Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2193: Nine Life Nine Worlds

Chapter 2193

"Gudong, Gudong..."

The drunk man took the wine jar from Wake up and drank heavily.

This scene made Su Xing secretly startled, and realized that this drunken man is not an ordinary person, because if he is really just an ordinary person with no cultivation skills, it is impossible to withstand the spirit of "Tiandao Guanmiao". of.

"Who are you?" Su Xing stared at the drunkard, his face cautious.

"The old man loves wine, and everyone calls me a'drunk maniac'. As for my real name, I have long forgotten." The wine maniac has a flat face, glanced at awake, and said: "If you can't accompany the old man to drink, then leave as soon as possible. I'm not interested in talking to you more."

"Isn't it just drinking?" Su Xing said sarcastically, "I'm afraid you don't have enough alcohol."

"Hahaha... the old man has nothing else, just a lot of wine." The drunk man waved his hand, and the wine jars emerged out of thin air, falling between him and his awakening.

"In these 18 wine jars, there are a total of 18 kinds of spirits. I gave them a full name, called'Nine Life Nine Worlds'."

The wine lunatic continued: "In this world, there are not a few people who can taste the'Nine Lives Nine Worlds', and Dong Fengxue only tasted the Six Lives III."

"You kid, if you can taste the sixth life, you will be qualified to be my drinker."

Su Xing didn't think that it was something to be proud of to be a drunkard’s drinking buddy. However, the drunken lunatic was so scared to death that he was a little dissatisfied, saying: "Then today, I will taste your nine lives and ninth lives. "

"Boy, cowhide isn't like that." The drunk man obviously didn't believe it, feeling that he was bragging when he was awake, and his tone was bigger than him.

"Wake up, this Jiusheng Nineth wine is very extraordinary. It took me several years to taste the level of Liusheng III. If I drink it uncontrollably, my life will be in danger." Dong Fengxue hurriedly reminded.

He doesn't like to wake up and drunk lunatics are too stiff, nor does he want to wake up.

"He will not be life-threatening. For those with poor wine, I will kick him out of Cangxue Mountain, so as not to pollute my pure land." The lunatic said.

"You think too much." Su Xing was too lazy to speak, grabbed the wine jar with the words "Lifelong Wine" and took a big swig.

There is no special feeling at the entrance of a lifetime wine, which is no different from ordinary spirits, but as the power of the wine dissolves in the abdomen, and after a while, awakening is like being pulled into the cycle of reincarnation by a strange force.

His location is not Cangxue Mountain, but another strange world.

He is no longer waking up, but has become another person, with the most miserable life, the death of his parents, the destruction of his family, and revenge for the rest of his life, but he can never succeed in revenge.

It seems that no matter how hard he works, he can't change his own destiny.

After a lifetime of walking, the awakening vision changed again and he returned to Cangxue Mountain.

"How long have I stood here?" Su Xing looked at Dong Fengxue and asked.

"Ten breaths," Dong Fengxue said.

"Ten breaths..." Waking up, he couldn't help but feel surprised. During these ten breaths, he actually experienced a completely different life and turned into a completely different person.

His mood is extremely strong, and he can distinguish between reality and life in wine, but when he is another person, it will be difficult to recover for a while.

There are too many and too complicated experiences in a lifetime, and they will collide with reality, creating a sense of confusion, and being confused about what is true and what is false.

Su Xing gradually understood the mystery of this nine-life wine.

Every time you taste a kind of wine, you will experience a completely different life, and you will experience a different life. If you taste all the wines of Nine Life and Nine Worlds, you will experience 18 different lives.

Undoubtedly, it will have a great impact on a person's soul.

It is also a great test of the mood.

Simply put, it is "asking the heart".

A little carelessness will make Dao Xin unbalanced and even collapse, and will even be lost in a false life forever. No wonder Dong Fengxue would say that drinking this kind of wine is life-threatening.

At this moment, waking up can be completely certain, the origin of this drunken maniac is quite extraordinary.

He did not compromise and drank a lifetime wine.

The life in the first wine is completely different from the life in the wine.

This time, Su Xing was the son of a landlord. Although he was a bit silly, he was from a well-off family. His parents were extremely spoiled by him. He had nothing to do but enjoyment.

When he reached middle age, his parents died one after another, but he did not fall for it, because before that, he married a smart and virtuous daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law has taken over the parent's property, and he can still enjoy life, travel around the mountains and water, until the end of his life.

This is in sharp contrast to the miserable life in a lifetime of wine.

It is also because of too much enjoyment that people will gradually lose their fighting spirit, even if the spirit of being out of the wine of a lifetime dissipates, they still have an endless aftertaste and are reluctant to leave that world.

But the awakened eyes soon returned to clarity, and he could still clearly distinguish between what is real and what is false.

At this point, he also understood the difference between the two wines of Jiu Sheng and Jiu Shi.

The life in Jiu Sheng Jiu is very miserable, and it is easy for people to twist their hearts and become extreme.

The life in the ninth world wine is very perfect, but it is also easy for people to fall into a beautiful illusion and unable to extricate themselves.

He quickly drank Ersheng wine and started the second journey of life.

Sure enough, the life in the two lives wine, awakened into a home and a broken down prince, wanted to regain the mountains and rivers, but was helpless, and finally died in depression.

In the life of the second world wine, he was the son of a city lord, with outstanding talents and handsome appearance. He married the princess of that country, and was ultimately an extremely human minister, with a perfect life that envied others.

When Su Xing came out of Sansheng Sanshijiu's life, he did not rush to drink, but fell into thinking.

He was wondering whether he could change his life in wine.

He has never been a person who likes to be arranged by fate, but it is also very difficult to achieve this.

After falling into a life of wine, he will forget himself and completely substitute in it.

Reawakening drank Sisheng wine, trying to change his destiny.

In Sishengjiu, he became a bear demon, his parents were killed by hunting practitioners, and in order not to be killed, he had to hide all day long.

That situation lasted for several years.

Finally, on a thunderstorm night, he was found by hunting practitioners, and then forced into desperation.

According to the fate that Sishengjiu arranged for him, he should be killed by hunting practitioners at this time, and then return to reality.

However, this time something happened, and the bear demon suddenly awakened the bloodline power and became infinitely powerful, killing all the hunting practitioners.

Subsequently, the bear demon swallowed the different fruits of heaven and earth, embarked on the road of cultivation, and eventually became the peerless demon king, immortal.

At a certain night, the bear demon, who became the peerless demon king, stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at the night sky, a strange light appeared in those deep eyes.

Afterwards, he whispered a few words: "I should go back."

The whole world also began to collapse at this moment, as if glass was shattering, and then the awake eyes returned to clarity, leaving life in wine.

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