Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2167: Bai Yunfei's plan

Chapter 2167 Bai Yunfei's Plan

Fengwu Fudi issues tokens to Daozi, including ordinary Daozi’s Fengwu Order and Supreme Daozi’s Supreme Fengwu Order, which are not only a status symbol, but also have some secret functions.

In Fengwu Fudi, there is a stone stele named "Fengwu God Stele".

The materials for the Fengwu God Stele are exactly the same as those of Fengwu Ling. Under normal circumstances, through the Fengwu God Stele, one can only perceive the approximate location of Fengwu Ling.

If the three mountain masters join forces to cast spells, they can perform accurate perception.

This is to prevent Daozi from being silently killed.

The Lord Jinkui naturally couldn't let the Lord Starry Sky and the Lord Yushan help to find out the specific location of awakening. He could only find that the awakening had left Fengwufu land and where he went, but he didn't know.

"Yun Fei, how can you be sure that the kingdom of Baiyu will come to the awakening?" Bai Han asked.

The Lord Jinkui also looked at Bai Yunfei quite puzzled.

"Because of Chu Yuan's fetal body."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly, and slowly explained: "When the gate of the Tianmozong's mountain gate was opened, Wake up rescued the Huanhua Fajun, one of the twelve great lords of the Tianmozong.

"But the Huanhua Fajun suffered heavy losses that year, and only a ray of remnant soul remains. She needs to reshape her body to be able to regain her strength step by step."

"With Huanhua Fajun's vision, the ordinary magical material that shapes the flesh, it is natural to look down on it."

"Now that I have exposed Chu Yuan's womb, Huanhua Fajun will definitely hit his mind on Chu Yuan's mud tire."

"It's not so difficult to lock the approximate range of Chuyuan's mud tires. At most, it takes time and effort. Now half a year has passed, and I must have found something when I wake up."

"He left Fengwu Fudi this time, basically for this matter."

I have to say that Bai Yunfei got rid of his high talents, and at the same time he was extremely smart and wise.

He has no real evidence, but after this speculation, he is very close to the truth of the matter.

Mountain Lord Jinkui and Bai Han are both old treacherous and cunning generations. After a little thought, you will know that Bai Yunfei's speculation is quite reasonable.

Lord Jin Kui said: "So, it is really possible to wake up in the Kingdom of Baiyu."

Bai Han said: "I will spread my eyeliner and try my best to find the trace of awakening."

Bai Yunfei looked at the Lord Jinkui and said, "Master, if you find a trace of awakening, please take action and be sure to smash him in the kingdom of Baiyu."

The Lord Jin Kui glanced at Bai Yunfei quite unexpectedly, and said, "Are you not going to kill Awakening yourself?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said: "After I stepped into the Divine Master Realm, he was no longer qualified to continue to be my opponent. I have a stronger opponent in my heart."

"Is it Red Moon?" Jin Kui Shan said.

Bai Yunfei couldn't deny it, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "That arrogant woman, in the near future, I will let her become my plaything."

Bai Han smiled and said, "My son is more ambitious than the sky."

Bai Yunfei said again: "I have returned to the kingdom of Baiyu this time, and there is one more thing that needs to be resolved. King Tianyue and Wu Xiao are waiting for them. At the beginning, I rewarded the'Blood Divine Stone' and broke into the Divine Lord Realm. He even dared to rebel against the rebellion."

"Don't they know that if I can achieve them, then naturally I can destroy them?"

Speaking of the end, Bai Yunfei's eyes showed a cold killing intent.

Bai Han also looked murderous: "Yun Fei, what are you going to do?"

The corner of Bai Yunfei's mouth ticked: "Push the boat along the river, and wait until they are near the city, and then they will catch it all."

A hint of hesitation flashed across Bai Han's face, and he said, "When King Tianyue and Wu Xiao wait for them to come to the city, I am afraid that life will be destroyed in the kingdom of Baiyu."

Bai Yunfei shook his head and said indifferently: "Father, kindness does not control soldiers. Through this incident, it is enough to see the lack of Baiyu Divine Kingdom's background. It is not bloody, and it is difficult to form a deterrent effect."

"When this matter is over, I may be leaving the Northern God Realm."

"Before I leave, I need to make God Baiyu's country completely silent against the Bai family, so that your throne can sit securely."

A hint of guilt flashed across Baihan's face: "It's because the father hasn't considered it well, then act according to your plan."

At this moment, the silent mountain master Jin Kui glanced at Bai Yunfei, and said, "Yunfei, since he has awakened to the Kingdom of Baiyu, he should have found something?"

"For example, in Baiyu Divine Kingdom, is there really Chu Yuan mud tire?"

The Chuyuan Clay Tire is an extremely rare treasure. It is the Lord of Jinkui Mountain. It is also very exciting. After all, he has created a Chuyuan Tire behind, which can not only help himself to practice and increase combat power, but also an excellent life-saving card.

It is precisely because of the existence of Chu Yuan's fetus that even if Bai Yunfei is driven out of Fengwufu Land, he can easily escape the catastrophe and live better than before.

Bai Yunfei didn't have the problem of accidental mountain lord Jinkui. He seemed to have expected it. After all, he couldn't hide the matter from mountain lord Jinkui.

After thinking about it, Bai Yunfei said: "I don't conceal from Master, there are indeed Chuyuan clay fetuses in the kingdom of Baiyu, and there are so many of them that they can create hundreds of fetuses."

Upon hearing this, a ray of light flashed in Jin Kui's eyes.

Bai Han also looked shocked and surprised.

Bai Yunfei continued: "It's just that it's almost impossible to get the Early Yuan Clay Tire. The reason why I was able to get it was completely lucky."

"In the following decades, I did not try to collect more primordial clay tires, but I did not succeed once."

"I even arrested a lot of divine cultivators secretly, forcing them to help me collect the primordial clay fetuses. In the end, no one survived.

The Chuyuan Clay Tire is of infinite value. After receiving it, whether it is used by itself or sold secretly, it can allow a person to grow rapidly.

Bai Yunfei tried countless methods, but failed.

That kind of feeling is as if God has given you a reward, and you can only have it. If you don't reward it, no matter how hard you work, it is useless.

The Lord Jinkui was silent for a long time before saying, "I want to try it."

"Then I will take Master to take a look." Bai Yunfei didn't accidentally say that Lord Jin Kui would say that. As a person, he couldn't maintain peace of mind when facing the mud tires of Chu Yuan.

After thinking about it, Bai Yunfei said again: "Master, in fact, if you kill and wake up this time, it will be a great opportunity."

"Indeed!" The Lord Jin Kui nodded. He knew what Bai Yunfei meant. Awakening is also a generation of energies against the sky. Although he only has the cultivation base of the gods, his wealth is much richer than many gods. Times.

God-given artifact, eighteen drops of basalt real blood, etc.

Everything is priceless.

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