Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3071: The misunderstanding is too big!

The third thousand and seventy-first chapter is a big misunderstanding!

Gong Kun already knew about the existence of Ning Linchen.

With his ingenious calculations, it is naturally impossible to lose sight of the situation.

Waking up and killing Luo Yun and his group, coupled with the original contradiction, how could Ning Linchen let him go easily?

The Vermillion Bird Territory is exactly where the Ning family belongs.

Ning Linchen moved his finger to spread the net to wake up.

In this sensitive period, Gong Kun is naturally unwilling to have anything to do with Suwa, the farther away the better.

Of course, he still has a covetous heart for the treasures on his body.

It's just that, without Ning Linchen's knowledge, there is a suitable time to make a move. Before that, all he needs is to stay out of the situation and watch the changes.

"Since Senior Gong is so unfeeling, that kid won't say much." Su Xing looked disappointed and sighed.


Gong Kun's face trembled. If he hadn't been the person involved, he would really believe in awakening, thinking that the two had a special relationship, and reluctantly said goodbye.


Gong Kun was full of excitement.

If this scene was seen by the people sent by Ning Linchen, wouldn't it be a misunderstanding?

What made Gong Kun's face even more pale happened.

Awakening in reluctance, he bowed deeply to Gong Kun, and said loudly: "Senior Gong, thank you for your care all the way, Luo Qingming feels within five years, let's not pass this."

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about?" Gong Kun was furious. If Ning Linchen's men saw this, even if the Jiutian Waterfall poured down, he would not be able to wash it!

What made Gong Kun's expression changed again was that in Hanlan City, many Dao Soul Thoughts lingered near the Teleporting Flying Boat.

That's it!

Gong Kun felt cold.

Thinking of his dignified ancestor of the Celestial Clan, he was deep-minded and good at planning, and even when he was put aside and capsized in the gutter.

What kind of **** is this?

Gong Kun was no longer thinking about it, and before the teleportation flying boat stopped steadily, his figure flashed and flew towards the distance.

We can't afford to provoke, can we avoid it?

"Senior Gong, go back quickly, I'll wait for you to move in to rescue the soldiers." Awakening sounded loud and clear.

"I will move your uncle's rescuer..."

Gong Kun was almost mad, and even almost failed to maintain the flight, the figure shook one after another before it was considered stable.

This is the so-called sending Buddha to the west, pitting people to the end?

"Hahaha... this old guy."

On the deck, He Tong couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing.

"Look at it, it works."

Kui Si exclaimed, and He Tong looked over, and saw that in the mountains and forests far away from Hanlan City, a group of figures rushed out one after another, trying to block Gong Kun's path.

The cultivation bases of those people are quite comparable, and there is no lack of the existence of the seventh-order **** king.

It is not difficult to imagine that the original function of that power is to prevent waking up and fleeing.

Inside and outside Hanlan City, there are murderous opportunities.


"You guys listened to me to explain, this is a misunderstanding, it's all because of Luo Qing's divorce."

Gong Kun tried to explain, not willing to be an enemy of Ning Linchen.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding! It's just that you have nothing to say, how can we trust you? Why don't you catch it with your hands, and after we catch Luo Qing, we will check?"

Among the people blocking the way, a seventh-order **** king said with a smile.

His ridicule was even more serious, and he didn't believe Gong Kun at first glance.

"Everyone, you are offended!"

Gong Kun took a deep breath and mobilized the powerful **** power in his body, turning his whole person into a dazzling divine light and rushing forward.

Don't say that the other party doesn't believe him at all. Even if it is half-believing, Gong Kun is absolutely impossible to do something like that, it is tantamount to tie his life to the other party's thoughts.

Gong Kun was still restrained and didn't mean to kill.

He just relied on his vigorous cultivation to forcibly break through the opponent's blockade.

I have to say that Gong Kun's strength is really strong, he probably didn't make a full shot, but the magical skills that a dozen people used were unable to get close to him and were shattered.

Soon, Gong Kun left the dozen people behind.

"A group of ants, also want to stop the old man?" Gong Kun's face is not without pride, and the cultivation of the seventh-order peak **** king is indeed worthy of pride.

But soon, Gong Kun's face changed.

I saw on the vast ground in front of him, like a tens of magnitude earthquake, the earth and rock swelled at an incredible speed, turned into a huge fist, and bombarded him.

The fist was too big, almost thousands of miles in radius, and the power contained in it, and the range of attack covered, reached thousands of miles.

Moreover, the opponent was obviously planning a blow to lock Gong Kun's energy, making it impossible for him to escape.

"Jiuxuan Town Thunder Hand!"

At the moment of crisis, Gong Kun also showed great strength. Nine different powers surged out of his body like a frenzy, quickly converging and turning into a huge palm print.


In the sky-shaking roar, Gong Kun's Nine Profound Lightning Hands collided fiercely with that huge fist made of soil and rock.

For a time, Fangyuan fell into a huge shock for an unknown amount of miles.

Any creatures approaching were obliterated in an instant.

The existence of secret shots is not inferior to Gong Kun in the realm of cultivation. In other words, this is the confrontation between two seventh-order peak **** kings, and the momentum is shocking.

After a while, the two extremely strong forces gradually subsided.

This time the collision is evenly matched.

But Gong Kun's complexion was already solemn, and Ning Linchen's preparations were more sufficient than he had imagined. The person blocking the way was actually a seventh-order peak **** king.

It's hard to imagine how many people Ning Linchen dispatched this time.

"My friend, I have no intention of offending here. Luo Qing and I have nothing to do with him. Please don't get me wrong." Gong Kun took a deep breath and arched his hand to the front to explain.

In the earth, the earth and rocks were once again piled up, and a mountain rose on the ground.

At the top of the mountain, stood a thin man holding a scepter, his eyes staring at Gong Kun gloomily, and said: "If it weren't for a figure of your level, how could Luo Yun be killed by Luo Qing?"

"Luo Qing has a special hole card! He killed Luo Yun and others with that kind of hole card. Many people on the Teleport Flying Boat have seen this, and they can testify." Gong Kun hurriedly said.

"Really?" The skinny man didn't believe it, but he didn't believe it either. He just said, "Those things can be discussed later, but now, you can't leave."

"The old man just happened to take the same teleportation boat with Luo Qing. There is nothing to do with the matter between you. Please forgive me." Gong Kun said.

The opponent is definitely more than a seventh-order peak **** king, once he vacates his hand, his situation will be extremely passive.

It can even be said that there is no difference between staying and being caught.

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