Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3072: Serial

Chapter three thousand and seventy-two

But it is impossible for a normal person to entrust his life to the hands of others.

Not to mention Gong Kun.

For the skinny man standing on the top of the earth mountain, those words of Gong Kun were defiance.

"Since your toast does not eat fine wine, then die!" The skinny man snorted coldly, and a huge earthquake shook. The huge earth dragons formed by condensed soil and rock quickly rose into the sky.

A total of nine earth dragons, lifelike, made a huge roar and rushed towards Gong Kun with a shocking momentum.

Gong Kun's expression was solemn, his body shuttled between the offensives of the nine earth dragons, the light between his hands bloomed, and he continued to perform magical techniques to collide with the nine earth dragons.

Every collision will inevitably cause huge turbulence.

"Earth Dragon Tribulation!"

The skinny man gave a deep cry, and the nine earth dragons were flying, and they quickly encircled Gong Kun in the middle. The huge body of the earth dragon was wrapped in the void, like an impenetrable prison.

"Nine Profound Unity!"

Gong Kun's eyes showed a bit of Leng Rui.

By now, he had no choice but to forcefully kill him.

Nine different powers rushed out of Gong Kun's body quickly, merged into one again, and then turned into golden fist gangs, and hit the nine earth dragons fiercely.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the huge roar, there were many cracks on the huge bodies of the nine earth dragons, and divine light spilled from the cracks, brilliantly dazzling.

In the end, the nine earth dragons were shattered by Gong Kun abruptly.

His body turned into a stream of light and quickly fled to the horizon.

But Gong Kun's complexion did not improve, on the contrary, he became even colder. The thin man had been removed, and there were a large number of men and horses, and he chased out from behind.

The light is bright, but it makes the scalp numb.

"Are these guys crazy?" Gong Kun was depressed, and he was not a major figure, so how could he come out in a hurry without catching himself and swear to give up?

Soon, Gong Kun's face was shaking, and even his body couldn't help shaking.

I saw a beam of light descending from the sky tens of thousands of miles away in front of him, and then revealed a young figure, who was it if he was not awake?

"This kid actually took advantage of the gap between my ancestors, me and others, and used the space teleportation to slip away..."

What made Gong Kun most angry was that Awakening did not teleport to other directions, but rather teleported to his escape route. This was absolutely deliberate.

Gong Kun couldn't help thinking of a sentence.

If you encounter a tiger in the mountains, don't be afraid, you just need to run faster than your companions, and it's fine.

At this moment, Awakening was the fastest runner, and Gong Kun, who was left behind, faced the chase of a large number of people...

"Boy, you must die."

Gong Kun cursed a few words and then stopped.

It's not that his anger has subsided, but that he really has no time to curse.

He has to escape!

The faster you escape, the better!

Otherwise, this time is his life and death.

Calm down a bit, Gong Kun has already fully figured out, and he has been awakened and calculated again...

When he was on the Teleporter before, Su Xing deliberately showed a close relationship with him, not only to make a misunderstanding, but also to force him away.

Only when Gong Kun left, would he encounter an interception man headed by a thin man on his way out, and then he began to attract a large number of people to wake up.

This time, the reason why the seventh-order peak **** king of the skinny man was lurking outside Hanlan City was to intercept the awakening. Ning Linchen knew that the awakening was a space cultivator, so he defended it in advance.

However, it failed in the end.

The plan was disrupted by Gong Kun who suddenly appeared.

"It's a series..." Gong Kun gritted his teeth, and his anger began to surge again. The feeling of being used as a gun and as cannon fodder was so uncomfortable that he couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

However, to Gong Kun's surprise, Awakening did not continue to use the space teleportation, but stopped.

"That kid is waiting for me?" Gong Kun's expression was startled during the flight, and he couldn't believe it, as if he saw the sun coming out from the west.

That stinky kid who pitted him repeatedly, is so kind, waiting for him to run along?

"Senior Gong, hurry up!"

The voice of awakening soon sounded in Gong Kun's mind.

"Huh! What tricks are you playing?"

Gong Kun hummed coldly. He didn't want to believe a word when he was awakened, but his waking behavior was too abnormal, and he couldn't help being curious.

"Senior Gong has misunderstood. Although your flying speed is not slow, it is almost impossible to get rid of chasing soldiers. If I use space teleportation, we will have a greater chance of escape."

Su Xing explained calmly, as if he was the most innocent person, Gong Kun had been misunderstanding him.

"Boy, explain your purpose honestly, otherwise the old man will kill you first." Gong Kun responded coldly, still not believing.

"If Senior Gong doesn't believe it, then the kid will leave first." Su wakes up for a while, then said: "It's just that, I'm afraid Senior Gong will be left alone and helpless."

"...Boy, no matter how you dare to scam you, the old man will definitely frustrate you." Gong Kun took a deep breath and rushed to wake up.

Although there were a hundred people in his heart who were unwilling to believe in awakening, but the proposal of awakening was too tempting.

By awakening and using space teleportation, and leaving with him, then his chances of surviving will indeed be greatly improved.


It goes without saying to wake up, but it is already beginning to use space teleportation.

The distance between the two parties is rapidly approaching, and when Gong Kun appears not far away from the awakening, the space transmission of the awakening is ready, and a beam of light penetrates the clouds, dazzling.

"Senior Gong, go!"

The awakened figure flashed and stood in the beam of light.

A hint of hesitation flashed in Gong Kun's eyes, but soon he walked into the beam of light.

The next moment, the beam of light soared into the sky, and the figures of the two disappeared together. When they reappeared, they had already reached more than tens of thousands of miles away, and they were temporarily freed from the pursuit from Hanlan.

"Senior Gong, if we want to survive, I'm afraid we still need to reach Chifeng God City in the end." Su Xing said.

"Huh! Do you still need you to tell me about this kind of thing?" Gong Kun had a ten thousand impulse in his heart, wanting to slap his side to wake up, but his reason told him not to do that.

Once he was awakened and dead, no one opened the space teleportation and ran away with him.

Awakening without noticing it, it seemed that he hadn't noticed Gong Kun's killing intent at all, and the complicated emotional fluctuations in his heart.

Soon, awakened and started space teleportation again.

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