Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2636: War space

Chapter 2636: War Intent Space

If you change to someone else, after getting the Nine Heavens Jade Dew, most of them will choose to treasure it, because the greatest value of the Nine Heavens Jade Dew is to break into the Divine King Realm.

After all, this is a very precious training resource for the **** king.

It is naturally more than enough to break through to the Divine King Realm.

However, Awakening is not ready to do that.

No matter how precious the cultivation resources are, they are also dead. Instead of keeping them, it is better to use them as early as possible to improve their strength.

Only strength is truly one's own.

Therefore, he was planning to use the Nine Heavens Yulu for cultivation, even if he was suspected of violating the heavens, he would not hesitate.

Awakening took back his soul mind, and called the Sky Shadow Mouse, Xue Ling, Ding Xi, Lei Xueyi, and Miao Kerr, and then he took out a whole thousand drops of Nine Sky Jade Dew and signaled the Sky Shadow Mouse to distribute to everyone.

It was the Sky Shadow Rat who was surprised to see so many Nine Heavens Yulu.

"Brother Xing, we have used Nine Heavens Yulu for cultivation so early, is it too wasteful?" Miao Keer said hesitantly.

She also said what other people were saying.

"No matter how precious cultivation resources are, they are not as important as their own strength."

Su Xing shook his head and said: "With our current cultivation level, using Nine Heavens Jade Dew for cultivation will naturally be wasted, but it can also increase our strength rapidly. This is enough."

Sky Shadow Mouse nodded, recognizing Wake's opinion, and added: "Moreover, with the cherishment of the Nine Heavens Jade Dew and the more refined it, it will also improve and enhance the personal qualifications."

Everyone has no more questions.

Everyone took hundreds of drops of Nine Heaven Jade Dew.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Du did not come to Xiuluo Mountain together, but practiced on the West Desert Continent.

There are countless monsters in West Desert Continent. Xiao Du is cultivating and catching monsters at the same time, which is more helpful to him than staying in Xiuluo Mountain for meditation.

The Sky Shadow Mouse pre-stored a part of the Nine Heavens Jade Lu for Xiao Du, and then gave it to the other party when we met next time.

After getting rid of the Nine Heavens Jade Dew, Awakening took out a lot of "Nine Heavens Jade Dew Divine Water" from the big lake in the Yunxiao Jade Dew Bowl and gave them to Ding Xi and others.

In this way, Ding Xi and others don't need to worry about cultivation resources anymore before breaking through to the Divine King Realm, because they already have the best cultivation resources in the Divine Lord Realm.

After Ding Xi and others left, they woke up and meditated for several days.

However, he did not improve his cultivation, but carefully recalled the many details of the battle with Xia Yuanjia.

Confronting masters is a great help to awakening.

After a few days, I have gained a lot of experience and experience and benefited a lot.

After waking up, he began to absorb the energy in the Xingchenying's fetus and improving his cultivation, but only half a day later, the Xingchenying's fetus disappeared.

Waking up was not surprised at this.

The energy in the womb of Xingchenying is not endless. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to raise the awakened cultivation base to the ninth level of the **** master realm.

However, in the process of waking up repeatedly with others, the cultivation base was constantly exhausted, resulting in a lot of energy in the fetus of Star Baby, which was used to restore cultivation base.

The disappearance of Xingchen's fetus, awakening did not feel regretful.

One is that it has been anticipated, and the other is that there is a better Jiu Tian Yulu now.


Awakened, took out a drop of Nine Heavens Jade Dew and swallowed it.

In the next moment, the majestic energy vented away in his body, like a billowing torrent, constantly swept and collided, and then his pores all over his body began to overflow with a clear mist.

His body can no longer hold the energy contained in the Nine Heavens Jade Dew, and there has been a lapse of waste.

Waking up and running the Nine Heavens Emperor Divine Art, quickly refining the energy surging in the body.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the energy in the awakened body is finally exhausted by him.

He calculated silently, and with his current cultivation level, a drop of Nine Heavens Jade Dew's energy would probably waste 70%, but only absorb about 30%.

Such a waste is not serious.

However, Suwaken did not feel heartache, because even if he only absorbed about 30% of the energy, his cultivation level had also been improved a lot.

He vaguely felt that he was not far from breaking into the middle stage of the seventh stage of the Divine Master Realm.

It seems that only a few drops of Nine Heavens Jade Dew can be refined.

In addition, his physical body is also absorbing the energy of Nine Heavens Yulu, and his physical strength is steadily increasing.

"It deserves to be a cultivation resource that even the King of God values ​​very much. This nine-day jade dew is really extraordinary."

Su Xing sighed, just absorbing a drop of energy of about 30% of the Nine Heavens Jade Dew, allowing him to improve his cultivation and physical strength at the same time. This effect is not insignificant.

Just as he was awakening and preparing to continue his cultivation, a petite and graceful figure appeared outside the palace.

Wake up and walked out of the palace, looking at Ying Xiaoyi with a smile, "It just happened to be here, I will give you some gifts."

"Reactive power is not limited..." Before Ying Xiaoyi finished speaking, he saw that Awakening had taken out a hundred drops of Nine Heavens Jade Dew, and there were ripples in Gu Jing Bubo's eyes.

"Lu first accept it, turn back to make up for it." Ying Xiaoyi stretched out her hand to collect Jiutian Yulu, and she could refuse to use it with other training resources, but Jiutian Yulu is too precious, and it is simply impossible to refuse it. Tolerate...

It doesn't matter if he wakes up, he asked, "Is there something to do with me?"

Ying Xiaoyi nodded and said, "Take you to a place."

Wake up curiously: "Where?"

Ying Xiaoyi said: "Space of fighting spirit."

Su Xing was taken aback, and then said: "Listening to this name, should it have something to do with the will to fight?"

Ying Xiaoyi said nonchalantly: "This is an opportunity, you have to seize it."

The two talked while walking.

On the way, Ying Xiaoyi gave a detailed account of the war-intent space.

The Battle Intent Space is indeed a place to cultivate the will to fight, and this is also the core inheritance of Mount Asura.

Even the disciples of Mount Xiuluo, who want to enter the war-intent space, need to go through numerous tests and screenings. Only Xia Yuanjia and Ying Xiaoyi can enter and out of the war-intent space at will.

However, Xia Yuanjia and Ying Xiaoyi also enter the space of fighting spirit once every three years.

This has something to do with the uniqueness of the war-intent space. If you go too frequently, there is no benefit.

As for awakening, it is considered the only outsider in the history of Mount Asura who entered the war-intent space. This is mainly because he came to West Desert this time and helped Mount Asura a lot.

Not to mention the role of awakening during the battle between Mount Asura and the six major tribes. It is said that the Lord Wangyou was also severely injured because of him in the tomb. He saved dozens of Raksha elders on Mount Asura in disguise. And Xia Yuanjia and Ying Xiaoyi.

After flying for a while, Su Xing and Ying Xiaoyi came to a mountain peak.

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