Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2637: War spirit

Chapter 2637: War Spirit

There are nine ancient monuments on the mountain peaks, standing in a circle.

In the middle is a circular platform, made of a monolithic boulder, with many ancient patterns carved on it, densely packed and countless.

At this time, many Raksha elders, banner owners, Xia Yuanjia, and Li Sijin stood on the mountain.

"Old Su is here!" With a smile on Xia Yuanjia's face, he eagerly walked over to say hello to Wake, pointed to the nine ancient monuments next to him, and said: "You see, this is the space of war intent."

Su Xing stared at the nine ancient monuments, and found that even with his current vision, he couldn't see through it. The mystery contained in the nine ancient monuments can only be vaguely perceptible.

"Wake up, this is Elder Yu Yang." Ying Xiaoyi said.

Su Xing knew that Ying Xiaoyi seldom took the initiative to introduce people. He looked at Yu Yang, and quickly reacted, and said: "Su Xing has met Elder Yu Yang."

In the tomb, when Su Xing learned that Li Sijin was the eighth person on the main **** list, he also had a general understanding of the other people in the top ten, at least remembering the name.

Yu Yang, who ranked third, is naturally like a thunderbolt.

Only when he woke up, Yu Yang looked so ordinary and strange, but he would not despise him because of this, and he was not even too surprised. The old horse he knew looked just as ordinary as Yu Yang.

And Yu Yang's ranking on the main **** list is still above the old horse.

"You're welcome." Yu Yang said with a smile: "The Battle Intent Space will only be opened once for you. How much you can gain depends on you."

"Good!" Su Xing nodded.

Afterwards, a group of Raksha elders, as well as the owner of Fu Zhuqi and others, all encouraged the wake up.

Xia Yuanjia showed great generosity and repeatedly encouraged her to wake up.

On the contrary, he awakened himself and appeared very calm.

Soon after, the nine Raksha elders headed by Yu Yang took out a primitive token one after another, pressed it on the nine ancient monuments, and poured the cultivation base into it.

The ancient monument burst out with divine light, and it stretched rapidly along the countless lines on the middle circular platform.

Not long after, the circular platform in the middle was shrouded in a rich light, a mighty power of heaven and earth, spreading vastly, but fortunately, none of the people standing on the mountain peaks were ordinary people.

If I were to be a general divine lord here, I am afraid that I would not be able to withstand the pressure brought by the power of heaven and earth, and could not help kneeling on the ground.

"Old Su, come on!" Xia Yuanjia smiled and patted his awakened shoulder.

"Okay!" Wake didn't say much, and stepped into the circular platform in the middle.

The nine Rakshasa elders headed by Yu Yang all retracted their palms together, and the light on the ancient monument quickly dimmed, and the light released by the circular platform in the middle also receded like a tide.

But the awakened figure has disappeared.

Xia Yuanjia looked at Ying Xiaoyi and asked, "You are on the road. Have you ever told Su Xing about my achievements in the fighting spirit space?"

Ying Xiaoyi glanced at Xia Yuanjia coldly, without answering such boring questions.

"It seems that I didn't say it. I didn't say it. If there is no goal, that guy will not have too much fighting spirit. When he comes out, he will find my record and he will definitely be surprised..."

Xia Yuanjia murmured to himself, the smile on his face getting bigger and bigger.

"Didn't you have always been very confident in your own fighting will domain? What's the point of playing slick and defeating you?" Ying Xiaoyi said lightly.

"This is called a strategy." Xia Yuanjia corrected: "Xiao Yi! The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. I did this for the sake of our reputation of Asura Mountain?"

"Before fighting with Suwa, it was already difficult to distinguish the outcome. I always have to dominate him in other areas, so as not to damage our reputation of Asura Mountain!"

The corner of Ying Xiaoyi's mouth evokes a cold arc: "You are for your own reputation!"

"Ahem...Don't pay attention to so many details. As the son of Shura, my reputation does not represent the mountain of Shura!" Xia Yuanjia said without blushing and heartbeat.


In the void of space, it seems that when the chaos is not open, the sky and the earth are not separated from each other.

Awakening calmly stood in place, and did not move around, as if waiting for something, and silently examining his own situation, and soon discovered that his cultivation base and physical strength had all disappeared.

If it hadn't been for Ying Xiaoyi to talk about this, he would really feel nervous when he woke up.

After all, cultivation base and physical strength are the capital on which he depends for survival now. Without those, he would be knocked out of the world.

"What kind of power is this? It is so peculiar that even the physical power can be'isolated'." Su Xing muttered to herself, feeling surprised.

His cultivation base and physical strength have not really disappeared, and have been isolated.

An invisible and powerful force formed a barrier and sealed all his power.

The first thing to do to wake up is to break the seals and let his strength return, otherwise he will be eliminated instantly when the test comes.


The sword of Xuanyi emerged, and the whole body was awakened with a sharp and powerful fighting spirit.

The power of the will to fight, not isolated, is the only power he can use now.

The seal inside the body is very unique. The sword of Xuanyi is slashed again and again, but it is even the first seal on the outermost periphery, which is difficult to break.

At this time, there was a roar around.

From far to near, the voice became louder and more shocking.

He awakened and stabilized his mind, did not fall into a panic due to the urgency of the situation, and kept running the sword of profound meaning to slash the first seal in his body, trying to release part of his power.

Soon, in his field of vision, a group of spherical creatures appeared.

From a distance, it looks like a group of lights, reflecting this empty space very brightly, like countless elves dancing, it is truly beautiful.

However, those light groups all exudes a bitter fighting spirit, giving people a tiger-wolf-like feeling, shattering all the beauty.

"Is this the war spirit?" Rejuvenating eyes narrowed slightly.

The term "Zhanling" was naturally also told by Ying Xiaoyi.

In the war-intent space, the biggest opponent that awakens is the war spirit. It is a war-intent space that has evolved through special means and is very unique.

Even Mount Shura hasn't figured out how the war spirit was born.

The war spirits flew extremely fast, and when viewed from a distance, it was like endless rays of light, emerging from all directions, wanting to swallow the awakening.

Being hit by Spirit Slayer, you will not die when you wake up, but you will be expelled from the space of fighting spirit.

Although there would be no life-threatening, but awakening did not want to be expelled in embarrassment as soon as he entered the space of war intent.

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