Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2179: Enter the Dark Dragon Void Realm

Chapter 2179 Entering the Dark Dragon Void Realm


A disciple of the Hengshan Sword School summoned the courage to fly into the mist behind him, trying to escape.

However, as soon as he flew more than ten meters away, there was a divine light that hit him at a speed that could not cover his ears. With a bang, his body directly exploded into a cloud of blood.

This scene deterred all the other disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect. No one dared to move, and honestly followed Bai Yunfei.

"What a fool!" Xiao Guanshan couldn't help cursing inwardly as he watched the awakening in the crowd.

"I knew Zhou Yuan Fengliu for a long time, but I didn't expect that he would actually go to negotiate terms with His Highness for a woman. This is simply a dead end."

When Xiao Anyuan was angry, he said with some worry: "When Jingyu's practice is over, I don't know how to explain it to her."

"There's nothing to explain, Zhou Yuan has more guilty deaths." Xiao Guanshan said with a cold face.

Over the virgin forest, awakening pretended to be afraid, and flew forward, but from the corner of his eyes, he was looking at Bai Yunfei, as if he was looking for a chance to kill with one blow.

The reason why you don't have to look straight is because Bai Yunfei is very sensitive, and even if he reveals a little bit of killing intent at close range, he may be caught.

"Alertness is quite high. It seems that Hundred Flowers God is fighting, and it still affects him." Wake up soon to find that although Bai Yunfei is facing him, he has not revealed the slightest flaw.

At this moment, a fragrant wind pierced into the tip of his nose, and Ye Xuehan approached him, looking at the scared face of waking up, and said ironically: "Elder Zhou, didn't you say that you die under the peony flower and behave like a ghost? Now there is peace. Why am I afraid of the opportunity to be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks?"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth twitched, and he secretly scolded Zhou Yuan for too much spoofing, but on the surface he said: "Well, I am also in this field because of you. Don't you feel moved?"

"I'm dying, does it make sense to be moved?" Ye Xuehan bit her teeth and said, "Although you could not save me, if the catastrophe survives, what I said before will still count. I will agree to your request."

Obviously, she was still a little moved in her heart, but she didn't say it directly.

The disciples of the nearby Hengshan Sword Sect, even though they were very panicked at the moment, they still looked at Zhou Yuan with some envy. The three beauties of the Hengshan Sword Sect were all in their pockets.

Unfortunately, there is no way to enjoy Yan Fu.

Soon after, the group came to the sky above Dark Dragon Abyss, Bai Yunfei paused in his footsteps, and said: "You all follow closely. If you try to run around, even if I don't take action, the chaotic rules here are enough to kill you."

Hearing this, the disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect became even more frightened.

A soft jade-like feeling came from the palm of his awakening. Ye Xuehan took the initiative to grab his hand, and immediately the tension on that pretty face gradually disappeared.

This made Ye Xuehan herself feel very surprised. The man next to her gave her a special sense of security for no reason, as if he could face it calmly even if the abyss is boundless hell.

Suwaken didn't know what Ye Xuehan was thinking, and couldn't push Ye Xuehan's jade hand away, so she could only hold it.

As it flew towards the abyss, the chaotic rules became more and more dense, and gradually condensed into wind blades, ground fires, thunder and lightning, etc., swarming everyone, the scene is scary.

However, Bai Yunfei shot in time and opened up a safe route for everyone.

The awakened eyes couldn't help but squinted. When Bai Yunfei made a move to disperse the chaotic rules, a slight flaw was revealed. If someone is caught, it is difficult to seize the opportunity, but for awakening, it is not difficult.

Just as he was about to shoot, he suddenly felt a strong heart palpitations. At this moment, a golden light flew out from under the abyss and turned into the figure of the Lord of Jinkui Mountain.

"Sure enough, it's here." Awakening and converging his breath, he did not act impulsively. Mountain Lord Jinkui's strength is unpredictable. Even if he and Huanhua Fajun are added, it is difficult to threaten each other.

"Master!" Bai Yunfei saluted the Lord Jinkui.

The disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect also guessed the identity of the Lord of Jinkui Mountain. The deeds of Bai Yunfei are widely circulated in the Baiyu God. He learned from the Lord of Jinkui Mountain. Naturally, it is not a secret.

"No chance." Ye Xuehan's pretty face showed a hint of despair. She was talented and knew that since the Lord Jinkui had revealed her identity, then all those who witnessed it had no possibility of surviving and would be wiped out.

Her hand, which was subconsciously awakened, grasped tighter.

Like a drowning man, clutching the last straw.

The Lord Jin Kui nodded towards Bai Yunfei, and then looked at the many disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect. When his gaze passed over Suwa, he only paused for a while, without noticing the abnormality.

"Let's go!"

The Lord Jin Kui waved his hand.

Soon after, everyone reached the bottom of Dark Dragon Abyss and came to the front of the cliff.

Awakening glanced at the cliff, through the light rising from it, perceiving the breath of another world, and knowing that he had arrived at his destination.

"Let you come here, you don't have to let you die, there is also the possibility of a great opportunity, the key is whether you dare to fight with your life."

Bai Yunfei glanced at the people of the Hengshan Sword Sect and spoke lightly.

This is to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and let them use the residual heat of their lives.

Awakening didn't bother to bother at all, Ye Xuehan also saw the situation clearly, and there was no fluctuation in his mood, but there were still many disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect who believed it to be true.


The Lord Jin Kui took the lead to dive into the glow of the wall.

A group of disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect, under the supervision of Bai Yunfei, filed in.

When everyone came to the Dark Dragon Void Realm, they were still shocked by the opening scene of the world before them.

Even Ye Xuehan had bright light in her star eyes.

Awakening was also observing the Dark Dragon Void Realm, and soon discovered a large number of Primal Yuan mud tires and Tian Yuan clouds and fog in the sky.

"The earth-yellow substance in the front is called'Chuyuan Mud Tire.' It is an extremely precious treasure. I got the Chuyuan Mud Tire at the beginning, and then I rose all the way."

Bai Yunfei spoke slowly, causing a great shock. Then, he pointed to the sky and said: "Those clouds are formed by the condensation of the fresh air from the beginning of the heavens and the earth. They are called'Tianyuan Yunwu', which can help people grow rapidly. The same is the treasure."

"No matter which of these two things you get, you can leave alive."

"If you get enough, get rid of the weight given to me, you can still have some surplus, when that time is waiting for you, it must be soaring to the sky, famous for the North God Realm."

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