Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2131: Tyrannical Star Mountain Lord

Chapter 2131 The Overbearing Star Mountain Lord

After Bai Yunfei's Chuyuan fetus exploded, the atmosphere inside and outside the Phoenix Palace was still very depressed.

The Lord Yushan who returned to the seat of God had a rather cold face.

And beside her, the Starry Sky Mountain Lord, who stood upright, was on the verge of rage, and the killing intent could not stop pouring out.

On the contrary, it was Jin Kui Mountain Master, who had always acted domineering, and he was surprisingly quiet this time.

"Law enforcement team!" Yushan Lord snorted coldly, and after a while, there were silhouettes shrouded in black robes, stepping out of the void, with a chilling breath.

Naturally, everyone is familiar with these law enforcers.

They are gods and deadmen, they only know how to act according to the rules and maintain the laws and safety of Fengwu Land.

"All the members of the Yunmeng and the elders who are in collusion with the Yunmeng, regardless of rank, all detained, and those who disobey, will be killed without pardon!" Yushan Lord looked coldly and gave orders.

She was obviously really angry this time, and she was going to be cleaned up.

"Murongyu, do you want to sanction us? There is no way."

"Hahaha... just don't do two things at all to make a **** road!"

There are five elders of Sanxuantian that Yunmeng colluded with. They knew that once they were detained, they would not escape to death. They hadn't moved before and were discussing something in secret. At this time, they all stood up.

"With the five of you teaming up, do you want to compete with me?" Yushan Lord's eyes narrowed.

"Murongyan, we know that we are not your opponent, but you have to think clearly. Once we do it, there will be a lot of Daozi who will be buried for us."

"That's right! Let us go, from now on, we will keep the water in the river."

The five Sanxuantian elders threatened Fengwu Fudi's Daozi and prepared to get out.

They all possessed the level of battle strength of the Divine Master Realm, and once the killing precepts were launched, there would indeed be a number of Daoists who would die in their hands, which would undoubtedly be a great loss for Feng Wufu.

"Then you guys give it a try!" Yushan Lord's attitude is very tough, obviously it is impossible to let go of the five Sanxuantian elders.

"Then let you take a look, we are amazing." The five Sanxuantian elders, with great understanding, rushed out one after another.

Upon seeing this, the Lord Yushan didn't mean to take action, and the mountain Lord Starry Sky next to her had already stepped out, just one step, the mountain Lord Starry Sky appeared beside the five Sanxuantian elders.

In the next moment, an immensely vast wave of divine power rolled out from the main body of Xingkong Mountain, intertwined into a starry sky domain, and enveloped all the five Sanxuantian elders.


The starry sky mountain lord's expression was cold, his killing intent boiled over his body, and he shot out five punches one after another in an instant, and each punch contained the mighty power of stars.

"Boom bang bang..."

One after another explosion sounded.

The five Sanxuantian elders exploded into a cloud of blood at almost the same time, and even the spirits could not escape, and they were all strangled together.

They underestimated the strength of the mountain lord too much, and tried to threaten the lord with the lives of the Taoists.

As everyone knows, they even have no possibility of flying out of the Phoenix Palace.

And the reason Yushan Lord didn't make a move was because the Starry Sky Lord who knew that he was full of murderous intentions, it must be impossible for the five Sanxuantian elders to escape.

Outside the hall, the Taoists who had been panicked because of the threats of the five Sanxuantian elders were naturally shocked when they saw the thunder method of the Star Mountain Lord.

At this time, everyone really felt how terrifying the strength of the mountain lord was.

Unlike the past, there is just a vague concept.

"Divine main realm fifth level!" Su Xing looked at the starry sky mountain master, and through the divine power fluctuations when the opponent just shot, he had inferred that the starry sky mountain master's cultivation base was in the fifth divine main realm.

The gap between each level of the Divine Main Realm is very huge.

And the mountain masters who can become Fengwu Blessed Land must be talented people, and their true combat power level is far beyond their own cultivation level.

Outside the Phoenix Palace, the elites of the Yun League who were ready to move, immediately calmed down.

The Master of Starry Sky Mountain shot, completely deterred them.

In this case, there is no way to escape, it will only die faster.

The law enforcement officers who were shrouded in black robes quickly followed up and detained all the elite Yun League outside the Phoenix Palace.

Among them, it includes another deputy leader of Yunmeng, Chai Yu.

With such a big incident in Yunmeng, Chai Yu was naturally ashamed, and did not resist, leaving the law enforcers to put on the shackles of characteristics.

"Master Yushan, I'm asking you to take care of the matter here." The Master Xingkong didn't give much explanation. He grabbed Wu handle and flew away.

One of the greatest tragedies in life is that a person with white hair gives a person with black hair.

Although the divine cultivation had the same life span as the sky, the death of Stardust also dealt a great blow to the Starry Sky Mountain Lord, so everyone understood his actions.

This time he left in a hurry, mostly because he wanted to cut Wu Bin's real murderer in front of Stardust's grave.

The Lord Yushan acted vigorously and vigorously. The law enforcement officers quickly took the Yunmeng members and the elders involved in detention, but they did not immediately interrogate or sentence them.

Because before that, there is another matter that must be resolved.

Before Bai Yunfei's Chu Yuan fetus blew himself up, the information revealed was extremely important.

It is about the city of Hundred Flowers and the lives of countless gods. The Lord Yushan also attaches great importance to it. In the final analysis, this matter is still caused by Fengwufu. If there is a problem with the Hundred Flowers, Fengwufu will bear the blame.

The Supreme Daozi rebelled and slaughtered countless gods and cultivators. The spread of this kind of thing would have a great negative impact on Fengwu's reputation.

The Lord Yushan glanced at Miao Kerr. She was very clear that the latter was absolutely unwilling to let her visit the Capital of Hundred Flowers in person because it was gambling the lives of countless gods of the Capital of Hundred Flowers.

Moreover, Bai Yunfei was not an ordinary person, and the Lord Yushan was indeed not sure, quietly beheading Baiyun Mountain in the Capital of Baihua.

"Ke'er Daozi, what do you think?" Yushan Lord asked softly.

"Leave it to me!" Su Xing spoke first, she knew Miao Keer's entanglement and embarrassment, and for him, it was naturally impossible to let it go.

"Brother Xing, don't go, Bai Yunfei dared to expose his true body position, Hundred Flowers God is now, must already be Longtan Tiger Lair." Although Miao Kerr is concerned about Hundred Flowers God, but she is not willing to wake up.

"Listen to me, that's it." Su Xing said with a very tough attitude.

"Brother Xing..." Miao Keer's eyes were red, and tears couldn't stop falling. How could she not understand that the reason why Su Xing was so strong was that she didn't want her to be in a dilemma.

"I'll accompany you." Lei Xueyi stood up and added: "Bai Yunfei only said that Lord Yushan would not be allowed to visit, but he did not say that other people would not be allowed to go with him."

"I am coming too!"

"Count me too."

"Senior Brother Su, and me."

"Kill Bai Yunfei and let him pay the price he deserves for what he did."

Outside the Phoenix Palace, the sentiment was indignant.

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