Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2194: Original article

Chapter 2194

As he awakened and returned, a strange color flashed across the drunken lunatic's eyes.

Dong Fengxue looked a little confused, looked at her awakening, and asked, "What happened? Why did you feel different this time after you walked out."

"I changed the fate of life in wine." Su Xing said.

"Can destiny be changed?" Dong Fengxue was startled. He drank Liu Sheng San Shi Jiu and didn't realize this.

"Maybe it has something to do with my understanding of the will to fight." Wake didn't know the specific reason, but felt that this should be a good thing. Soon, he drank the fourth wine.

In the Fourth World Wine, he became the head teacher of a sect.

Inside the sect, there are a group of young and beautiful female disciples, a group of handsome and suave male disciples, and many dedicated elders.

As the head teacher, he only needs to grow flowers and travel around the mountains and water every day, and his life is very comfortable.

According to the destiny arranged by the Fourth World Wine, he should die and spend his life happily, but he gradually became that he didn't like the feeling of doing nothing all day.

He began to practice hard and took the initiative to sharpen himself.

After the course of fate was changed, a series of chain reactions were triggered.

The original Shiwai Sect was discovered by people, and many people had coveted the inheritance and treasures of the Sect.

One day and night, Zongmen was under a siege. Although they resisted foreign enemies in unity and confrontation, this was just the beginning. Many other sects organized a larger-scale siege.

In the end, the entire sect suffered heavy casualties, and as the head teacher, he awakened and led the remaining personnel in the sect and escaped.

The sect was destroyed, and the upper and lower deaths were serious, which made his awakening become very depressed, but it also aroused the vitality in his bones. He practiced harder and almost forgot to sleep.

Finally, ten years later, he led the remaining members of the sect and killed them again.

His strength has become extremely strong, overwhelming the crowd.

He returned to his sect and made it the number one sect in the world, and he has also become the number one power in the world in people's minds.

That night, he fell into an epiphany, the whole world shattered, and he returned to reality.

Once again he took his destiny in his own hands, awakened with a lot of experience, and after a long period of quiet thinking, he drank Wushengjiu.

Next, awakening seems to have mastered the law of how to change destiny, and life in wine, creating one after another legend.

When twilight fell, he awoke and finished drinking Jiu Sheng Nine World Wine.

He closed his eyes and realized it, three days and nights passed before he woke up leisurely.

His eyes were clearer and clearer than ever before, and Dao Xin became extremely firm.

"Good wine!" By this time, Su Xing was exclaiming, from the bottom of his heart.

This nine-life wine can not only sharpen the Dao Xin, but also help people consolidate their foundations, making the foundation of the awakened cultivation foundation and the foundation of the physical body extremely stable.

Originally, it would take him a while before he could attack the Divine Master Realm, but now he felt that he could complete a breakthrough at any time.

"You guy, really is as perverted as ever." Dong Fengxue looked at her awakening and couldn't help but smile. Originally, in his eyes, it was impossible to drink Jiusheng Nine World Wine in one day.

However, Suwaken actually did it directly.


The wine maniac put the Jiu Sheng Jiu Shi wine away again, and did not give him a chance to continue tasting it. He curled his lips and said: "Your wine is not bad, you are qualified to be my wine buddy."

"Then, as a drinker, can you make a request?" Su Xingda looked like he was climbing up the pole. He had already recollected it at this time. This drunkard was extremely awesome.

"What's the requirement? Don't go too far, kid." The drunkard warned.

"Senior, please do your best to train Dong Fengxue." Su Xing said.

"Wake up, this..." Dong Fengxue was startled. She didn't expect that Wake up's request was actually this. She was caught off guard for a while, but in her heart, there was also some expectation.

Although he stayed in Cangxue Mountain for several years, he didn't say much to the wine lunatic during the period. At most, he would taste the Jiusheng Nine World Wine every once in a while.

However, Dong Fengxue could also vaguely perceive that the drunken maniac was extremely extraordinary.

"You kid is getting in." The drunken lunatic glared and regained consciousness, and said: "Don't think you are the supreme Taoist of Fengwufudi, I can't help you."

Waking up is no surprise, the other party knows his identity, but said: "Senior, how does Fengxue's talents feel?"

"It's so normal!" The drunkard said unceremoniously.

"...Senior, how does Fengxue's understanding of the sword path?" Su Xing asked again.

"This is okay." The wine lunatic didn't deny it, and he let Dong Fengxue stay in Cangxue Mountain and taste his Jiusheng Nine World Wine for this reason.

Dong Fengxue's talent is not bad, but compared with waking up, it is much eclipsed.

However, Dong Fengxue also has his strengths. His mind is extremely pure, he loves the knife, and when he removes the knife from his eyes, there is nothing else. In this point, awakening is not comparable.

It can be said to be rare in the world, very rare.

"Predecessors' methods must be enough to make up for Fengxue's lack of talent, but Fengxue's understanding of the sword path is extremely rare, and any cultivation resources can't be exchanged." Su Xing said again.

"What do you think it is?" The drunkard made a straight face.

"Fengxue, quickly worship senior as a teacher." Su Xing blinked towards Dong Fengxue.

"Fengxue, see Master!" Dong Fengxue knelt down immediately.

"It's red near Zhu, and it's black near Mo!" Seeing this, the drunken lunatic couldn't help but wake up with a stare. Dong Fengxue has always been well-behaved in the past few years in Cangxue Mountain. Although he has the intention of apprenticeship, he dare not say it.

Now, after waking up, he cut first and then played.

Seeing that Dong Fengxue had completed his apprenticeship, the corners of the drunken man's mouth twitched and sighed, "Get up!"

"Thank you, Master!" Dong Fengxue was overjoyed.


The wine lunatic waved his hand, and there was an ancient animal skin that fell in front of Dong Fengxue, with a few large characters on it, which was particularly eye-catching: "The Eight Realms of God Sword, The Wilderness Chapter!"

A glimpse of this scene, even with a awakened state of mind, caused a huge wave.

The eight realms of the divine sword are the eight realms divided by the sword ancestor for the sword, corresponding to his genius.

Among the first five realms, sword repairers with good comprehension can comprehend.

Dong Fengxue is now in the fifth realm, with a perfect heaven.

However, if there is no corresponding method, it will be difficult for him to enter the sixth realm in his entire life, the prehistoric realm.

But now the prehistoric chapters given by the drunken lunatic can be used to cultivate to the prehistoric realm. It is extremely precious and has not been spread on the market.

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