Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2153: Yushan's main statement

The 2153rd chapter Yushan Lord expresses his stance

Through talking with Lord Yushan, Su Xing deeply realized how difficult it is to impeach Lord Jinkui.

First of all, you must meet the conditions for initiating impeachment and get the support of two mountain masters and ten Sanxuantian elders. Otherwise, even if you collect criminal evidence, you will just be doing useless work.

Secondly, he had to get Xuling Dongtian's approval and send out instructions before he could take the initiative against Jinkui Mountain.

And in Xuling Cave Sky, Jinkui Mountain Lord's best friend of Liuxuantian Elder would definitely not sit back and watch.

In other words, even if the criminal evidence is found and the impeachment is successfully initiated, it is difficult to win the Lord Jinkui.

Su Xing took a deep breath, her complexion returned to calm, and he walked towards the Lord Yushan, saying, "Thank you, Lord Yushan, for this announcement, Su Xing will leave."

After speaking, he was ready to leave.

"What are you going to do?" Lord Yushan asked.

"Since Fengwu Fudi's rules cannot be used to impeach the Lord Jinkui, then I have to use my own method." Su Xing stopped and said with his back to the Lord Yushan.

He will not give up dealing with Jinkui Mountain Lord because of the difficulties.

Feng Wu could not help him, he could help himself.

Cultivate hard, wait for the opportunity to assassinate when the cultivation base surpasses the Lord Jinkui.

Although in that way, once his whereabouts are revealed, he will be intolerated by Xiantian Dao, and he will even be hunted down, but it is obviously not hesitating to wake up.

The Lord Yushan felt the determination to wake up, and a pair of star eyes flashed with surprise, and then said: "It's really hard to be the Lord Jinkui if you are someone else, but if it is you, it may not be impossible."

Su Xing turned around and said with a surprised look: "Master Yushan, what does this mean?"

"This time you uprooted the Yunmeng. While you offended a group of people, you also made more people feel good about you."

"Xingkong Mountain Lord is a reasonable person. You helped him find the murderer of Stardust. He must be grateful in his heart. The same is true for Elder Ning Mo. In order to repay your favor, the two of them will probably agree to help you."

"In addition, Shi Zun, Nether Elder, and Lei Xueyi are definitely on your side. Let them contact you. The other Sanxuantian elders should not be difficult to get the number of ten."

"Plus my words, then you will meet the conditions for impeaching Jin Kui."

With a faint smile on Yushan's face, he made a clear analysis of the situation for the awakening.

"Master Yushan will help me too?" Su Xing was startled. This was the first time Lord Yushan spoke.

"If Jin Kui really committed an unforgivable felony, it would naturally be unreasonable and let him get away with it." Yushan said.

"Although I haven't collected enough evidence of crimes yet, I can be sure that what Jinkui Mountain Lord did is more than what Yunmeng said."

Su wakes up for a while, then said: "It's just from the Xuling Cave Sky side..."

Lord Yushan interrupted his awakening and said calmly and confidently: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I can solve it."

After regaining a awakening, he quickly reacted. The Lord Jinkui has a close friend of Liuxuantian, and the Lord Yushan may not have no friends in Xuling Cave.

You know, the Lord Yushan came from, looking at the Southern God Realm, there is also a very important family of Murong.

Even if the Lord Yushan left the Murong family, how could she not have a few powerful and extremely high-ranking friends based on her background?

"Thank you Yushan Lord!" Su Xing bowed deeply.

"Don't thank me." Lord Yushan shook his head and said: "I'm not helping you, just doing things impartially."

Reawakening nodded, but still remembered this favor in his heart.

"Go! You have to collect the most powerful evidence, otherwise I won't shoot it." The Lord Yushan issued a eviction order.

Su Xing said goodbye to Yushan Lord and walked out of the palace.

On the mountainside, he saw Ji Changkong and Nangongyi who came here. The two were like a couple of gods and goddesses. Ji Chang had an extraordinary air, rich and handsome, and Nangongyi was gentle and charming, beautiful and generous.

Ji Changkong and Nangongyi have been awakening to the foot of the mountain, and they are separated from him.

At this moment, in the heart of Suwa, there was some envy of Ji Changkong.

It is not envious of Ji Changkong's other things, but envious that he can practice with Nangongyi hand in hand.

"Xiantian Daochang..." Su Xing did not choose to fly, but walked in the mountains, a trace of melancholy appeared between her eyebrows, and she suddenly whispered in her mouth.

But when he thought that Luo Qingxue could practice better in the congenital dojo, the sadness gradually disappeared.

Although Dao Ancestor Qinglian was domineering, but not far away, she rushed from the Southern God Realm to the Northern God Realm to return the favor of the Empress Void. From this point alone, she would not ignore Luo Qingxue.

Furthermore, Luo Qingxue's **** source is the chaotic phoenix heart in the **** source of good fortune. He is unparalleled in talent and has enough qualifications to be trained by the innate dojo.

Although they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, as they wake up and practice, there will always be a time to meet.

The only trouble is that Qinglian Taoist ancestor is proficient in the way of cause and effect. It is estimated that Luo Qingxue at this time does not remember him, even if they meet, they can't know each other.

"The big deal is all from the beginning." Suwa is an open-minded person, and soon he is relieved.

Of course, this kind of relief does not mean that he has no grudge against Qinglian Taoist ancestor in his heart. After all, the latter stated that he and Luo Qingxue were to be separated from him. Sooner or later, this account would have to be calculated.

Su Xing did not rush back to Kunxu Peak, but went to find Lei Xueyi, Shi Zun, and Nether Elder.

He trusted these three people very much and informed them of his plan.

Lei Xueyi, Shi Zun, and Netherworld Elders all expressed their opinions one after another, and would help wake up in secret contact, and some Sanxuantian elders gathered up to ten people.

When he woke up and returned to Kunxu Peak, it was too late.

What surprised him was that two uninvited guests came to Kunxu Peak, a pair of father and daughter, it was Elder Ning Mo and his daughter Ning Niyun.

Bei Xuan and Gongsun Qi invited Elder Ning Mo and Ning Niyun to the reception hall.

Ning Niyun seemed to be about seventeen or eighteen years old, and she looked lovely. Her experience was even more sympathetic. She was imprisoned boldly by Mu Shuyang, the head of the dark hall of the Yunmeng.

That period of gloomy and dull years obviously left a lot of shadow and trauma in Ning Niyun's heart.

At this time, she saw the awakening, and subconsciously hid behind Ning Mo.

In Ning Mo's eyes, a deeply distressed color flashed.

While comforting Ning Niyun, he apologized: "Wake up, Niyun has no other meanings. This time she asked for it and came with me to thank you, but she is now more afraid of seeing strangers..."

"Elder Ning Mo, I can understand."

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