Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2168: Hengshan Sword School

Chapter 2168 Hengshan Sword Sect

Hengyue Divine Realm, there are many mountains in the territory.

Almost half of the famous mountains and mountains in Baiyu Kingdom are located here.

Those famous mountains and great mountains are often the birthplaces of the sacred crystal veins and mines. They are the sacred and wonderful places in the eyes of the world. Naturally, it is easy to give birth to many sect forces and ancient families.

Among them, the power of the Wuyuezong is the strongest.

The Sovereign of the Five Mountains Sect was also the only king of the opposite **** in the Kingdom of Baiyu, and was titled "King of Heavenly Mountain."

After the news that Bai Yunfei betrayed Fengwu Fudi and was awakened and killed in the Capital of Hundred Flowers, King Tianyue was the first to announce that he had broken away from the Kingdom of Baiyu.

After that, based on the Wuyue Sect, it united with many other sect forces and ancient families in the Hengyue God Realm to launch a war against the surrounding God Realm.

Only half a year later, King Tianyue had taken control of the other four God Realms nearby. Together with Hengyue God Realm, there were a total of five God Realms, forming a north-south confrontation with Baiyu God Kingdom.

Subsequently, he united with Wu Xiaohou and other leaders of the rebel forces to form a rebel alliance and launched a fierce attack on the Kingdom of Baiyu.

Baijia's ancestor city was breached and Qiyuan Divine Realm fell, but it was one of them.

During this period of time, King Tianyue and other leaders of the rebels have captured three more gods.

Even the ordinary gods of the Kingdom of White Feather had a feeling that the mansion was about to fall.

Faced with the onslaught of the rebel alliance, the kingdom of Baiyu was defeated like a mountain.

Between the mountains, flying boats shuttle up and down.

Su Xing and Nangong handsome stood on the flying boat, flew all the way north, heard many rumors, and had a general understanding of the situation in the kingdom of Baiyu.

"Don't Bai Yunfei care at all, whether the kingdom of Baiyu is destroyed? Even if he does not dare to show up in an open face now, using his strength to assassinate the leaders of the rebels is just a breeze."

"When the rebels have no leader and face the three gods of the royal family Bai family, how big a wave can they make?"

Along the way, Wake was thinking about this issue.

The situation in the Kingdom of Baiyu, especially the rapid speed of the imperial family's defeat, made him feel a little abnormal.

After all, the royal family also has three **** master realm powers. Among them, Emperor Baihan's cultivation level has reached the second stage of the **** master realm. Although there are as many as six **** master realm powers in the rebels, they are all only **** masters. At the first level of the realm, it is difficult to attack many gods in such a relaxed manner.

"Is it possible that Bai Yunfei has already come to the Kingdom of Baiyu? He deliberately set up this round, wanting to kill the leaders of the rebel army?"

Waking up could not be sure of this guess.

However, in line with the principle of caution, he kept his whereabouts very tight.

It wasn't that Bai Yunfei was afraid, but once the Lord Jinkui learned of his whereabouts, he would be in big trouble.

The Kingdom of White Feather is different from other places. There is a cycle of life and death with Fengwu Land.

Awakening now has some understanding of the cycle of life and death, which is a very special void passage, which was built by the innate dojo dispatched by experts.

The cycle of life and death can not only be used to assess Taoism, but also can be used as an extremely convenient means of transportation.

Through the cycle of life and death, Mountain Lord Jinkui was able to come to the Kingdom of White Feather in a very short time.

"Brother Li, we are almost here." Nangong handsomely cast a spell to stop Feizhou, tilted his head and glanced at awakening, and stretched his finger to the cascading mountains ahead.

Those mountains covered by clouds covered the fog, and faintly surrounded by the power of the formation, making the soul unable to snoop.

"In the mountains ahead, there is a sect called Hengshan Sword Sect." Nangong handsome said: "Before Bai Yunfei was connected to the palace by Bai Han, he was in the gods of Hengshan Sword Sect."

"How can you be sure that the Hengshan Sword Sect is the place where Bai Yunfei got the chance?" Su Xing asked.

"Because this Hengshan Sword Sect didn't follow the rise of Bai Yunfei, but it was still the same as before. Among the many sect forces in Hengyue God Realm, it is an extremely inconspicuous existence."

Nangong's handsome eyes showed a hint of wisdom, and then said, "Isn't this abnormal?"

Su Xing nodded and said: "It seems to be deliberately concealing the existence of this Hengshan Sword Sect."

Nangong handsome said: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I suspect that Bai Yunfei didn't want others to discover that he got the opportunity from the Hengshan Sword Sect, so he made such an arrangement on purpose."

Wake up: "Then what are you going to do?"

The handsome Nangong said with a look of gaze: "In this Hengshan Sword Sect, the supreme ancestor with the highest cultivation level is just a cultivation base that has just entered the realm of the gods of the sky. You can crush him to death with a finger, so let's just break in. Just go."

"Improper!" Su Xing shook his head and refused. Seeing Nangong handsome looking at him incomprehensibly, he explained: "Since Bai Yunfei attaches great importance to this Hengshan Sword Sect in secret, there must be some arrangement in it, I am afraid it will not be like you inquired. It's that simple."

This is just one reason.

The real reason is that it is easy to expose oneself by force.

"Brother Li is very thoughtful. I am impatient." Nangong handsome nodded and said: "Then let's wait until dark and sneak into the Hengshan Sword Sect?"

"It's not appropriate to sneak in. The best way is to join the Hengshan Sword Sect." Su Xing said.

"Join?" Nangong handsome stunned, and then smiled towards Su Xing: "What brother Li said about joining, is it to capture the people of the Hengshan Sword Sect and pretend to be them?"

Wake up and nodded. Although it would waste some time to do so, it was sufficiently concealed to be unaware of it.

After the discussion, Su Xing separated from Nangong Yingjun, squatting on the periphery of the Hengshan Sword Sect, trying to find an opportunity to "join" the Hengshan Sword Sect.

It stands to reason that there are many disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect, and there should be many disciples and even signs of activities of the elders around the mountain gate, which should be very lively.

However, after waking up and waiting for two or three days, he couldn't help but frown without seeing any figures.

He discovered something very unusual. The disciples of the Hengshan Sword Sect almost never went out, as if isolated from the world. This was obviously not right.

Late at night that day, he woke up and left his squatting point, and went to look for Nangong handsome. When he found Nangong handsome, he was squatting on a hillside, looking down with relish.

"Brother Li, it's just right that you are here, you have a blessing."

Nangong handsome pointed to the bottom of the hillside, regained a glance, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Under the hillside, a man and a woman are **** each other, moving hurriedly and appearing sneaky. At first glance, it is not a serious relationship between men and women.

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