discord.

Xia Fuxiao swept his eyes to wake up, and said plainly: "What tricks do you have, you can do it all at once."

Confident, arrogant and arrogant.

Wake up: "You are all smart people, little tricks are meaningless, let's see the truth under our hands!"

"Huh?" Ji Bingyan glanced unexpectedly again and awakened: "It seems that you really have some good cards, not to mention, let me take a look!"

He did not expect that Su Xing would take the initiative to declare war.

He didn't think that waking up was a bluff, because it didn't make any sense.

The black dragon appeared above Ji Bingyan's head. The huge dragon head, like a huge black mountain, gave people an indescribable terrible pressure.

Of course, wake up indifferent.

His breath is calm as water, like a big lake, like a deep pool, and like a vast starry sky.


Ji Bingyan didn't hesitate, and with a wave of his big hand, the black dragon let out a terrifying roar, and in that abyss-like mouth, a terrifying black beam of light blasted out at an extremely fast speed.

The black beam of light hundreds of miles around is extremely terrifying.

Not yet approaching, there is an unprecedented pressure to awaken, but anyone with a slight flaw in their mood, I am afraid that at this moment, they are already scared of Liushen Wuzhu.

"Luo Qing be careful!"

Chief Huang Xiao exclaimed, trying to remind him to wake up.

By the lake, He Tong, Gu Shanying, and Yan Feng all had their faces full of nervousness. Although they all believed in awakening, at this moment, looking at the huge black beam of light, they were still subconsciously worried.

Xia Fuxiao and Venerable Yancha are also watching this scene, and they are very curious about what they can do to stop Ji Bingyan with confidence.

You know, facing the prestige of the ancient flags of the prison, even Venerable Yansha didn't have much confidence.


The black beam of light was advancing at an extremely fast speed.

But at a certain moment, the speed of advancement stopped abruptly.

The feeling was very strange, like an extremely solid wall blocking the black beam of light.

The air seemed to be quiet at this moment.

People fixed their eyes and saw that at the front end of the black beam of light, the tiny ant-like awakening, surrounded by strong and unparalleled spatial power surging, evolved into a mirror-like wall.

In that black beam of light, the terrifying power carried hit the mirror wall, and it turned out to be difficult to get in.

"Not bad!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, as if evaluating something.

In the past, the void mirroring style was always broken by people, but that was not because the void mirroring was not strong enough, but because the awakening strength was too weak to mobilize more space power.

But now it's different.

The space power in this Five Elements Shadow Domain was far stronger than other places.

Now, in this large central lake, because of Huang Xiao and other five patriarchs, the power of the Great Five Elements Sealing Array has been exerted to the most extreme, reaching the level of the unity of the five elements, making the space power of this place a kind of Unprecedented height.

Normal spiritual cultivation will not feel much.

But waking up is different. He is a space monk, and he is extremely keen on the fluctuation of space power.

Moreover, he can use space power.

The space lies above the five elements.

The five elements are the foundation of space power and the beginning of everything.


Awakening waved his hand, the shadow of the void around him changed subtlely. The next moment, the black beam of light that came up from the impact turned back and collided with the power behind.

Suddenly, a chaotic scene appeared.

The Void Mirror is not only a strong defense, but also can bounce the enemy's offensive back, just like the scene presented by light shining on a mirror.

Ji Bingyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately stopped the offensive.

In this way, the chaotic scene finally dissipated.

The whole lake fell into silence again, and people watched awakening, unable to conceal their shock.

Ji Bingyan finally understood what he meant when he woke up, his trump card was himself.

This central big lake allows Wake to occupy an absolute position, and his power of Heaven's Solution can be infinitely amplified. In this case, he himself is indeed the strongest hole card.

No matter whether it is Taoism or the ancient flags of the prison, they cannot be compared with him.

Because Dao characters and ancient prison flags have many restrictions, they are not part of the power of Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan, but awakening is different. As long as the Great Five Elements Fengtian Formation continues to exist, he can remain strong.

And it is undoubtedly impossible to destroy the Big Five Elements Fengtian Formation.

"Since the confrontation has begun, let's continue!" Su Xing was not only urging, but also took the initiative, and boundless flames emerged from the sky behind him.

In that sea of ​​fire, what burns is not flame, but space power.

Void fire, burn everything!

The Heavenly Solution of the Void Empress is too overbearing, involving all aspects, and almost every aspect has reached the extreme, such as this Void Fire, one of the most terrifying flames in the world.

Such as the Void Mirror, it is the most solid defense method.

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