Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2180: Reveal identity

Chapter 2180 Revealing Identity

The Dark Dragon Void Realm that Chaos first opened has no clear boundary between the sky and the earth, and it is perfectly integrated.

The earth-yellow mud tire of the Yuan Dynasty, like the embryonic form of a land, is about a thousand meters in radius, and the floating clouds are layer upon layer, full of mystery.

Bai Yunfei's words are full of deceptiveness, causing many disciples of the Hengshan Sword School to have brilliance in their eyes and eager to try.

Ye Xuehan seemed more composed, because she understood that it was almost impossible to get out of here alive.

While waking up, I was observing more things.

Chuyuan mud tires and Tianyuan Yunwu are both treasures. Anything you get is enough for a person to grow up quickly, but Bai Yunfei and Jinkui Mountain Lord did not collect them. There must be a problem.

Not long after secret observation, he woke up and found the clues.

Around the Chuyuan mud tire and Tianyuan Yunwu, there was an invisible aura of Taoism hidden, revealing a feeling of mighty heavenly might, even with his current strength, he felt extremely palpitating.

However, as time goes by, those heart palpitations are slowly diminishing.

"This Dark Dragon Void Realm is about to take shape!" Su Xing figured out the reason. As a Void Realm takes shape, the heavenly path that is conceived will gradually weaken its protective instinct for the Void Realm.

At the moment before the virtual world takes shape, the protective instinct of heaven will also dissipate.

"Bai Yunfei and Jinkui Mountain Master want to seize the fleeting opportunity to collect the Chuyuan Muzi and Tianyuan Yunwu." Su Xing said to himself.

Also at this time, a disciple of the Hengshan Sword Sect flew towards the Chu Yuan mud tire.

No one was surprised by his choice. Compared with Tianyuan Yunwu, the distance of Chuyuan's mud tires was much closer and easier to collect.


When the disciple of the Hengshan Sword Sect broke into the protected area formed by the heavenly aura, the strangulation was instantly wiped out. The last voice he left in the world was just an explosion when his body burst.

This scene changed the expressions of the Hengshan Sword Sect disciples who were eager to try.

Their cultivation base was low, and they couldn't perceive the existence of the heavenly aura at all. The death of that Hengshan Sword Sect disciple seemed very strange to them.

"Opportunity has always coexisted with danger, the next one." Bai Yunfei's indifferent voice sounded, with an unquestionable smell.

However, without the disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect going out, although their vision is not high, they also understand a truth, no matter how great the opportunity, there is no life to enjoy, it is no use.

It is a pity that the situation in front of them is that they are fish meat and Bai Yunfei is a knife. There is no room for negotiation.

Bai Yunfei's figure flashed, grabbing a disciple of the Hengshan Sword Sect, and throwing it towards the position of Chu Yuan's mud tire, and even more coldly said, "Go back and die!"

The disciple of the Hengshan Sword Sect had to summon the courage to rush towards the Chu Yuan mud tire.

He was very cautious, running his cultivation base, fully mobilizing his divine power, and interweaving it into a heavy body protection divine light.

However, when he approached the protective area formed by the heavenly aura, the body guard's divine light shattered in an instant, and his body exploded into a cloud of blood. The divine soul had no time to rush out, and it had already turned into fly ash.


Bai Yunfei's voice was like death sentenced to death.

One after another disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect, like moths fighting a fire, rushed towards the mud fetus of Chu Yuan.

This scene seemed very cruel.

Ye Xuehan's delicate body trembled slightly. Since she was sorrowful and indignant at what Bai Yunfei had done, she was also terrified and worried about her fate.

Her jade hand tightly grasped the awakened hand, seeking a trace of security.

But she also understood that when it was her turn, waking up would not save her.

At this time, Awakening had more gains. His disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect were all suppressed to a great extent in this Dark Dragon Void Realm.

However, he did not feel that way.

It was like the Heaven and Earth Avenue of the Dark Dragon Void Realm, unable to suppress him.

"Will the strength of Jinkui Mountain Master and Bai Yunfei be suppressed?" Su Xing's heart moved. He hadn't seen Jinkui Mountain Master and Bai Yunfei act, and he was not sure of this guess.

But if the guess is true, then this is undoubtedly an opportunity for him.

With this, he might even behead Jinkui Mountain Lord and Bai Yunfei within the Dark Dragon Void Realm. At least, he doesn't need to be too afraid of Jinkui Mountain Lord.

At a certain moment, Bai Yunfei's eyes fell on his awakened body, and said indifferently: "It's your turn."

"Elder Zhou!" Ye Xuehan tightly grasped the hand of Wake, not wanting him to have an accident.

"Why, do you still need me to do it yourself?" Bai Yunfei urged.

"How about you doing it yourself?" Su Xing glanced at Bai Yunfei and said provocatively: "Bai Yunfei, I thought you were a talented person, but I didn't want to. You can only play in front of our Hengshan Sword Sect. "

"What do you want to say?" Bai Yunfei squinted his eyes, and a hostile energy gushed out of his body.

"Zhou Yuan, don't talk nonsense." Ye Xuehan tugged at the corner of his waking clothes, motioning him to calm down.

"Since I'm dying, what else do I need to worry about?" Su Xing put on a calm look.

Hearing that, Ye Xuehan didn't stop him anymore. Indeed, his life was gone. Where else should he care?

Su Xing stared at Bai Yunfei, and said: "You have nothing to do with prestige, but a bereaved dog driven out by Feng Wufu. Although he was lucky enough to save his life, he didn't dare to see the sun and could only live. In a dark corner."

Bai Yunfei did not become furious, but his face was extremely cold, staring at his awakening, "Is that your name Zhou Yuan? I suddenly don't want you to die, because there is something more terrifying than death in this world. "

"Really?" Waking up was unmoved, and said lightly: "If you have the ability, just fight with me. Although I can't beat you, it's better than you. You can only hide in a dark corner. ."

"As far as I know, the reason you hide is because you are afraid of being discovered by the Supreme Daoist of Fengwufudi, right?"

"court death!"

Bai Yunfei suddenly fell into anger.

The words waking up completely angered him all at once.

With a bang, a surging divine power exploded in his body, instantly rushing towards the awakening of Zhou Yuan, which was transformed into Zhou Yuan.

Facing this scene, the disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect were all frightened, Ye Xuehan was also pale, but a faint smile appeared on his awakened face.

"Yunfei be careful!" Jinkui Mountain Master noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly drank.

In fact, Bai Yunfei had already felt that without his reminder, an unprecedented huge crisis quickly enveloped him.

I saw Zhou Yuan in his eyes, and a quaint mark appeared in his palm, slapped toward him.

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