Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2211: Plan successful

The 2211th chapter plan is successful

The six-color divine light spilled out, containing surging mighty power.

There are also strands of Yang Spirit Mother Fire, beating in the air, causing the surrounding temperature to rise sharply.

No matter who can tell, the six-color divine butterfly at this time has a very strong killing intent.

The divine cultivators, such as the Mausoleum of the Heavenly Gods and the Nine Star God Kingdom, all changed their expressions as spectators, but when they awakened, their expressions were as calm as water.


Suddenly, a ray of light flashed beside him, and the multicolored divine butterfly whose cultivation base had been banned appeared.

"Brother, help me!" Colorful Divine Butterfly caught sight of Liucai Divine Butterfly and immediately shouted.

"Let's release Diewu!" The killing intent of Liucai Divine Butterfly's body became more and more fierce. The colorful Divine Butterfly was still alive, which was a little beyond his expectation. At the same time, he also wanted to help.

They are such a powerful race, and their ability to reproduce is generally poor. Sometimes, it is even hard to meet a member of the same race in a lifetime. The Liucai Divine Butterfly naturally cherishes his brother very much and does not want him to have problems.

Awakening put a hand on the shoulder of the colorful divine butterfly transformed into a teenager, stared at the six-color divine butterfly, and said calmly: "I want to know if your color butterfly and glazed shadow are faster or me Killing is faster."

"What do you want?" Liucai Divine Butterfly took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in his heart. Naturally, he didn't dare to gamble with his brother's life.

"You want to save Diewu and kill me, don't you?" Su Xing asked.

"Let's release Die Wu, I will keep your whole body." Liu Cai Divine Butterfly couldn't comment.

"How can you have both fish and bear's paw?" Su Xing shook his head, and said, "I want to see, what choice would you make between killing me and saving Diewu."


When the voice fell, Wake took the colorful butterfly and flew towards the edge of the rocky area.

Liu Cai Divine Butterfly had a vague premonition in her heart, but at this time, she had no other choice but to bring a group of demon masters and beast masters to quickly follow.

"Young sect master, what shall we do?" asked a **** from the Mausoleum of Gods.

"Follow up and take a look." Dong Guo's eyes flashed in the ink, not knowing what he was thinking.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he awakened to the edge of the rocky terrain. Below it was an endless abyss. The temperature was extremely low, and it would sometimes be blown up by the extremely cold wind, as sharp as a knife.

Su Xing glanced at the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly, and said lightly: "It's up to you to make a choice."

After speaking, he pressed a palm on the back of the colorful **** butterfly and knocked it down into the abyss.

"Brother, save me!" The colorful divine butterfly shouted.

"You're looking for death!" The eyes of the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly became extremely cold, and with a wave of her hand, a six-color divine light shocked to wake up, exuding a majestic breath, and the momentum was spectacular.

Waking up without dodge, he raised his hand and shot out.


The fist gang thunderous, revealing a sense of violent power, squeezed out the surrounding Shinto laws, but after encountering the six-color divine light, it was unsustainable.

Within the six-color divine light, there is a strange power, even in the forbidden domain, it is difficult to do with it.

Of course, this is also because, compared to the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly, the awakened forbidden domain is not strong enough. If his physical realm reaches the second-order peak of the Divine Lord Realm, which is the same as the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly realm, then the situation will be fine. It needs to be different.

Awakening was shaken back for more than a hundred miles, but his physical defense was quite strong, and there was no sign of injury.

He stepped out one step, and his body dashed out like a comet, giving people a feeling of being more and more courageous.

With a bang, carrying a punch with the power of one hundred thousand dragons, blasted towards the six-color divine butterfly.

Liu Cai Divine Butterfly's gaze was cold like a blade, he was not afraid of the physical strength of his awakening, and wanted to slay his awakening, but that would delay him for a long time, and what he lacked most now was time.

"I swear in the name of Tongtian Divine Butterfly, you will die miserably." Liucai Divine Butterfly stared at Su Xing coldly, raised her hand and patted it, after resolving the power of her fist, she headed towards the abyss. Fly away.

Rather than awakening from beheading, he finally chose to save the colorful divine butterfly.

When the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly left, Yinyue Sirius and other demon masters and beast owners naturally followed quickly. They had to stay with the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly to avoid giving Dong Guo Rumo and others a chance.

There was no accident in waking up, as if everything was in his calculations, he roared: "When you want to save a butterfly, how can it be so easy?"

Immediately, waking up also jumped into the abyss.

This rocky area quickly fell into silence.

Dong Guo entered the ink and walked to the edge of the abyss, frowning involuntarily, and said to Lu Xingfeng and the others: "Seven Princes, with our current position, I am afraid that if we want to collect Xuanyin Nether Qi, there is little hope."

Lu Xingfeng said: "Do you have any ideas about Dong Guo Shinephew?"

Dong Guo entered the ink and said, "Why don't we go down here to find out?"

Gongsunlan hesitated and said, "Shinephew Dongguo, how dangerous this abyss is, I don't have to say it clearly. If you do this, don't you want me to be in danger?"

Dong Guo entered the ink and shook his head and said: "Wealth and wealth are in danger. Even ordinary people understand this truth. If senior Gongsun is unwilling to take risks with his body, he will not force anything when he enters the ink."

Upon seeing this, Lu Xingfeng asked, "Shinephew Dongguo, tell me your specific plan?"

"The Six-Colored Divine Butterfly is by no means an ordinary generation. He descends into the abyss and saves his brother is only one of them, and at the same time, he is also preparing to collect Xuan Yin Nether Qi."

Dong Guo entered the ink and explained: "There is also that physical god, he always gives me a familiar feeling, and he can walk out of Yangling Volcano alive, and he has many secrets."

Hearing this, Taoist Xuanxu and God Huizhen could not help but nod their heads.

In the end, Lu Xingfeng, Taoist Xuanxu, God Lord Hui, all agreed to go down into the abyss, Gongsun Lan saw this and did not refute.


In the abyss, awakening felt the power fluctuation from above, and couldn't help but tick the corner of his mouth.

He didn't communicate with Dong Guo's Inmo, because Dong Guo's Inmo was too smart, and saying too much was counterproductive. He only needs to play a guiding role and let Dong Guo enter the ink to think for himself.

From Su Xing's point of view, Dong Guo entered the ink and went down into the abyss together. It was cleverness but was mistaken by cleverness. Invisibly, he was dragged into the water without knowing it.

Awakening looked down at the abyss glowing with blue halo, his pupils became very deep, and no matter what was under the abyss, he would stir up the earth.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the Six-Colored Divine Butterfly appearing next to the Colorful Divine Butterfly, and grabbed it.

When the colorful Divine Butterfly resumed its cultivation, the Six Color Divine Butterfly stopped and stood in front of many demon masters and beast masters, staring coldly at awakening.

At the same time, Dong Guo Rumo and others at the top also stopped their body.

Invisibly, the two sides actually surrounded the awakening in the middle.

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