Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2187: Huge gain

Chapter 2187: Great Harvest

The swiftly uplifting Chuyuan mud fetus resembled huge volcanoes, but what erupted from the mountain pass was not magma, but a dark yellow air current.

Rejuvenating eyes flashed, and it was difficult to hide the meaning of scorching heat. Those dark yellow air currents, called "Earth Origin Qi", had an extremely helpful effect on tempering the flesh.

The surrounding world collapsed, and the space continued to expand.

Wake up and feel the huge crisis, as if the next moment, he will be torn apart and wiped out.

He was awe-inspiring, but he still took out his storage bag and began to collect those "primordial qi".

This action took a great risk, and if he was a little careless, he would die.

The Huanhua Fajun who stayed in the Chaos Pool also had a solemn expression on his face.

After dozens of breaths, a space crack hit and awakened. Although he dodged in time, he was almost cut off.


Awakening no longer delays, flashing into the Chaos Pool.

There was a huge wound on his waist and abdomen, as if he had been cut in the waist.

But soon, the wound healed quickly, but after a few breaths, the recovery was intact.

He did not completely close the Chaos Pool, and was observing the situation outside.

The entire Dark Dragon Void Realm is like a huge balloon that is rapidly inflating. The void collapses, the world is in chaos, and the atmosphere of various avenues is raging. It is completely the scene of the end of the world.

Not to mention ordinary divine cultivation, it is the existence of the divine king, and if you stay outside at this time, there is no life.

With the power of the great eruption, the Chaos Pool flew towards the horizon, like a solid and immortal stone, unharmed.

Su Xing carefully observed the scene of the eruption of the Dark Dragon Void Realm. A Void Realm took shape, just like the opening of the heavens and the earth. Observing the whole process has extraordinary significance.

In the process of the great eruption, the area of ​​the Dark Dragon Void Realm has been greatly expanded.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the mud womb turned into the earth, and the Kaiyuan cloud and fog evolved into the sky.

I don't know how long it has passed. When the scene of the doomsday gradually disappeared, the atmosphere of the avenue stabilized, and mountains, lakes, plains, canyons, etc., began to take shape.

Looking around, a complete prototype of the world has been born.

As time goes by, there will be births, vegetation, forests and so on.

Wake no longer continued to observe, closed the Chaos Pool completely, and began to explore the harvest. In his storage bag, the accumulated mud tires of Yuan Dynasty turned into a small hill over a hundred meters high.

Around the hillside, there is a dark yellow primordial qi, a thick layer, exuding a strong and powerful aura.

In the sky, the clouds and mists of Kaiyuan gathered together and turned into a "pool" with a radius of 100 meters.

The whole body of the pool is azure blue, crystal clear, as if there is no weight, suspended in mid-air.

The three things, the mud tires of the early yuan, the clouds and mists of the early yuan, and the qi of the early yuan, each have their own magical functions and can be described as infinitely valuable. In particular, the amount of awakening is extremely large.

He carefully deduced and calculated, and found that only a small hill over a hundred meters high would be able to shape at least 10,000 Chuyuan fetuses.

"According to the previous agreement, you should now give me Chuyuan mud tire and Kaiyuan Yunwu." Huanhua Fajun's voice sounded beside Su Xing.

"Really?" Su Xing glanced at Fajun Huanhua.

"Do you want to fall back?" Huanhua Fajun's eyes condensed.

"Before Fajun said this, let's think back to the agreement between us and what happened."

Su Xing Feng Qingyun said: "As far as I know, Lord Fa hasn't taken any action this time, right? The so-called no merit is not rewarded, Lord Fa does not think that he is not qualified to get the Early Yuan mud tire and Kaiyuan Yunwu?"

According to the original plan, Falun Huanhua really needed help from awakening, but it was impossible for him to let Fajun Huanhua finish reshaping his body, because then, Fajun Huanhua could escape from the Chaos Pool and no longer receive him. Constraints.

Things like letting the tiger go back to the mountain will naturally not be done when you wake up.

It's impossible to say that Fajun Huanhua will attack him as soon as he leaves the Chaos Pool.

The plan can't keep up with the changes. In the Dark Dragon Void Realm, the strength of other people will be suppressed by the aura of the Great Dao, but awakening is not. He vaguely knows the reason, and it should be related to the source of good fortune.

This change makes it possible to wake up against the Lord Jinkui and Bai Yunfei without resorting to the power of Huanhua Fajun.

In this way, it is even more impossible for him to benefit Huanhua Fajun.

"From the very beginning, you didn't plan to give me Chuyuan mud tires, right?" Huanhua Fajun is extremely wise, he has seen his awakened mind, and cold killing intent is emerging all over his body.

"I persuade Mr. Fa to curb your killing intent." Su Xing did not deny anything, and said lightly: "Since a hundred-year agreement has been made, Mr. Fa shouldn't use other crooked brains.

"Let's wait and see." Huanhuafa Junan resisted the killing intent, because she knew very well that she couldn't deal with the owner of the awakening chaos pond before she had a physical body.

"Mr. Fa, it's not impossible to get the mud tires of the Yuan Dynasty. It depends on your performance in the future." Su Xing said lightly, looking at the back of Falun Huanhua.

Fajun Huanhua didn't speak again, wondering what was thinking in his heart.

Su Xing used his soul mind to perceive it, and found that Ye Xuehan was practicing on the altar in the center of the Chaos Pool, but it was more like a strange passive practice state after being cast by someone.

This is obviously the work of Huanhua Fajun, it is estimated that Ye Xuehan's memory of Chaos Pool has also been erased.

Awakening did not wake up Ye Xuehan, letting him fall into a cultivation state.

"As the Dark Dragon Void Realm takes shape, Mountain Lord Jinkui and Bai Yunfei should come in again to see if I am not dead. If I want to take advantage of the fisherman's profit, the wishful thinking is quite high, but unfortunately it is not destined to succeed. "

Su Xing shook his head, he was very confident in Chaos Pool.

The Chaos Pool after being completely closed is not much different from an ordinary stone in appearance.

It is almost impossible to find the Chaos Pool in the vast Dark Dragon Void Realm.

This is the power of the Primal Chaos Stone. When the Tianmozong Mountain Gate disappeared for so many years, no one has been able to find it. Since then, the Tianmozong Mountain Gate opened, and now it seems more like an initiative to appear.

So that the remnants hiding in the gate of the Heavenly Demon Sect took the opportunity to escape.

As for whether there is a master behind the scenes, I don't know for the time being.

Dark Dragon Void Realm!

With two rays of light running through the sky, they finally manifested as the Lord Jinkui and Bai Yunfei.

Both of them frowned when looking at the Dark Dragon Void Realm that had undergone upside-down changes.

"Yunfei, let's find it separately. I'll go east, and you go west." The Lord Jinkui left a word and flew towards the east. At the same time, his soul thought spread out, heaven and earth, no corner .

Undoubtedly, this is a huge project.

It took more than half a month before Jinkui Mountain Lord and Bai Yunfei reunited.

Needless to say, the master and apprentice knew each other's face when they saw each other's face.

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