Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2188: Nine Thousand Dragon Power

The 2188th chapter ninety thousand dragon power

Compared with the Lord Jinkui, Bai Yunfei's mood is actually very good.

As a result, he has already shaped the corpse of the Yuan Dynasty, and has tried many times over the years. Knowing that he can't collect more of the clay tyre of the Yuan Dynasty, and Kaiyuan Yunwu, he is not too disappointed.

Secondly, there is no trace of awakening, which means that awakening is basically gone, and there are no bones.

"Master, although it's a pity, even if we don't wake up, it's not easy for us to get the mud fetus of the beginning."

Seeing Jin Kui Mountain Master frowning, Bai Yunfei couldn't help but feel relieved: "Soon, I will go to the Southern God Realm, and then I will ask Master to help you take a look at Baiyu God Kingdom in the dark."

"Are you going to the Southern God Realm?" Jin Kui nodded, and said: "With your talent, you will be able to break out of the Southern God Realm soon, and Baiyu God Country will be handed over to your teacher."

"Then I would like to thank Master." Bai Yunfei smiled slightly: "If it is true as Master said, he has made a great deal of world in the Southern God Realm. Master's cultivation and teaching will be rewarded by Yunfei. ."

"Between our masters and apprentices, what do we say about these." Jin Kui Mountain Master smiled. He knew that it was only a matter of time before Bai Yunfei's talent surpassed himself.

In the future, he wants to go further and needs Bai Yunfei's secret help.

Next, Bai Yunfei and Jinkui Mountain Master left together, with the goal of Baiyu God City.

During the past period of time, the situation in the Kingdom of White Feather has further deteriorated. The rebels have successively captured many gods. They are already under the castle. Once the city of White Feather is broken, the Kingdom of White Feather will also declare its destruction.

However, the rebels obviously did not expect that all this was in Bai Yunfei's plan.

In Baiyu God City, what awaits the rebels will be the end of destruction.


Chaos Pool.

Suwaken ignored everything from the outside world, and first summoned the Sword of Profound Meaning to investigate.

Inside the sword of Xuanyi, there is a cloud of dark blue, giving people a full of spiritual taste, it is the sword spirit of the sword of Xuanyi.

"This sword spirit is just spiritual and can't derive wisdom." Su Xing observed it, but was not overly disappointed. This was limited by the Profound Yi Fa itself.

Although Xuanyi Fa is good, the doubled combat power blessing is already its limit.

"The combat power blessing brought by the fighting will has no upper limit in theory. I need to find a better way to assist the fighting will to cultivate."

Su Xing murmured and began to practice.

At this time of cultivation, he was ready to make a big effort to let his cultivation reach the peak of the ninth-tier Heavenly God Realm.


He took out the Xuanwu true liquid, operated the Nine Heavens Divine Art, and began to refine.

When the six drops of Xuanwu true liquid were all refined and refined, the awakened cultivation base had reached the peak of the ninth order of the Heavenly God Realm, and could not make any further progress.

Unless, break into the realm of God.

Because on the Holy Ancestor Demon Mountain of the Tianmozong Mountain Gate, his mother broke the shackles of his Divine Master Realm, so breaking into the Divine Master Realm is not difficult for awakening.

However, he did not intend to break through for the time being.

The improvement of the cultivation level requires not only breaking the shackles, but also the state of mind, self-savings, etc., all need to reach a certain level. In that case, every step you take, the foundation will appear quite solid and solid.

"It's also time to raise the physical realm."

Although half a month has passed, he wakes up and is not ready to leave. He cannot guarantee that Lord Jinkui and Bai Yunfei have completely left.

Moreover, he can just take advantage of this time to practice well.

Awakening took out a ray of Qi Yuan, and swallowed it into the abdomen.

The Qi of the Chuyuan is part of the Chuyuan Mud. The two are of the same ancestry, but they are more gentle. They are treasures for tempering the flesh.

It is said that enough primordial qi has been absorbed to allow the true body to have the same characteristics as the primordial fetus, which can enhance the talents of the gods, which is equivalent to shaping the true body into the primordial fetus.

A ray of primordial energy seems light as a feather, but in fact, it is as thick as a mountain.

If it weren't for the realm of awakened physical body, he would have entered the realm of heavenly gods, and the chaotic divine body he was cultivating would be difficult for ordinary people to hold.

After awakening and refining a ray of the original vitality, it was obvious that the power of the physical body had been improved.

He soon began to refining the second ray of Qi Yuan.

Time passed in a hurry, half a year later, the awakened physical realm had already been elevated to the ninth-level peak of the Heavenly God Realm, exactly the same as the cultivation realm.

Wake up and stopped practicing, and didn't try to rush into the Divine Master Realm.

Because the increase in physical strength is too significant, he needs a period of time to adapt, and the surge of strength can be used freely.

"There is still a lot of the Qi of the Beginning Yuan, and it can almost make my physical realm rise to the third level of the Divine Master Realm." Su Xing calculated it, and couldn't help nodding.

His physical strength now reached the strength of ninety thousand dragons.

If it reaches the power of one hundred thousand dragons, it will break through to the **** master realm, and in the **** master realm, every level of the physical body needs to increase the power of one hundred thousand dragons.

Its difficulty is ten times that of the Heavenly God Realm.

In terms of cultivation level, the situation is actually similar, which is why it becomes extremely difficult to fight across realms between the gods and main realms.


A light flashed in the palm of the awakening palm, and a fist-sized mud tire of the Yuan Dynasty appeared. It was placed in the Chaos Pool, and four words were left: "Small accumulation makes more."

Then, he left the Chaos Pool.

But not long after he left, the figure of Huanhua Fajun emerged, holding up the pile of Chu Yuan mud tires, and glanced at the four words again, his expression flickering.

How could she not understand the meaning of waking up.

This is telling her that if you want to get more of the mud fetus of the beginning of life and reshape the body, you need to help wake up and do things, and accumulate step by step.

"The wishful thinking is pretty good." Huanhua Fajun whispered, but he still put away the muddy womb from the beginning.

Dark Dragon Void Realm.

After more than half a year, there hasn't been much change here. Looking around, the world is vast and there is no sign of life, like a dead world.

After a virtual world is formed, it does not mean that life can be born immediately.

The birth of life is a very long process.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a rhythmic roar, as if the ancient giant was walking.

In fact, it is waking up and walking.

Every time he took a step, the ground around his feet vibrated violently.

In order to adapt to the surge of physical strength, he did not fly, but used the physical body to drive his way. With every step he fell, he could appear in a very distant place.

And, it caused a lot of shock.

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