Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 2130: Thousand Patterns Destroyer Fist

Chapter 2130 Thousand Patterns Destroying God Fist

There are many god-given magic arts in the treasure hall of Fengwufudi.

For those who have good deeds, Luo listed a ranking for those gods who bestow magic skills. It is still notarized, and most people are very convinced.

And Bai Yunfei's fist at this moment, called "Thousand Patterns Destroying God Fist", ranks third in the Heavenly Granted Divine Art of the Treasure Hall. It is famous, difficult to practice, and extremely powerful.

Counting them carefully, Bai Yunfei's punch caused 846 ripples.

The power of Qianwen Deshen Fist lies in the ripples of the fist aroused after the fist is deployed. The more the number, the stronger the power.

However, in history, few people who practiced Qianwen Deshen Fist were able to punch 500 punches, and the most powerful person only punched 807 punches, which was recorded in history.

But at this moment, Bai Yunfei broke this record.

The most important thing is that everyone knows that Bai Yunfei's greatest strength is not boxing, but piano.

He was only able to achieve such an achievement by cultivating the boxing technique concurrently. This talent was indeed extremely high. If he hadn't regained his appearance, Feng Wufu would definitely have to be Bai Yunfei the first talent.


Circles of fist gang ripples, advancing towards awakening, the strength is endless and magnificent.

Waking up wanted to defeat Bai Yunfei with one move, which obviously angered him, so he directly cast the Thousand-Wen Extinguish God Fist to make Wakeup eaten and lose his face.

Everyone felt the power of the Thousand Patterns Destroying God Fist, and many people in their hearts did not think that awakening could defeat Bai Yunfei with one move.

However, no matter what others think, Awaken still looks calm.

When the ripples of fists and gangs arrived in front of him, he slowly raised his hand, and in the palm of his palm, a quaint imprint was already over.

What is different from the previous ones is that around this simple imprint, a phantom of gods emerged, guarding the simple imprint.

This is exactly the fourth type of the Eight Desolate Ancient God Seal, the God Seal!

This type of extinguishing **** seal requires the cultivation of the gods of the sky before it can be used.

As the awakening cultivation base broke through to the Heavenly God Realm, it was natural to comprehend this style, but it had not been performed before. After all, it was only a one-type seal, and its power was still much weaker than the combination of two-type and three-type seals.

However, the womb body used to deal with Bai Yunfei's Chu Yuan, awakening felt that it should be enough.

One palm and one punch!

The palm is the seal of the **** of extinction, and the fist is the fist of the **** of extinction.

The two quickly approached, as if a fateful collision began.

Around the Mie Shen Yin, all the phantoms of the gods raised their palms together, and slapped them against the wave of the fist that was advancing. With a bang, the wave of the first fist was shattered.

Immediately afterwards, Mie Shen Yin was like breaking bamboo all the way, crushing the ripples of fist gangs one after another.

It was like a depth bomb, thrown away in the stormy waves, and forcibly shattered the wave's original ferocious momentum, resulting in not much power aftermath spreading out, and the scope of the impact was not large.


In the sound of the explosion, Mie Shen Yin pushed the invincible hand all the way, and after blasting 846 waves of fist-gang waves, it hit Bai Yunfei's chest heavily.

With a puff, blood sputtered out, and the white clothes were stained with blood, showing miserable embarrassment.

After waking up, the breath of the whole body returned to calm, and he did not make any more moves.

Inside and outside the Phoenix Palace, it also became silent.

Bai Yunfei's Chu Yuan fetus, with half the strength of his true body, really couldn't stop the awakening move. It was beyond everyone's expectations and was shocking.

"Is this the battle power of the Eight Jade Heavenly Journey?"

"It's terrible. If Senior Brother Su does something to me, it feels like he can run me to death with just one finger."

Daozi outside the temple sighed again and again.

At the same time, when I watched my awakening, I couldn't hide the feeling of worship in my heart.

It was the Sanxuantian elders in the hall that also unconsciously showed a sense of solemnity, and most of the Sanxuantian elders who had awakened now were incomparable.

The pupils of Mountain Lord Jin Kui suddenly shrank, and he was also surprised at the strength that he revealed when he was awakened.

But the most terrifying thing is the speed of waking up.

He came to Fengwufudi, but in more than ten years, he has grown and transformed step by step from a small true **** to his current height.

Bai Yunfei coughed a few times, with blood on the corners of his mouth, but he was not depressed because of this, and his mood was as firm as a rock.

He looked calmly at the awakening, and said: "After all, it is just a semi-finished Chuyuan fetus. It is really too weak. If this is the case, I am in the Baihua Shendu, waiting for you to fight for life and death?"

"Hundred Flower Gods!" Su Xing's gaze suddenly condensed, and Soul Nian swept outside the hall, as expected, Leng Moyou was not found.

"Bai Yunfei, what have you done to the Kingdom of Hundred Flowers?" Miao Kerr flew in from outside the temple, full of anger and deep concern on the charming faces of sentient beings.

"I didn't do anything, it's just that the hundreds of millions of cultivators in the Hundred Flower God Capital, your mother emperor, and the Miao clan, all the lives at this time are in my hands." The way.

"You bastard!" Miao Kerr squeezed a pair of pink fists tightly, wishing to fly Bai Yun into pieces.

"Don't worry, your mother and the others, now there is no life worry, of course, after a while, it will be difficult for me to guarantee anything."

With an incredible smile on Bai Yunfei’s face, he said, “Miao Ke’er, you want to save your mother and the queen, but it’s actually very simple. Within three days, let you wake up to the Capital of Hundred Flowers, and fight with me. can."

"By the way, if I found out, Lord Yushan and the others, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

After finishing speaking, within Bai Yunfei's body, there was a wave of divine glory, a wave of tyrannical divine power, which quickly emerged, spreading in all directions.

"Go away!" Yushan Master yelled anxiously, his figure flashed, and in an instant he swept to a place not far from Bai Yunfei, stretched out his jade-like palms, and an extremely majestic supernatural power swarmed out, covering Bai Yunfei. Inside.

At the same time, with a bang, Bai Yunfei's body burst out with incomparably terrifying power, and the blasted bones of his primordial fetus were gone.

He detonated the source of the fetal body of Chu Yuan, and ended it in a self-destructive manner, and did not give anyone the opportunity to judge his corpse of Chu Yuan.

The self-detonation of the source of the gods, the power that was born is very terrifying, if it were not for the master of Yushan, the sturdy and magnificent Phoenix Palace would have been razed to the ground, and I don't know how many Taoists and elders fell and suffered heavy injuries.

The hall became quiet again.

Miao Ke'er lowered her head and said nothing.

There is a major crisis in the **** of flowers, she can't ignore it, but she doesn't want to wake up and take risks.

Because she also knew very well that since Bai Yunfei dared to reveal the position of his true body, he must be fully prepared, waiting to wake up and throw himself into the trap, and then it must be extremely dangerous.

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