Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2152: Elder mechanism

Chapter 2152 The Elder Mechanism

Fengwu blessed land, Yuhuang Mountain.

The towering and tall mountains are covered with a layer of white mist, which is faintly visible. The white waterfalls are hanging on the cliffs. From time to time, there are sacred cranes whirling in the sky, making a crisp and pleasant neighing sound.

Outside the mountain, shrouded in a heavy array, it is impossible to approach.

This is the dojo of Yushan Lord.

Among the three mountain masters, Yushan Master received the least apprentices. Counting the newly acquired Ji Changkong and Nangongyi, there are only a few people. Therefore, Jade Emperor Mountain is much quieter than the others.

Wake up standing at the foot of the mountain, waiting quietly.

After a short while, the heavy arrays were opened one after another, and Ji Changkong stepped out, handsome, elegant, and extraordinary.

Compared with when he first came to Fengwu Fudi, Ji Changkong's cultivation base aura was also a lot more exquisite.

This time when I went to the Capital of Hundred Flowers, most of Daozi had gone, but Ji Changkong was not included.

Originally, Ji Changkong and Nangongyi were also going to go together, but they were awakened and turned down, so that they could practice with peace of mind and improve their strength as soon as possible.

"Master is already waiting for you, specially asked me to come over to greet you." Ji Changkong smiled warmly like jade.

"No hurry, you take these two things first." Su Xing took out the black dragon glove and a jade box carved from **** jade.

Inside the box, there are seven drops of Xuanwu true liquid.

The ten drops of Xuanwu true liquid he allocated to Kunxu Peak also counted Ji Changkong and Nangongyi in, so four of them were originally reserved for them.

The other three drops were saved after refining the Heart-Biting Poison King Gu.

There are still six drops of basaltic true liquid left after awakening himself, which is enough for him to push his cultivation to the peak of the ninth-order of the heavenly **** realm, and when he reaches the **** master realm, he can directly refine the basaltic real blood.

Whether it's the black dragon glove or seven drops of basalt essence, they are all invaluable.

Although Ji Changkong was not polite with Su wakes up, he still felt heavy in his hand.

His wisdom is extraordinary, why didn't he understand his awakened mind, and spending so many heavyweight resources on himself would also mean that he needed to take on a heavy responsibility.

"I heard from Master before that Fengwu Fudi's Daozi can go to the Xuling Cave Sky in Jiehai to practice after meeting certain conditions. Are you leaving?" Ji Changkong asked.

"Not yet." Su Xing shook his head and said, "There are still some things that haven't been resolved."

Ji Changkong nodded, did not ask more, but also heard the extraneous words of waking up, not leaving for the time being, does not mean not leaving in the future, obviously, waking up did have that plan.

Su Xing didn't mean to conceal it, saying: "If I leave, Tianxing Shenshan, as well as the Daozi Li Zhouxing, Sui Longchao, and Xue Ling, need your care."

"You do this, it puts me under a lot of pressure." Ji Changkong smiled, and said: "But even if you don't tell me, I know how to do it."

Without saying more, the two of them walked through numerous formations towards Jade Emperor Mountain.

Ji Changkong sent his awakening to outside a palace on the top of Jade Emperor Mountain, and then retreated.

Wake walked into the palace and saw the Lord Yushan.

Unlike in the Phoenix Palace, the Lord Yushan at this time only wore a plain white dress, but still could not hide her beauty, fair skin and graceful figure.

The years seemed to be on her body, leaving no traces.

After the Lord Yushan signaled to wake up and take a seat, he started talking straightforwardly.

When waking up and fighting against Bai Yunfei and the Hundred Flower Gods, Lord Yushan also acted resolutely and dealt with the Yun League and the elders involved.

The specific process, wake up without asking, can already be expected.

Afterwards, he handed a document to the Lord Yushan. The content of the document was about the matter of Sute recruiting Wang Yuan to become a Taoist son. Finally, it was signed by the four elders Su Xing, Lei Xueyi, Shi Zun, and You Ming.

"Since it's the person you recommended, I'm naturally relieved." Lord Yushan put away the document, didn't ask too much about Wang Yuan, and trusted Su Xing very much.

In addition, with the wisdom of the Lord Yushan, he also understands the intention of awakening to do so, and he is naturally relieved.

"Is there something else?" Yushan Lord saw that everything was basically after the discussion, but he awoke but didn't mean to get up and leave, so he couldn't help asking.

"Lord Yushan, I wonder if you think there is a problem with the Lord Jinkui?" After waking up for a long time, he said it.

Jin Kui Mountain Lord is different from Bai Yunfei. Not only is his cultivation level extremely high, his status is also extremely high. Even if he has real evidence, he may not be able to win him.

The best way is to get the support of other mountain owners.

The Lord of the Sky Mountain had just found the murderer of his son. At this time, most of them were still in grief. It was hard to wake up and disturb him. The only choice was Lord Jade.

The Lord Yushan did not directly answer the awakening, but said: "According to the rules of Fengwufudi, the Supreme Daozi has no right to impeach a mountain lord unless he has the support of two other mountain lords and more than ten Sanxuantian elders. ."

"Is there still such a rule?" Su Xing couldn't help but startled. This incident was somewhat beyond his expectations.

"The Lord of the Mountain is different from the Supreme Daozi, and is a person who truly represents the top of Fengwufudi. Whether it is abdication or other circumstances, the implications are great."

"Even if you really want to convict a mountain owner, you need to report to Xuling Dongtian first. After Xuling Dongtian is confirmed, an order can be issued before the convicted mountain owner can be detained."

Lord Yushan slowly explained.

"Then what if the mountain owner escaped before Xuling Dongtian issued the order?" Su Xing frowned.

"Since Xuling Dongtian will issue an order, it will naturally send someone to carry out the arrest." Yushan said.

"Even if there are many experts in the Xuling Cave, it is not easy to catch a mountain lord!" Su Xing shook his head, not as optimistic about things.

"It's true." The Lord Yushan paused, and then said: "One more thing, the Lord Jinkui has a close friend in Xuling Cave, who is the elder Liu Xuantian, who is of high authority."

"Liu Xuantian!" Su Xing showed incomprehension.

"The elder system of Xiantian Daochang starts from Yixuantian to Jiuxuantian." Yushan Lord explained: "Among them, the powers under the jurisdiction of the blessed land are only four Xuantian elders, and the highest is the seven Xuantian elders. ."

"Si Xuantian? Isn't there only San Xuantian?" Su Xing was even more confused.

"On the surface, the highest level elder in Fengwu Fortune Land is the Sanxuantian elder like Lei Xueyi, but in fact, our three mountain masters are also Sixuantian elders." Yushan said.

"It seems that a Liuxuantian elder is really a powerful person!" Su Xing sighed.

Even the Lord Yushan is just a Sixuantian elder, a Sixxuantian elder who is two levels higher than her. His power and cultivation are so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Mountain Lord Jinkui, who has such a close friend of the Six Profound Sky Elder, wants to convict him, undoubtedly it will be difficult.

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