Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2212: Identity revealed

Chapter 2212: Identity Revealed

The atmosphere in the midair of the abyss suddenly became a little weird.

Dong Guo's entry into the ink seemed unintentional, cutting off his retreat from awakening, making him look distressed.

However, Wake's complexion was calm and didn't feel much.

Liucai Divine Butterfly took a deep look at Suwakening, did not rush to do it, but said: "Unexpectedly, the supreme Taoist of the dignified and blessed land is actually a rat with a hidden head and a tail."

Now in Fengwu Fudi, there is only one supreme Taoist left to awaken, Liu Cai Divine Butterfly's words, which is equivalent to announcing his identity.

There was no accident in waking up. After the colorful Divine Butterfly was rescued, she would naturally inform the Six Color Divine Butterfly about him.


In the surprised eyes of Dong Guo Rumo and others, a ray of light shone on Su Xing's body and turned into a real appearance.

"Wake up, it's actually you." Dong Guo's eyes narrowed.

Wan Dao Hui Wu’s defeat made him remember, and he had already thought of Su Xing as the biggest opponent in his life. When we met at this time, not to mention that the enemy was extremely jealous when meeting, but he did not consciously exude a vigorous force. The fighting spirit.

Lu Xingfeng, Gongsunlan, Taoist Xuanxu, God Lord Hui, and others, as well as other monster masters and beast masters, are also looking at awakening. Many of them are the first time to see Awakening, so naturally they want to see it. His style.

Seeing that Su Xing fell into the siege, they were still calm and relaxed, and they had to admire his state of mind.

Su Xing glanced at Dong Guo's ink and said, "When I was in Yangling Volcano before, I would like to thank you for your help."

The corner of Dong Guo's mouth twitched when he entered the ink. If he knew the identity of awakening at that time, he would never take action. How could there be more sense of accomplishment than awakening from death?

Dong Guo's expression in the ink quickly returned to normal, and he said flatly: "I am just considering the overall situation and has nothing to do with you."

This is not only getting rid of the relationship with Su Xing, but at the same time telling Su Xing that he should not use him to deal with the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly.

"Speaking of Yangling Volcano, I've heard that you have a great treasure on your body, and you have taken Yangling Volcano away?" Liu Cai Divine Butterfly said seemingly unintentionally.

This news caused a big sensation. Those demon masters, beast masters, as well as Gongsun Lan, Taoist Xuanxu, God Master Huizhen, etc., all stared at awakening with fiery eyes.

Inside Yangling Volcano, there are countless Yangling Heavenly Fires, which can be described as infinitely valuable.

Gongsunlan first said: "Shinephew Dongguo, the value of Yangling Volcano, I don't need to say more about it, and according to the truth, Yangling Volcano belongs to our'Central Domain'."

The Middle Territory refers to the central place where the thirty-two God Territories are connected. It is the habitual name of the people here.

Taoist Xuanxu said: "Brother Gongsun makes sense. We should take back what belongs to us."

Although their thoughts are already Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows them, they are still relatively euphemistic.

Those demon masters and beast masters are more naked and direct.

Yinyue Sirius said: "Get rid of Yangling Volcano and wake up, and there are many treasures on your body. Killing him is more cost-effective than going down into the abyss and collecting the mysterious energy."

A beast owner buzzed: "This is our great opportunity, we must be buried in Xuanyin Diyuan when we wake up."

Liucai Divine Butterfly did not speak, and his expression was relatively calm. He deliberately revealed his awakening identity and his collection of Yangling Volcano, but he concealed the existence of Fajun Huanhua.

When Huanhua Fajun helped wake up and collect Yangling Volcano together, the colorful Divine Butterfly naturally discovered her existence, and then informed the Six Color Divine Butterfly.

Without knowing it, Liucai Divine Butterfly was obviously trying to entrap other people, trying to use the power of other people to deal with awakening, so as to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Dong Guo took a look at awakening and smiled: "It looks like this Xuanyin Diyuan is really going to become your cemetery, but the geomantic omen here is good and it deserves your identity."

He woke up and looked calm, without the slightest sign of panic, and said lightly: "You Tianshen Mausoleum Jing Fengshui Cemetery, have you prepared for yourself?"


The leader of the Wuding Palace, Gong Sun Lan, stood on a ship, urging a dark magical cannon on the ship's deck, and blasting a sharp beam toward the awakening.

"Shi Nephew Dong Guo, don't talk nonsense with him, just do it!" Gongsun Lan shouted.

This is to seize the opportunity and try to awaken in one fell swoop before the monster masters and beast masters.

The building he was in was called the ‘Gourmet God’s Ship’, which not only possessed powerful protection, but also possessed extremely powerful attack methods, the Gourmet Black God Cannon.

The first-order power of the **** master realm could not resist the blow of the gluttonous black **** cannon.

In fact, the gluttonous black divine artillery has indeed bombarded and killed a lot of first-order powers of the divine main realm, accumulating a reputation.

That sharp beam of light left a pitch-black area where it passed, as if even the space was scorched black, and the energy contained in it was even more amazing.


Awakening moved hundreds of feet away, avoiding the sharp beam.

"The gluttonous black artillery cannon, is it so easy to hide?" Gongsun Lan grinned and stretched out his hand to pat the storage bag. Many middle-grade **** crystals flew out and turned into a torrent of gluttonous black magical artillery. Inside the dark barrel.

The next moment, the gluttonous black **** cannon trembles violently, and a dazzling brilliance blooms in the pitch-black barrel. Amidst the huge roar, a gluttonous light and shadow rushed out.


The gluttonous light and shadow burst out into the sky with a roar, exuding a wild and ancient atmosphere, and swooped to wake up.

Awakening sensed that the gluttonous light and shadow locked his aura, knowing that he could not continue to avoid it, and he was not afraid, so he took the initiative to rush forward, throwing his fists and killing.

The body's essence turned into billowing smoke and rose into the sky, awakening directly played a groundbreaking battle.


A fierce battle broke out between awakening and gluttonous light and shadow.

But soon, under his powerful physical power, the gluttonous light and shadow gradually faded, and he was finally torn away arrogantly.

"What a powerful physical power." Even though everyone had seen the physical power of awakening before, it was still very surprised at this time. Especially, everyone knew that the most powerful means of awakening was to use the power of cultivation.

Manpower is exhausted, and it is difficult for a person to cultivate both the flesh and the magic.

Unfortunately, Wake up did it.

This talent has almost subverted everyone's cognition.

Even if Xiang Wei believes that the six-color Divine Butterfly, who is extremely talented, when facing awakening, the sense of confidence in his heart is shaken by it, let alone other people.

In addition to the shock, the killing intent in everyone's heart became stronger.

Everyone knows that today is completely offended and awakened. If he can't be killed, he will suffer when he grows up in the future.

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